SIGNS of the LAST DAYS: Revived Roman Empire

February 1, 2024 by  
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SIGNS of the LAST DAYS: Earthquakes, floods, famines and plagues

January 30, 2024 by  
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SIGNS of the LAST DAYS: Spread of Nuclear Weapons

January 25, 2024 by  
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Is Dubai the modern day Babylon?

January 20, 2024 by  
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SIGNS of the LAST DAYS: Increase in persecution of Christians

January 10, 2024 by  
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SIGNS of the LAST DAYS: The Mark of the Beast

January 5, 2024 by  
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Why Would Anyone Accept the Mark of the Beast? - David Jeremiah Blog


Celebrating 15 Years of Chaplaincy on the High Seas

December 20, 2023 by  
Filed under Events, Featured, Missions, News

We began our literal journey of ministry on the high seas in 2009. After exploring the opportunity for several years’ prior and submitting applications to various chaplaincy organizations which dealt with such ministry, the doors finally opened for Cup and Cross.

This search for a ministerial identity and its proper application in the real world coincided with the start of the Master’s in Chaplaincy Ministry Program which we designed for the Bulgarian Evangelical Theological Institute in Sofia around 2008-2009. The long standing relationships with professors, active military chaplains from various fields and countries, and the wisdom of several Generals in the field helped us calibrate our ministry focus with what is needed by real people in the real world.

The new fad “to be real” is not enough in a realistic ministry setting. When 25ft. high storm waves beat the aft and the ship is thrown towards the dark wall of ocean waters ahead, one cannot help but “to be real” and depend on a very real and skilled crew. A captain alone cannot run the boat through a storm even if all systems are reported working. It is the crew deep down in the engine room and making its way on the slippery deck that makes it all happen.

The Crew. Some of them have not seen their families for months or even a year at times. They struggle with the same fears and anxieties as the rest of us. Except, while the rest of us can hold on to something for dear life, the crew is obligated by duty to continue to serve and move the boat ahead. The little chapel on the top deck becomes a passage to a lagoon past the riffs of stormy life where stories are shared, prayers are lifted up together and human lives are reclaimed anew for Heaven.

We have found these nontraditional paths of travel and ministry yielding the most unique encounters and connections for Kingdom growth.  Our family is thankful for these 10 years and looking forward to even more means of ministry outside of the four church walls.  If you would like for us to come to your church as share our journey feel free to reach out to us.

Also important [click to read]:

More Publications on the Topic and History of Events:


December 1, 2023 by  
Filed under Featured, Media, Missions, News

By Kathryn Donev

If I were to ask you if it would be okay for your child to hang out with a friend that actively practices witchcraft, I’m certain you would be appalled by the question and your very quick response would be a sharp, “No”. But when encompassed in a kid friendly fantasy world, a young boy named Harry who studies at a school of wizardry and possesses a simple stick that shoots cool fireballs seems harmless.
I’m reminded of a story in Leviticus in which two boys thought it would be okay to play with strange fire.

It’s a very simple story. Arron’s sons, Nadab and Abihu, who were priests of the wilderness tabernacle took their censers and put unauthorized fire in them. They then were instantly consumed by the Fire that came from the presence of the Lord and died. The Potter’s fire, the true fire, the authorized, familiar fire consumed everything. This is a lesson that teaches that we are not to let our children play with strange fire. A potter’s fire that seems so innocent, could cost your children their life.

It is our responsibility as parents to teach our children that we are not to play with cool looking fire even though it’s only “make-believe”. Witchcraft is real. It is dangerous. It is confusing and The Potter is not a God of confusion. We must protect our children from being consumed.

SIGNS of the LAST DAYS: Good called evil and evil good

November 10, 2023 by  
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SIGNS of the LAST DAYS: GOSPEL preached to all the world

November 5, 2023 by  
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