Cup & Cross in Bulgaria
Cup & Cross Broadcasting over Cameroon
The Bonne Nouvelle (Good News) Radio in Cameroon is starting to broadcast Cup & Cross Ministries’ revival services. The Nouvelle Radio is a national broadcast network with six regional stations located in the towns of Yaounde (the capital), Douala, Bafoussam, NgaounderĐ¹, Kribi and Ebolowa. The Ebolowa station alone provides coverage over four major Cameroonian cities (Mengong, Bewong-bane, Abang, and Bityli). It is projected that the services will soon be broadcasted through a seventh retranslating station in the town of Kye-osi at the border with Equatorial Guinea.
Cup & Cross in Bulgaria
Since September 1996, our work in Bulgaria has grown tremendously from two village churches to a Regional Pentecostal Fellowship of more than ten local congregations within the Church of God. As our team of eight ministers averages over 100 services per month, we are faithfully providing pastoral care for the following churches:
1. Alexandrovo Church 45 miles away from Yambol has 10 members. Cup & Cross Ministry Team has held 1 service per week there since May, 2001.
2. Bogorovo Church 38 miles away from Yambol has 30 members including the mayor. Cup & Cross Ministry Team has held 1 service per week there since October, 2000.
1. Dobrinovo Church 42 miles away from Yambol has 30 members. Cup & Cross Ministry Team has held 3 services per week there since March, 2003.
2. Iretchekovo Church 20 miles away from Yambol has 26 members. Cup & Cross Ministry Team has held 1 service per week there since January, 2003.
3. Kamenetz Church 32 miles away from Yambol has 50 members including the mayor. Cup & Cross Ministry Team has held 5 services per week there since February, 2000.
4. Kozarevo Church 7 miles way from Yambol has 58 members. Cup & Cross Ministry Team has held 1 service per week there since December, 2003.
5. Leyarovo Church 38 miles away from Yambol has 12 members including the mayor. Cup & Cross Ministry Team has held 2 services per week there since May, 2000.
6. Lulin Church 28 miles away from Yambol has 17 members including the mayor. Cup & Cross Ministry Team has held 2 services per week there since October, 2000.
7. Parvenetz Church 35 miles away from Yambol has 6 members. Cup & Cross Ministry Team has held 1 service per week there since March, 2003.
8. Polyana Church 52 miles away from Yambol has 60 members. Cup & Cross Ministry Team has held 2 services per week there since October, 1999.
9. Robovo Church 38 miles away from Yambol has 10 members. Cup & Cross Ministry Team has held 1 service per week there since May, 2000.
10. Tamarino Church 30 miles away from Yambol has 10 members. Cup & Cross Ministry Team has held 1 service per week there since December, 2002.
11. Tchukarovo Church 52 miles away from Yambol has 12 members including the mayor. Cup & Cross Ministry Team has held 2 services per week there since May, 2000.
12. Vodenitchane Church 26 miles away from Yambol has 16 members. Cup & Cross Ministry Team has held 2 services per week there since January, 2003.
Cup & Cross Globally
India: Pastor J. D. Rebba and Pastor Kumar from India has invited us to hold a revival crusade with a group of over 30 churches under their district supervision.
Cameron: The Pentecostal Christian radio station of Cameroon has requested audio tapes and digital recordings of our revival services to use them in their regular broadcast.
Greece: In partnership with the evangelistic efforts of the Church of God in connection with the Summer Olympic Games in Athens this year, our ministry team in Bulgaria is preparing for an evangelistic outreach in Southern Bulgaria during the time of the Olympic Games.
Cup & Cross Ministries 2003 Ministry Report
In 2003 Cup & Cross Ministries was active in both the United States and Bulgaria. Through an international call for Pentecostal revival, our team was able to minister, analyze, inform and strategize with Pentecostal churches in the United States, the Philippines and India while working closely with the network of Bulgarian Evangelical Churches in North America and the Bulgarian Church of God. Cup & Cross Ministries accented on revival evangelism, leadership training, mission outreaches, church planting and the use of media accomplishing the following results:
1. Held over 50 revivals and church services in the United States
2. Organized and held a national Revival Harvest Campaign which spread in five states in the period of six months
3. Held over 1,200 church services in Bulgaria
4. Organized three new churches in the Yambol region of Bulgaria
5. Traveled collectively over 30,000 miles providing pastoral care for 17 churches in the Yambol region of Bulgaria
6. Organized and held six training seminars for ministers in the Yambol region of Bulgaria
7. Compiled, analyzed and published the official current growth statistics for the Bulgarian Church of God
8. Organized and held two ladies conferences entitled Women of Godliness in the Yambol region of Bulgaria
9. Held three baptism services for over 30 people, an adequate number of communion services, prayer meetings and holiday services for churches and communities
10. Provided timely analyses for the political, economical and social conditions in Bulgaria and their effect on the Bulgarian Protestant Movement
11. Increased the number of published monthly informative bulletins about Bulgaria and the Bulgarian Church
12. Broadcasted over 50 weekly radio Chastain programs with air-coverage in the Yambol region of Bulgaria and accented on the international media outreach providing timely information via radio, television and internet
13. Continuously provided insightful facts and analyses of the history of the Bulgarian Protestant Movement from a ministerial point of view and its effect on the Bulgarian Church in the beginning of the 21st century
14. Reprinted and distributed an adequate number of Sunday School materials
15. Studied and analyzed the growing number of Bulgarian Evangelical churches in North America and provided training strategies for ministers and churches to lay the foundation for a nationwide network and further inner-structure development