WebMinistry 2.0 for Churches: A Step-by-Step Guide

March 20, 2014 by  
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Spiritual Problems and Solutions from the 7 Churches of Revelation

January 10, 2014 by  
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Network of the Seven Churches of Revelation

Although the Book of Revelation has been vastly studied and interpreted throughout church history, usually the focus is on one major issue within the text, namely, the role and future of the church. The main reason for this has been the in-depth prophetic and pastoral messages to the Seven Churches. The value of the messages to the Seven Churches of Revelation is constituted by the fact that they are the last recorded Biblical messages to the Christian Church. For this reason, the letters to the Seven Churches obviously do not contain all of the usual elements used in the New Testament epistolary form.

Read the full text of the presentation (PDF)

Annual Conference of the Bulgarian Churches in North America

May 25, 2013 by  
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bulgarian-churchBulgarian Churches in the United States meet this weekend for their annual conference in Dallas, Texas. They are hosted by the local Assemblies of God as the Bulgarian churches represent Full Gospel, Foursquare, the Church of God and independent works. Currently, there are regular Bulgarian church meetings in Chicago, Dallas, Houston, Las Vegas, Los Angeles and Minneapolis. Through the years, small groups have sporadically started meetings in Buffalo, St. Louis, Seattle and three places in Florida: Ft. Lauderdale, Tampa and Jacksonville. Through the years, we have assisted with the church projects in Atlanta, San Francisco and Washington, D.C. There have also been attempts to restore the meetings in Washington State, where the difficulty is that most Bulgarians live in the outer suburbs.

See all Bulgarian Churches in the United States, Canada and Europe on our catalog website http://bulgarianchurches.com/

Churches and Social Media

August 20, 2012 by  
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Bulgarian Churches in North America

April 15, 2012 by  
Filed under Books, Featured, News

bulgarian-churchBulgarian Churches in North America results from a comprehensive dissertation work on emerging Bulgarian American congregations. The book incorporates some twenty years of research, which the author began while involved with the establishment of the first Bulgarian Church of God in North America initially located in the city of Chicago. The work presents an overview of the historical presuppositions and immigrant dynamics associated with Bulgarian churches is offered to enlighten the current problem of ministry. Next, a detailed contextual analysis describes the churches participating in the project. The project model design explains the research methodology and the study’s findings, which provide the first ever statistical overview of Bulgarian American congregations. The work concludes with a series of prognoses of the explored movement of evangelical churches, various considerations and an A-to-Z church planting proposal to serve as a paradigm for ministry and church planting among Bulgarian immigrant communities in North America.

Bulgaria in Pictures: Churches

December 5, 2011 by  
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Bulgarian Churches in Western Europe

December 15, 2010 by  
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Bulgarian Churches in Spain

December 10, 2010 by  
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Bulgarian Churches in the United Kingdom

December 1, 2010 by  
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Bulgarian Churches in Cyprus

November 30, 2010 by  
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