Revival Harvest Campaign 2014 in Sliven
Revival Harvest Campaign 2014 in Plovdiv
Revival Harvest Campaign 2014 in Samokov
Revival Harvest Campaign 2014 in Bulgaria
For the 11th year in a row we have initiated our Revival Harvest Campaign in Bulgaria – a time of intense ministry throughout the whole country. This year we’ve invited a Danish minister by the name of Johny Noer who first came 25 years ago while Bulgaria was still under communism.
In April, 1989 Brother Noer and his Pilgrim Convoy entered Bulgaria from its Southern border. They met with Bulgarian believers under the Regime and ministered in several churches along the way. Their last services were in the Black Sea port city of Varna where 4,000 gathered in the first service alone.
The message he preached was plain and simple. In fact, it contained the exact words he was forbidden by the Communist Police to say after being arrested and his passport taken from him. The words of the message were: “LET MY PEOPLE GO!”
At the Sunday morning service, over 8,000 Bulgarian Christians from the whole country gathered in and around the Pentecostal Church of Varna. They were all surrounded by a dense police cordon. Johny Noer stood at an improvised (makeshift) platform on the roof of the old church building at Lenin Boulevard with a message which shook the spiritual foundations of Bulgaria: “LET MY PEOPLE GO!” No more than seven months later, the communist government in Bulgaria resigned never to take power in the country again.
Exactly a quarter of a century later, we’ve invited brother Johny Noer to Bulgaria again to proclaim the words of the same message to the same people of the same God: “LET MY PEOPLE GO!”
X Youth Event Reunion
X 7.7.7 @ Black Sea
X 8.8.8 @ the Heart of Bulgaria
X 9.9.9 @ Gipsy Ghetto of Samokov
X 10.10.10 @ Cyprus
X 11.11.11 @ Chicago
X 12.12.12 @ End Time Revival
Revival at Kinser Church of God
Revelation Revival at River Hills Church
2013 Revival of Study Bibles Reviews
- Read the Spirit Filled Life Bible Review
- Read the Fire Bible Review
- Read the Mission of God Study Bible Review
We are undertaking the task of comparing and reviewing a growing number of Study Bibles appearing on the book market recently in what appear to be a 21st century Revival of Study Bibles. We will be including some classical titles as well, but overall this study will have three parts dealing with three distinct types of Study Bibles namely: (1) Non-Pentecostal, (2) Pentecostal and (3) Prophecy Related. [read more]
End of Days Revival Series
Cup & Cross Ministries International is presenting a five part special teaching series on the End of Days Revival starting Monday December 17, 2012 at 8 PM. Services will be held every day of the week through 12.21.12 and then starting again on Sunday December 23 with our 2012 Christmas service. Please join us in prayer as we will be ministering extensively while broadcasting the services LIVE to our audience abroad.