Prophetic Message of Over 30 Years Brings Peace in 2021
On November 9, 1989, the Berlin Wall, the physical representation of the Iron Curtain was brought down. The standing shoot-to-kill orders of the border guards fell. It meant the end of the Cold War, a war which was waged on political, economic, and propaganda fronts and it meant the end of the Communist Regime in Bulgaria.
Seven months prior to this historic occasion, a Danish journalist by the name of Johny Noer along with his family came to Bulgaria traveling in a Pilgrim Convoy to share one message. The message which was declared throughout Communist Bulgaria was not well received and many threats against his family were given to the point of arresting him, confiscating his passport, separating him from his nursing wife and children and escorting them out of the country via separate routs. The outlawed message was: “LET MY PEOPLE GO!” He literally shouted it from the roof tops of open air events in which there were thousands of desperate listeners searching for hope of liberation. This message shook the spiritual foundations of Bulgaria forever.
Exactly 25 years later, our ministry invited brother Noer and his wife to Bulgaria again to proclaim the same message: “LET MY PEOPLE GO!” By miracle, we were successful in getting them into the country even though they had been blacklisted and were not permitted to return. By miracle, we received permission to hold gatherings on election day and by miracle, the funds came just as needed to rent the largest auditorium in the city. The year was 2014 and during one of the many sermons he preached during this revival crusade, along with declaring to “LET MY PEOPLE GO”, a prophetic message was given which was not fully understood until this past year. The message, given in broken English translated into Bulgarian, was exact details of the Corona Virus Pandemic. Astonished by the Word of protection for God’s people, we shared this video clip on social media in 2020. But what astounded us the most was that the video was blocked for containing false information about Covid-19. Over 30 years later this message is still being outlawed by the powers of darkness.
In Exodus 5, when the Israelites brought the words from the Lord and asked to be let go and be able to worship, Pharaoh said, “Who is the LORD that I should obey his voice and let Israel go? I do not know the LORD, and moreover, I will not let Israel go.” But regardless that “Pharaoh” does not know the Lord and forbids worship to the point of arrest and tries to keep God’s people behind the Wall, there is hope in the next part of the story. There is God’s promise for deliverance, the plagues and having to make bricks without straw will be in the past. And no matter the modern-day attempt at censorship, manipulative propaganda or shoot-to-kill silencing orders, we will shout it from the Mountain Tops, “LET MY PEOPLE GO!” We will worship even if we have to go to the wilderness, wherever or whatever that may be. We will shake the spiritual foundations of this country once again.
In the beginning of 2020, the Lord spoke to us what the verse of the year would be for 2021. It is only now that we fully understand its significance. When Jesus appeared to the disciples after His resurrection in John ch. 20, they were hiding behind closed doors in fear. But Jesus came, stood among them and told them “Peace be with you!” This first command for peace and presence calmed fears restoring social order and justice. And in 20:21, Jesus told them again, “Peace be with you”. This second command was a strong imperative salutation to “GO”. Then He breathed on them to receive the Holy Spirit and sent them out as the Father had sent Him.
This year, we are not to live in fear behind closed doors. We shall receive the Resurrecting Power of the Holy Spirit and go out. It is this Power which shall be our covering which Johny Noer spoke of in 1989 and 2014. Today, we have hope of liberation from any Wall, Curtain, Regime or Order. Jesus is amongst us standing undefeated. In 2021, may peace be with you as you stand up to go out declaring “LET MY PEOPLE GO” and do not take no for an answer.
January 1, 2021 Cup & Cross Ministries International, John 20:21