Insight into Communist Agent Techniques in Bulgaria

January 30, 2013 by  
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In light of exploring the mentality of the Bulgarian people, the following is a personal account of the pressures and techniques used by the Bulgarian Secret Services during communism. The report shows testimony to how agents directly or indirectly got themselves involved by using three basic strategies according to the victim:

1. “‘Soft’ breaking of the personal will by method of blackmail, transformation of refusal into ‘consent’ and making the free personality into an instrument deprived of will in the hands of the secret services;

2. Brutal suspension from scientific work, deprivation of the scholar to find any employment position, including the lowest qualified employment for him to earn his family’s daily bread, placement of his family-members to various methods of pursuit and repression;

3. Savage violation on the scholar, on grounds of definite ideological statements, provided by law, by sending him to a hospital for the mentally ill, to a labor camp for ‘re-education’ by means of primitive and sweat physical labor or at prison’s special rigid regime.”

Iankov, I. Psychology of Law Value in Communist and Post-Communist Bulgaria. First International Conference on Therapeutic Jurisprudence. (Winchester, United Kingdom of Great Britain. July 8-11, 1998): 2-5.


[ ] Obama, Marxism and Pentecostal Identity

[ ] A Psychological Exploration of Communist and Post Communist Bulgaria

[ ] Insight into Communist Agent Techniques in Bulgaria

[ ] The Bulgarian Evangelical Believer and Communistic Consequences

[ ] Distinct Historical Memories of the Bulgarian Mindset

[ ] National Identity and Collective Consciousness of the Bulgarian Community

Lee University Performing at Presidential Inauguration 2013

January 25, 2013 by  
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Bulgaria’s ethnic party leader attacked by armed assailant

January 20, 2013 by  
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Ahmed-Dogan-6BBC World News, Sofia – BULGARIA

A man put a gun to the head of the leader of Bulgaria’s ethnic Turkish party during a televised conference.

Ahmed Dogan, leader of the Movement for Rights and Freedoms (MRF) was unharmed and the unidentified man was wrestled to the ground by security guards. The incident happened on Saturday at a party congress in the capital Sofia.

Interior Minister Tsvetan Tsvetanov said the attacker tried to fire two shots but “most likely the gun misfired”. He also said the assailant had a criminal record for drugs possession, robberies and hooliganism. Police arrested the attacker, a 25-year-old from the Black Sea town of Burgas, who was also carrying two knives.

The liberal MRF party represents ethnic Turks and other Muslims, who make up about 12% of Bulgaria’s population of about seven million. Mr Dogan, 58, has lead the party for almost 25 years. He returned to the party conference a few hours after the attack and was given a standing ovation.

President Rosen Plevneliev said in a statement: “Bulgarian society is traditionally known for its tolerance, mutual acceptance and respect between different ethnic groups and religions. “Such an act is unacceptable in a democratic state.” Attacks on politicians are rare in Bulgaria, but in 1996, former Prime Minister Andrei Lukanov was found shot dead near his home in Sofia

Bulgarian Store in Atlanta

January 15, 2013 by  
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Over the weekend long time friends of ours opened a new store in Atlanta for Bulgarian foods and souvenirs representing the Malincho brand. This 3,000 sqft. building in the heart of Atlanta is full of delicious Bulgarian foods; authentic cheeses, dry sausages and meat products, Bulgarian spices, imported fresh and pickled vegetables and much more from every corner of Europe. Every Sunday the store offers freshly baked Bulgarian pastries and authentic Bulgarian grill. The store location is at:

2800 Spring Rd SE
Smyrna, GA.
(678) 217-4498
Open 9:00 am – 8:30 pm

Among the souvenirs you can find Bulgarian cookware and best selling cookbooks with real Bulgarian recipes like the one bellow:

Bulgarian Chaplaincy Association Ministry Projections for 2013

January 10, 2013 by  
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chap1. Continuing to increase awareness of the ministry efforts of the Bulgarian Chaplaincy Association on local, regional and national levels.

2. Publish the current edition of the underground chaplaincy ministry manual in Bulgarian including the most recent Code of

3. Ethics for Chaplains approved by the Association.

4. Launch second satellite extension of the Master’s in Chaplaincy Ministry Program in Northeast Region of Bulgaria near Black Sea.

5. Lawful admittance of Protestant Chaplains in the military bringing chaplaincy above ground.

6. Establish a network of support groups to provide the much needed re-integration care of military personnel after deployment.

7. Provide spiritual guidance and support to its members who continue to fulfill their calling of chaplaincy work regardless of the persecution endured on a daily basis.

8. Seek and create opportunities as an organization to enhance the quality of chaplaincy care via research and continuous education.

About the Bible

January 10, 2013 by  
Filed under Books, Featured, News

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61ChzONSqAL._SY344_PJlook-inside-v2,TopRight,1,0_SH20_BO1,204,203,200_[2]About the Bible (3a Bibliata) is a publication series of some 100 research articles written for the Bulgarian Evangelical Newspaper between 2004-2010. They include topics as paleography, manuscript collage, textual criticism and much more. The historical outline explores the translation of the Bible in various languages from its conception to present day and early Bible versions (Coptic, Armenian, Georgian and others). Special attention is paid to the early Slavic and Gothic manuscripts. Then, the timeline continues with the Bibles of the Protestant Reformation from Hus, Wycliffe, Luther, Zwingli, Geneva all the way to the King James Bible of 1611. The last part of the book includes a detailed exegetical and text-critical exploration of the Bulgarian Bible versions including early translations of the 19th century, the Constantinople Bible, Revised Protestant editions of 1924 and 1940 and all available modern revisions (Bible Society, Veren, WBTC, Bible League) and the New Bulgarian Translation of the Bible (2007-2013).


January 5, 2013 by  
Filed under Featured, News

Ernest Shackleton’s 1907 ad in London’s Times, recruiting a crew to sail with him on his exploration of the South Pole:

Wanted. Men for hazardous journey. Low wages. Bitter cold. Long hours of complete darkness. Safe return doubtful. Honor and recognition in the event of success.

Sounds like another ad:

And he said to all, “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me. For whoever would save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will save it. Luke 9:23-24 NIV


January 1, 2013 by  
Filed under Events, Featured, News

