BULGARIA in Brill’s Encyclopedia of Global Pentecostalism

November 15, 2023 by  
Filed under Books, Featured, Media, Missions, News, Publication, Research

Brill’s Encyclopedia of Global Pentecostalism (BEGP) provides a comprehensive overview of worldwide Pentecostalism from a range of disciplinary perspectives. It offers analysis at the level of specific countries and regions, historical figures, movements and organizations, and particular topics and themes. The online version of the Encyclopedia is already available

For some of you it has been a long time ago that you submitted your article(s) for BEGP, for others it was a bit more recent, but I am very happy to announce that this Summer the print edition of Brill’s Encyclopedia of Global Pentecostalism will finally see the light. With this we can proudly close this chapter and proceed to see what the reception of the volume will bring! Thank you for being part of this great project!

To celebrate, we will organize an online symposium on September 16th, with presentations from the editors as well as 3 experts who will comment on BEGP: Amos Yong, Birgit Meyer and Néstor Medina. You can find more detailed information in the attached flyer. Please be welcome.

Registration is free (but necessary to receive a link); we will raffle one free copy of the print edition among the registered participants. For registration and questions, please send your message to begp@brill.com, mentioning Symposium in the subject line.

We hope to see you then!

SIGNS of the LAST DAYS: Good called evil and evil good

November 10, 2023 by  
Filed under Featured, Media, Missions, News, Publication

SIGNS of the LAST DAYS: GOSPEL preached to all the world

November 5, 2023 by  
Filed under Events, Media, Missions, News


October 20, 2023 by  
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Polk Revival Going on for a Month

October 15, 2023 by  
Filed under Featured, Missions, News, Research

Initially 7, now 8 churches and multiple ministries across Polk County, TN have set to seek after the will of God for revival in their area after the pandemic. The revival has gone on now over a month each week changing to another of the original seven church locations. Over a thousand have attended in total during September alone with multiple saved, recommitted and called to the ministry in the past month. Though Fridays were set as days for prayer and reflection, on several occasions services continued well through the weekend into the next church.

Churches from the greater Conasauga, Reliance, Ocoee, Old Fort, Benton, and Delano communities along with the two oldest Polk County congregations at Cookson Creek and Friendship Baptist, are joining piece by piece the original vision God has given to many ministers for this area of East Tennessee. While a few have seen it as continuation of the Lee University student revival, most have found it as restoring the original Appalachian/Cherokee holiness outpouring, which took place among L&N Depot and Hiwassee River Rail Loop workers in the old Methodist church across from Etowah‘s chamber of commerce. As Polk Revival continues strong, the participants are requesting prayer from all who love the Lord and have awaited His renewal of the land and His people. https://polkrevival.com/

SIGNS of the LAST DAYS: Middle East Tension

October 10, 2023 by  
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SIGNS of the LAST DAYS: Israel Restored

October 5, 2023 by  
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Revival in Progress

October 1, 2023 by  
Filed under Events, Featured, Missions, News

When we wrote back in March and again last month, we could hardly imagine what God had in store for our area. After three full weeks of revival with the Ballplay (9/17-22), Friendship (9/25-30) and Conasauga (10/2-5) churches, three more revivals are on our schedule this month. Swept by the wave of the Spirit, several independent churches have joined in with parallel meetings, thus multiplying the expected attendance exponentially. Impressed to extend the revival through November, our next 20+ consecutive meetings will be in revival tents by the highway. Meanwhile all across the country of Bulgaria:

  • Pandemic has grown to the level of “mandatory” mask mandate across the country
  • Importing Ukrainian “war grain” sparked multiple anti-government protests in Bulgaria
  • As a result, the 5th government elections in Bulgaria since the pandemic will be in October
  • A new NATO base (est. $55 mil.) will be built within the next few months next to my hometown of Yambol, which is bringing new attention to our Chaplaincy program there.

We appreciate your prayers and support at all times. We remain grateful for your commitment and partnership with our work for the Kingdom here in the States, Europe and beyond.

Bulgaria builds permanent NATO base near Yambol

September 30, 2023 by  
Filed under Featured, Missions, News, Publication

By 2025 the Ministry of Defense will build an entire small town, in which the soldiers of the NATO allies from the multinational battle group on the territory of Bulgaria will live.

The estimated cost is at least 50 million euros but the final sum will become clear after the design is completed, Minister of Defense Todor Tagarev has told the MPs from the Defense Committee in Parliament. Military personnel of about 1,500 will reside in the town permanently, but it should be able to shelter up to 5,000 people.

It has not yet been decided where the base would be located, but the military has hinted that the region of Yambol is the most suitable area with the nearby air base of Bezmer. According to the minister, the construction of the military town will be economically beneficial for Yambol and the region.

Bulgaria’s President set a Date for this year’s Elections

September 25, 2023 by  
Filed under Events, Featured, Missions, News, Publication

Bulgaria’s President Rumen Radev signed a decree today scheduling the elections for mayors and municipal councilors for October 29.

The head of state has determined the date after a working meeting with representatives of the leadership of the Central Election Commission (CEc).

The conversation discussed the specifics of the local vote and the upcoming work on the organization of the election process. The CEC has informed the president of the technical and logistical features that the commission must comply with for the local elections and its readiness for their holding.

Here you can read about the results of a study that determined for who will one-third of Sofia residents will vote as their future mayor.


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