Harvest Revival Campaign Results

February 25, 2004 by  
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On September 1, 2003 our ministry launched Harvest Revival Campaign. As the services went on successfully, we extended the Revival Campaign until March 1, 2004. We are thankful for the leadership of the Holy Spirit in this endeavor and we are prayerfully expecting new ministry opportunities. We are available for revival, mission, youth and other special services. If you feel that our ministry would benefit your vision and congregation, please do not hesitate to contact us. We hope to minister with you soon.

20 Biblical Laws for the Spiritual Harvest in Bulgaria

January 25, 2004 by  
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1. The laws of sowing and harvesting are unchangeable (Gen. 8:22).
2. The laws of sowing and harvesting are based on seasons (Pr. 6:8; 26:1).
3. There is no spiritual harvest without a spiritual master (Mt. 9:38; Amos 4:7).
4. There is no spiritual harvest without a spiritual vision (Mt. 9:36).
5. There is no spiritual harvest without prayer (Mt. 9:38).
6. There is no spiritual harvest without spiritual workers (Mt. 9:37-38).
7. There is no spiritual harvest without spiritual sowing (2 Cor. 9:6; Gal. 6:7-9).
8. The abundance of the harvest is based on the abundance of sowing (2 Cor. 9:6).
9. There is no spiritual harvest without spiritual rain (James 5:7; Amos 4:7).
10. There is no spiritual harvest without self-sacrifice (1 Cor 15:36; Pr. 20:4).
11. There is no spiritual harvest without spiritual partnership (1Cor 3:9).
12. There is no spiritual harvest without spiritual care (1 Cor 3:6).
13. There is no spiritual growth without a spiritual base (1 Cor. 9-10).
14. There is no spiritual harvest without spiritual growth (Mk. 4:29; 1 Cor. 3:6-7).
15. There is no spiritual harvest without enemies (Mt. 13:25).
16. There is no spiritual harvest without weeds (Mt. 13:25).
17. There is no spiritual harvest without harvesting (Mt. 13:30; Mk. 4:29).
18. There is no spiritual harvest without reward (Jn. 4:36; 1 Cor. 3:8).
19. Wisdom is obeying the laws of the harvest (Pr. 10:5).
20. Fruitful harvest brings joy and motivation (Jn. 4:36; Is. 9:3).

Harvest Revival Campaign Extended

January 1, 2004 by  
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On September 1, 2003 Cup & Cross Ministries International launched Harvest Revival Campaign 2003. This evangelistic endeavor contains revival services in strategic locations purposing to enhance the ministry of local congregations and to reach the unchurched in the community. Based on the successful results and the high volume of requests, we have prayerfully considered to extend the Revival Campaign until March 1, 2004. It is our prayer that the ministry which we offer is beneficial to both your congregation and community.

Revival Harvest Campaign Continues

November 15, 2003 by  
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On September 1, 2003 Cup & Cross Ministries International launched Revival Harvest Campaign 2003 – a cross-cultural evangelistic event that purposes to enhance the ministry of your local congregations and reach to the unchurched in your community. The Compaign has already completed several successful ministry events and has impacted churches in Tennessee, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Mississippi and Illinois. If you would like your church to participate in this endeavor for the Kingdom, please contact us.

Revival Harvest Campaign 2003

November 5, 2003 by  
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Bulgaria: Harvest Training Seminar

October 25, 2003 by  
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On October 25, 2003 Cup & Cross Ministries held another training seminar for the Yambol region. More than 80 local church leaders joined otgether in a conference hall on the Bakadjik mount outside Yambol. The date of the seminar was quite significant since it was held on the day before the Bulgarian local government elections.

The training seminar was organized with the participation of several church elders, mayors and sponsors. There were several training sessions

Along with the training sessions, there were media and drama presentations, and a special prayer for the Bulgarian government. The Kamenetz church choir led the meeting in praise and worship. There was also a special presentation on the Walls of Jerusalem that our team has worked on for the past six months. A husband and wife who have been marred for over 50 years recited Psalm 127 together as a testimony of God’s faithfulness in their lives.

The conference hall was built during the Communist Regime along with hotel quarters for meetings, which Communist Party representatives used to have there before 1989. After the Fall of the Berlin Wall the place was purchased and remodeled by the present owners. For the past three weeks the husband in the family has been in the ICU of the Yambol hospital, and our dealings were mainly with his wife. When she told him that a Pentecostal seminar will be held in their conference hall, the owner requested that they bring him in the seminar for prayer. The family was touched and were in tears during the time our team ministered. After the seminar they requested to host all of our future training events we hold in the Yambol region. For us, it was a reward that we were able to minister to these people and that our ministry was recognized in such a special way.

Harvest Testimony 2003

October 13, 2003 by  
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October in Bulgaria is a month of harvest. Among other crops like wheat, corn, fruits, etc. it is a time to harvest the vineyards. Similar to the ancient Greek culture, the Bulgarian people celebrate the fruit of the grapes and the winemaking process. This tradition was somewhat changed this year by our ministry team in the Yambol region.

A lady from one of our village churches had been praying for the salvation of her husband for over ten years. He was saved several weeks ago. He decided that instead of making wine this year and in the future he would give his whole grape harvest of several acres to the church. Our team and members of the church took several truckloads of grapes to an orphanage in Yambol. The only condition of the donors was that the children are allowed to eat as much grapes as they want.

Revival Harvest Campaign 2003

September 1, 2003 by  
Filed under News

September 1, 2003 is the beginning date of Cup & Cross Ministries Harvest Revival 2003. The campaign purposes to reach communities across the United States, to enhance the ministry of local congregations and to minister to the unchurched.

We appreciate your response to this revival campaign. It is our prayer that our ministry would benefit your congregation. If you would like your church to participate in this endeavor for the Kingdom, please contact us.

Revival Must Go On …

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