November 17, 2001 by  
Filed under News


Three months have passed since I have returned to my home country Bulgaria on August 17, 2001. This year has been a special one for me and I have a lot to thank the Lord for. First of all, I thank the Lord for my fiancée Kathryn Nell Barton. Kathryn and I got engaged on July 4, 2001 and will be getting married on July 6, 2002. Then, I thank the Lord for giving me the opportunity to finish my master’s degree from the Church of God Theological Seminary, a water wheal of experience and knowledge from which I can now take in abundance and apply to the present ministerial context and tasks. I thank the Lord for bringing me back to my home country Bulgaria and giving me the opportunity to minister here of which I give the following report:


1. Sunday School Pilot Program

2. Central Church of God in Sofia

3. Chaplains Commission

4. Local congregations and outreaches

5. Results: Sunday School Pilot Program

6. More than 15,000 lessons printed and distributed (cost: 5 cents per copy)

7. Lessons made available vie e-mail and internet

8. Sunday School lessons taught in 37 local congregations nationally (reported)

Results: Central Church of God in Sofia

FTH – Central Church of God – Sofia – 6 out of 12 lessons on Revelation finished

Results: Chaplains Commission

1. Bulgarian Chaplaincy work reformed according to modern standards

2. Chaplaincy Training Course scheduled for 18-22 February 2002

Results: Local congregations and outreaches (including Yambol team)

1. 66 Bibles and 91 New Testaments purchased and distributed free of charge

2. More than 40 pairs of eyeglasses given or fixed free of charge

3. Social work – lunch served twice weekly to more than 450 people

4. Financially supporting 1 minister of the Gospel

5. Weekly Bible Radio program reaching Yambol and 19 villages in the area

7. Sunday School for children reaching 137 children of 4 villages with Children Bibles, Sunday School literature for children (in Bulgarian and English) and food

8. 39 visited churches

9. 457.5 miles traveled per week with rented car (price of gas $2.94 per gallon)

Vision – Goals for the next quarter (November 17, 2001-February 17, 2002)

1. 15-20% Increase of total ministerial activities

2. Finish the Sunday School Pilot Program and publish a Sunday School textbook including lessons on the 14 articles of the Declaration of Faith and Revelation

3. Continue participating in the ministerial outreaches

4. Decreasing the transportation expenses by getting own automobile

5. Continuing the local radio ministry and starting TV documentary with Shalom TV

6. Establishing a Chaplaincy Commission with the Bulgarian Church of God

7. Click here to view a full map of events

The Experience with the Community of God

Because I am limited in my time and resources, I have to ask people to help me. For example, in order to have the Sunday School lesson printed in the needed copies, I write it on my computer, send it vie e-mail to a friend who prints it on the printer in her office, then gives it to her husband who takes it to the print shop where they multiply the copies and returns it to me on Saturday night ready for the Sunday morning service. This process takes a little bit less than a week. While it seems quite inconvenient, it involves people and relationships, which make it a priceless experience within the family of God. If I had all the resources I needed, I would have never had the opportunity to ask people to help me, and being helped and helping others I have found to be the best part of ministry.

Rev. Dony K. Donev, M. Div.
17 November 2001 – Sofia, BULGARIA