Pastor Nicholas Nikolov was born on March 15, 1900
In 2018, the Pentecostal Union in Bulgaria (Assemblies of God) is celebrating 90 years since its establishment. The story of the Pentecostal movement in Bulgaria is intrinsically connected with the life and ministry of Nicholas Nikolov. Pastor Nikolov was born in Bourgas, Bulgaria on March 15, 1900. His life story unfolds as following:
- 1900 Born in Karnobat near Bourgas, Bulgaria
- 1914 Saved in the Congregational Church in Bourgas
- 1919 Under the ministry of Paul Mishkoff
- 1920 Attended university in New York
- 1921 Baptized with the Holy Spirit
- 1924 Married and working at Bethel
- 1926 Ordained and appointed by AG
- 1927 Led Pentecostal revival in Bourgas, Bulgaria
- 1928 Established the Pentecostal Union of Bulgaria (Assemblies of God)
- 1931 Returned to the States and earned a master’s degree
- 1935 Headed Assemblies of God training school in Gdansk, Poland
- 1938 Returned to Bulgaria after forced out of Poland by the Nazis
- 1939 Returned to the United States after forced out of Bulgaria by the Nazis
- 1941 President of Metropolitan Bible Institute
- 1947 Pastored in North Bergen, NJ
- 1950 President of New England Bible Institute
- 1952 Faculty at Central Bible Institute in Springfield, Missouri
- 1956 Earned a Ph.D. degree from the Biblical Seminary in New York
- 1961 Retired due to sickness
- 1964 Passed to Glory
September 15: First Day of School in Bulgaria
- OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA Celebrates 15 Years of Ministry on the World Wide Web
One of our websites, which we use daily in our ministry, is now 15 years old. Through these years it has become an icon of one generation and we celebrated its birthday with a great mega youth rally for the southeastern region of Bulgaria.
We are thankful to all who supported us in this ministry endeavor through the years and the ones who came to celebrate this spiritual birthday with us at the New Generation Church in the city of Dimitrovgrad. Among them were longtime Bulgarian friends and partners in the ministry from the churches in Sofia, Haskovo, Sliven, Plovdiv and Yambol.
Pravetz 15 Years Later
We returned to the town of Pravetz for a weekend of ministry, restoration and celebration. Pravetz was the place where the Bulgarian communist prime minister of thirty years was born and raised. Ironically, it was also the place where the Lord raised one of the largest youth groups in the history of the Bulgarian Church of God in the early 1990s. Pravetz was the place where I began ministering and the visit there marked fifteen years since these humble beginnings. Regardless of the fact that both the town and the church have changed, the anointing for ministry which God placed there is still strong. We were able to visit both Pravetz and Yablanitza where we met with old friends and coworkers. Thus, the visit to Pravetz was more than just another weekend of ministry, but rather a place of reclaiming lost heritage and re-envisioning of a new future. Because even if a man reaches the highest peaks of life, crosses the larges oceans of success or completes the most unimaginable acts of heroism, he must never forget where he has come from …