Bulgarian Evangelical Church in Ruse
Bulgarian Evangelical Church in Plodvid
Bulgarian Evangelical Churches in the European Union (2017 Report)
- Bulgarian Evangelical Churches in Germany
- Bulgarian Evangelical Churches in Spain
- Bulgarian Evangelical Churches in England
- Bulgarian Evangelical Churches in France
- Bulgarian Evangelical Churches in Belgium
- Bulgarian Evangelical Churches in Italy
- Bulgarian Evangelical Churches in Cyprus
- Bulgarian Evangelical Churches in Crete
- First Bulgarian Church in Chicago Opened in 1907
- Gateway Cities for Bulgarian Evangelical Churches
- How to Start a Bulgarian Church in America from A-to-Z
- Unrealized Spiritual Harvest as a Paradigm for Cross-Cultural Ministries among Migrant and Disfranchised Ethnic Groups in America Today
2017 Catalog of Immigrant Bulgarian Evangelical Churches around the World
Bulgarian Evangelical Churches in the European Union (2017 Report)
- Bulgarian Evangelical Churches in Germany
- Bulgarian Evangelical Churches in Spain
- Bulgarian Evangelical Churches in England
- Bulgarian Evangelical Churches in France
- Bulgarian Evangelical Churches in Belgium
- Bulgarian Evangelical Churches in Italy
- Bulgarian Evangelical Churches in Cyprus
- Bulgarian Evangelical Churches in Crete
Bulgarian Evangelical Churches in America (2017 Report)
- Bulgarian Evangelical Churches in Chicago (2017 Report)
- Bulgarian Evangelical Churches in Texas (2017 Report)
- Bulgarian Evangelical Churches – West Coast (2017 Report)
- Atlanta (active since 1996)
- Los Angeles (occasional/outreach of the Foursquare Church – Mission Hills, CA)
- Las Vegas (outreach of the Foursquare Church – http://lasvegaschurch.tv)
- San Francisco (occasional/inactive since 2012, Berkeley University/Concord, CA)
Bulgarian Evangelical Churches in Canada (2017 Report)
- Toronto (inactive since 2007)
- Toronto/Slavic (active since 2009)
- Montreal (occasional/inactive since 2012)
- New York, NY (currently inactive)
- Buffalo, NY (occasional/inactive)
- Jacksonville, FL (occasional/inactive since 2014)
- Ft. Lauderdale / Miami (currently inactive)
- Washington State, Seattle area (currently inactive)
- Minneapolis, MN (occasional/inactive since 2015)
- First Bulgarian Church in Chicago Opened in 1907
- Gateway Cities for Bulgarian Evangelical Churches
- How to Start a Bulgarian Church in America from A-to-Z
- Unrealized Spiritual Harvest as a Paradigm for Cross-Cultural Ministries among Migrant and Disfranchised Ethnic Groups in America Today
All Bulgarian children must go to school
All Bulgarian children must go to school! A new legal measure called “Highway to Knowledge” calls for police enforcement over children who do not attend public school and heavy fines on their parents.
All children who do not go to school by October 20th will be brought to school with the help of the police. Five skipped class periods will cost a $100 fine for the parents (min. monthly salary in Bulgaria is about $300)
By August 31st of the school year, each school will turn in lists of students attending along with addresses and social security numbers as part of their annual school registration. If a student does not start attending school by October 20th of the school year, a “social assistance team” will be provided to bring the student in for class. This “social assistance team” will have a policeman, a pedagogy and a counselor. At least one such team must be formed in each city or village that has at least one school. The teams will tour the homes of the students not in attendance, talk to parents and explain what the sanctions are if the children are not enrolled in a school or kindergarten. If the team does not find the child at their current address, names and data will be posted by the Ministry of Interior. These teams will also be responsible for creating an individual plan for each child and what kind of help they need to remain in the education system.
By September 30th, school principals must enter the names and the data of all students enrolled in an electronic database. Each month, the system will generate a report with all absentees and appropriate action will be taken. Pre-schoolers who have not attended school for more than three days will also be reported. The parents of these children will be fined under the School and Pre-school Education Act.
Bulgarian Churches in Germany (2017 Report)
#1 Baptistenkirche, Müller Straße 14 Berlin
#2 Zollhofstrasse 4, 67061 Ludwigshafen
#3 Stadtmission Waldsrt. 36, Offenbach am Main
#4 Lotztstr. 54, 65934 Frankfurt
#5 Kaiser Wilhelm Str. 255, 47169 Duisburg
Duisburg 47169 „Die Brücke“, Johannismarkt 7
#6 Hauptstrasse 4 Hilgert 56206
#7 Bremen Walle Heerstr 197
#8 Hofäckerstrasse 3 71732 Tamm (near Stuttgart)
#9 30457 Reichweinweg 2, Hannover
#10 Adolph Kolping Platz 11 – Kaiserslautern 67655
#11 Franz Georg str 36, Trier 54290
#12 Kirschstr 48a, Montabaur 56410
#13 Emilienplatz 16, Hagen 58097
#14 Kesselheimer weg 16, Koblenz 56070
#15 Langestraße 226, Hamm
#16 Emserstr. 57, Wiesbaden 65195
#17 Goethering 9-11, Osnabrück 49074
#18 Lichtinsel Veringstr. 47, Hamburg 21107
#19 Athener Ring 34, Kulturbücke 50765
- First Bulgarian Church in Chicago Opened in 1907
- Gateway Cities for Bulgarian Evangelical Churches
- How to Start a Bulgarian Church in America from A-to-Z
- Unrealized Spiritual Harvest as a Paradigm for Cross-Cultural Ministries among Migrant and Disfranchised Ethnic Groups in America Today
4 Must Try Bulgarian Summer Salad Recipes
Bulgarian law to ban all foreign preachers
The Patriotic Front, a newly established political formation in Bulgaria, filed changes to the 2002 Religious Dominations Act last Thursday. The new measure bans all foreign citizens from preaching on the territory of Bulgaria, as well as preaching in any other language than Bulgarian.
The draft amendments also foresee banning foreign organizations, companies and citizens from providing funding or donating to Bulgarian religious denominations. All the religious denominations in Bulgaria will be obliged to perform their sermons, rituals and statements only in Bulgaria. One year’s time will be given to translate religious books into Bulgarian.
Financially, the draft laws would ban not only foreign physical and legal entities from funding Bulgarian religious institutions, but also companies with foreign ownership that are legally registered in Bulgaria. Using state funding for “illegal activities” by religious denominations will be sanctioned with prison terms of three to six years. With these sanctions in mind, the new legal measure embodies the following rationale:
- Churches and ministers must declare all foreign currency money flow and foreign bank accounts
- Participation of foreign persons in the administration of any denomination is strictly forbidden
- Foreign parsons shall not be allowed to speak at religious meetings in any way shape or form especially religious sermons
- Anonymous donations and donorship to religious organization is not permitted
- Bulgarian flag shall be present in every temple of worship
- The new measure will block all foreign interference in the faith confessions and denominations in Bulgaria
Bulgarian Churches in Spain (2017 Report)
View UntitledBulgarian Churches in Spain in a larger map
Segovia ,España. C. Las lastras 11
tlf: 0034/622 644 711
Madrid – Metrostancia Las Margaritas Calle Violeta 2 Getafe, Espana
Xativa, SPAIN Iglesia Evangeliva
Torrevieja, c./ Zoa 22
Guitarrista Juan Arcas n12 04009 Almeria, ESPANA
Murillo 8 Palma de Mallorca
- First Bulgarian Church in Chicago Opened in 1907
- Gateway Cities for Bulgarian Evangelical Churches
- How to Start a Bulgarian Church in America from A-to-Z
- Unrealized Spiritual Harvest as a Paradigm for Cross-Cultural Ministries among Migrant and Disfranchised Ethnic Groups in America Today
Bulgarian Churches in France (2017 Report)
#1 Bordeaux, France – tel. 0640263039
#2 1 rue Leon Jouhaux Toulouse, France 31500
#3 Lion, France (occasional)