Richard G. Spurling became ordained Church of God pastor on September 26, 1886
I, James M. Beaty, who started this inquiry, am the retired Academic Dean of the Church of God Theological Seminary and in the process of doing historical research about Richard Spurling (1810-1891) and his son Richard Green Spurling (1857-1935) as they related to the early history of the Church of God. I have written a chapter on Richard but not on Richard Green (R.G.). I do not know if and when it might be published, and do not pretend that it has no mistakes. I would appreciate any feedback and corrections. What I am looking for is verifiable, documentable facts.
The SPURLIN FAMILY – Richard Greene Spurlin, Sr,, was born NC -1810 to James and Frances Hicks Spurlin. He married Nancy Jane Norman in Anderson County, TN, Jan. 7,1832. Marriage performed by J. Frost, M.O. Nancy was born 4/18/1815 and died 6/10/1878.
Richard was living in his parents’ home in Fentress Co. when the 1830 Census was taken. In 1840 – Rev. Richard Sprnlin received Entry 840 – on the waters of Clear Fork in Fentress County.On March 8,1841, he purchased from Arthur Edwards, for the sum of $160, 640 acres on the north side of Clear Fork of the Cumberland River. Richard and Nancy lived on these proper-ties, near his parents and his brother Daniel until around 1847, when they moved their young family to Morgan County, and took his aged parents to live with them.
During this time their family had grown considerably. They had James J., Ann Emmaline, Nathaniel Anderson, Daniel Eli Love, William A., and baby Elizabeth. While living in Morgan County, they became the parents of Hiram, Nancy and Richard Greene, Jr. By 1860, Richard and Nancy had moved to Monroe County, TN.
Richard, Nancy, James, James J. and Frances Spurlin and Annie “Pittman (Richard’s dau.) were “charter” members of the Clear Creek United Baptist Church of Christ of Morgan Co. which was constituted the 29th of Aug., 1852. Richard, after preaching for over 40 years, was greatly dissatisfied with his church. After two years of study and prayer. a meeting was called at the Barney Meetinghouse in Monroe County, TN. After prayer, a sermon was delivered by Richard G. Spurlin. Sr. emphasizing the need of a reformation. His arguments were very forceful and effective, and were approved by his hearers as was proven when the time arrived for action. The church chose Richard as its pastor and he was ordained the following month – 1886. The “Clinton (TN) Gazette” – 1891: Died – Richard Spurlin, a minister of the gospel from Monroe County, died last Friday. He was 81 years old.” He is buried in the Eleazer Cemetery in Madisonville, TN. Also member of Holly Springs Church.
Richard and Nancy’s children & spouses: James J. married Jerusha Pittman – Morgan Co.; Ann Emmaline married Reason Pittman, Mor-gan Co.; Nathaniel Anderson married 1) Mary Wallace – Monroe Co.; 2) Sarah C. Scott -Morgan Co.; 3) Rebecca Childress – Knox Co.; Daniel Eli Love married Mary DeHart; William A. mar. 1) Nancy Black (Monroe Co TN – 9/14/1861), 2) Nancy Scott (a sister to Sarah C. Scott); Elizabeth married ?; Hiram C. married 1) Mary Waldrop, 2) Jane Guffey; Nancy mar. ? Walls; and Richard Greene, Jr. married Barbara Hamby.
The Spurlin men traditionally ran lumber mills and grist mills. Records have been found indicating this from the earliest Spulins of proven ancestry – John, of Orange County, NC. right down the line. Richard, Sr cut 32 sets of grist mill wheels during his lifetime At least 3 sets can be found today. There is a beautiful white Methodist Church building in the Turtletown, TN area that Richard, Sr., and Richard, Jr., sawed the lumber for and constructed.
From the (Original) Church of God
After having taken plenty of time for consideration, the time and place for the meeting was arranged and announced. That day is worthy of remembrance: Thursday, August 19, 1886. The small company of humble, faithful, conscientious pilgrims met at the Barney Creek Meeting House, Monroe County, Tennessee. After prayer, a strong discourse was delivered by the Rev. Richard G. Spurling, emphasizing the need of a reformation. The arguments were full of force and proved effective, and were endorsed by the hearers so that when the time came for action there was free and earnest response. The propositions and obligations were simple. We give it below: “As many Christians as are here present that are desirous to be free from all men-made creeds and traditions, and are willing to take the New Testament, or law of Christ for your only rule of faith and practice; giving each other equal rights and privileges to read and interpret for yourselves as your conscience may direct, and are willing to set together as The Church of God to transact business as the same, come forward.” In response to this proposition eleven persons, whose names are given below, presented themselves and gave to each other the right hands of fellowship: Elder Richard Spurling, his son, R. G. Spurling, Susan Mitchell, Elizabeth Hamby, John Plemons, Sr., Polly Plemons, Barbara Spurling, Margaret Lauftus, Barbara Plemons, John Plemons, Jr., Adeline Lauftus, and two others, names not given. Then they decided to receive persons into membership who possessed a good Christian character, and that ordained and licensed ministers from other churches could retain their same position or office without being re-ordained. By virtue of the office he had held as a faithful ordained minister in the Missionary Baptist Church for a number of years, Elder Richard Spurling was duly acknowledged and recognized as their minister, to do all the business devolved on him as such in the new order. He then having been placed in authority by the body, took his seat as Moderator, and by prayer dedicated the infant church to God, imploring His guidance and blessings for it, and that it might grow and prosper, and accomplish great good. An invitation was then given for the reception of members, and they received Richard G. Spurling, who was then a Licensed Minister. The church chose him as their pastor, and had him ordained the next month, September 26, 1886.
Special celebration for Russian Holocaust Survivors LIVE from Israel 24-25 September 2016
Webcast Times:
Saturday 24 September: 16.45 (UK) / 18.45 (Israel)
Sunday 25 September: 17.00 (UK) / 19.00 (Israel)
Please pray for these services that God would provide protection, guidance, wisdom and peace; that there would be no hindrance or disturbance that would distract attendees from hearing and receiving the Good News.
September 15: First Day of School in Bulgaria
30 Days of Prayer in September
In church today, we talk, read and learn a lot about prayer. Yet, the truth is that in today we do not pray as before. The church of the 21t century is not a praying church. Therefore, on its’ 10-year anniversary and as a part of the National Bible Tour 2016, during the month of September calls for 30 Days of Prayer – a national prayer strategy including current, urgent needs of the Bulgarian Evangelical Movement.
Week 1
September 1, 2016 – Restoration of the Backslidden
September 2, 2016 – Church Leadership: Bulgarian Pastors and Ministers
Week 2
September 3, 2016 – National Revival in Bulgaria
September 4, 2016 – Spiritual and Physical Harvests
September 5, 2016 – Restoration of Protestant Evangelical Heritage
September 6, 2016 – Unification of the Bulgarian Nation and the Bulgarian Church (In observance of Unification Day in Bulgaria)
September 7, 2016 – Renewal of Family Ties
September 8, 2016 – Child Protection
September 9, 2016 – Mission Work
Week 3
September 10, 2016 – The Hopeless (In observance of World Suicide Prevention Day)
September 11, 2016 – Against Fear (In observance of Patriot Day in the United States)
September 12, 2016 – Sexual Purity and Biblical Moral Principles in the Bulgarian Society
September 13, 2016 – Sanctification and Prayer for Restoration of Holiness in the Bulgarian Church
September 14, 2016 – Return Toward Evangelical Roots
September 15, 2016 – Students of Bulgaria (In observance of the first day of school in Bulgaria)
September 16, 2016 – National Day of Fasting for the Bulgarian Evangelical Movement
Week 4
September 17, 2016 – The Country of Bulgaria
September 18, 2016 – National Prosperity
September 19, 2016 – Abortion Prevention and Prayer for Mothers Who Have Had an Abortion (In observance of Abortion Prevention Day in Bulgaria)
September 20, 2016 – Deliverance from Addictions (In observance of the National Addiction Counselors’ Day)
September 21, 2016 – World Peace (In observance of the International Day of Peace)
September 22, 2016 – Spiritual Freedom (In observance of Independence Day in Bulgaria)
September 23, 2016 – Spirit of Forgiveness
Week 5
September 24, 2016 – Restoring of Friendships and Relationships (In observance of National Good Neighbor Day)
September 25, 2016 – Against Stress and Results of Stress
September 26, 2016 – Physical Healing and Deliverance
September 27, 2016 – Peace for Israel
September 28, 2016 – A Fresh Anointing
September 29, 2016 – The Persecuted Believers
September 30, 2016 – Strength and Endurance
The Apostolic Faith (September, 1907)
This is a time as never before when the baptized saints are scattering abroad everywhere preaching the Word. They have gone out from Los Angeles far and near, carrying the sweet message that the Comforter has come. Some have gone to Canada, some east, some south, and some are on the way to foreign fields.
Many of the camp meeting saints are gathering back to the old “manger home” at Azusa. The pillar of fire still rests there. Meetings went on here all summer souls seeking and finding the Lord.
The Lord taught His people at the Campground and gave them some practical experiences that will stand them in good stead on the field. The enemy came in as an angel of light, and we had a battle with the powers of darkness; but it was turned into victory after all. The Spirit was poured out and many souls baptized. God only knows the number. They were slain about the altars and in the “upper room tent,” and came through speaking and singing in tongues and rejoicing in God.
Many were saved and sanctified. Over 100 were baptized in the stream near by. The baptismal services were sweet and heavenly. Numbers of children followed Jesus in baptism, and came out of the water praising God. Many testified to healing. The Lord performed some real miracles. Praise God!
There were over 200 living tents in the camp, besides a number of large tents; the big tabernacle where God met with us graciously; the “upper room tent” where many sought and obtained the Pentecost; the children’s tabernacle where they were taught the Word and many of them found the Lord, and we shall never forget that spot for it was so sweet to hear the children praying and praising the Lord; then there was the dining tent, where hundreds sat down to the tables and no charge made except as the Lord laid it on them to put into the box. We enjoyed some blessed times in the Spirit there, and also in the workers’ dining tent, before we got the big tabernacle on the “all things common” line. One morning while at prayer after breakfast, the power of God so came on us that ten of the workers were slain and we did not get away till noon. We had a foretaste of heaven.
The hills around would sometimes ring with prayer and praise. Some sought and found the Lord on the hills, and came down with faces shining.
The early morning meetings before breakfast when the saints met will never be forgotten. The Lord met with us. There were three other services in the big tabernacle during the day, which often ran into the night, if not till morning. The altar workers were very faithful. They would stay and pray with seekers all night.
People came from hundreds and thousands of miles seeking Pentecost, and went back with the rivers of salvation. The songs from the camp could be heard distinctly up in Hermon. One sister who had been told it was all the power of the devil was up in Hermon listening, and she said to herself, “So that is the devil; well, the devil has some sweet singers.” She came down and the result was she went to the altar and received the baptism with the Holy Ghost.
From Hermon, one sister saw fire issuing out of the tabernacle, as it were a tongue of fire. Her daughter also saw it. And a little boy who was in the power of the Spirit in the tabernacle, saw a ball of fire in the top of the tabernacle which broke and filled the whole place with light. God surely did send the fire. Many were the heavenly anthems the Spirit sang through His people. And He gave many beautiful messages in unknown tongues, speaking of His soon coming, invitations to come to the Lord, and exhortations from the Word.
We had some precious saints’ meetings feasting on the Word. One blessed thing was the unity of the ministers and workers in the doctrines of the Bible, so plainly taught by our Lord. The Lord put His seal upon it. Those who were not present will find the doctrines in this paper as they were taught there. Our power in this Gospel is in standing in the Word. O how precious it is when we are in the Apostles doctrine and fellowship. Some, it is sad to say, will not pay the price.
In Washington, D.C.
In the capital city, the Pentecost has fallen in a colored Holiness Mission. Bro. and Sister S.S. Crawford were preaching the Pentecost at another mission, and they sent for them, as Cornelius sent for Peter to preach this Gospel. Twenty-two came to the altar the first service and four received Pentecost with the Bible evidence. The meeting went on for five weeks with 16 receiving the Pentecost, four of them preachers.
Minnesota Campmeetings
He is pouring out His Spirit on him that is thirsty and floods upon the dry ground. Our annual campmeeting at Fairmont Minn., June 14-24 was a season of precious waiting before the Lord. Heretofore it has been a tarrying place where the full Gospel was preached. But this year in the added light of Pentecostal blessings and power which a number present had received during the past few months, it swung out into a Pentecostal meeting. God was pleased to work graciously in our midst saving, sanctifying, and healing persons and several were baptized with the Holy Ghost, while the blessings flowed out upon others as the Holy Spirit fell upon the people.
At the Maxwell Campmeeting, on Thursday, July 5th, the Lord poured out His Spirit in power; and while numbers were prostrate under the power, He was pleased to use two young women under the power of the Spirit, in speaking through them so that the hearts of the people were melted like wax in His presence, and realized they were in the very presence of God. The afternoon meeting merged into the evening meeting with no time to prepare supper. O it was most blessed indeed.-H.L. Blake Ruthton, Minn.
In North Carolina
The Holy Ghost is being poured out in Rowan Free Will Baptist Church and many are speaking and singing in new tongues, and some interpreting and receiving other manifestations of the Spirit. On the 17th of May Bro. Harrell received his Pentecost, and from that time to this the Holy Ghost has been sought by others and about 28 have received their Pentecost while several have been converted and some sanctified. In nearly every service someone gets their Pentecost. People are coming from other sections of the country to see for themselves the wonderful works of God in our midst.
The fire is falling at the F.W. Baptist Church at Frenchers Creek, and also at the F.W. Baptist Church in Wilmington, N.C. and several have received their Pentecost at each of these places. At Wilmington three little girls from 10 to 12 years old have received their Pentecost and are gloriously happy.”-A.J. Bordeau, Colly N.C.
At High Point, N.C., the Pentecost mission is growing, souls are getting saved and the sick healed. At Durham, there is a happy band of baptized believers. At Winston-Salem, some are being baptized with the Holy Ghost and speaking in tongues.
In New Orleans, La.
As soon as we received those Apostolic Faith papers, we began praying, and fasted and prayed, and Glory to His name, He made Himself known in our midst, and came and baptized four with the Holy Ghost and fire. O what a grand time we did have, and the Lord has been continuing to baptize different ones. The fire is falling down here, and the Lord is bringing His saints together as Jesus prayed in the 17th of John. He is giving the gift of speaking with tongues and other gifts.
-Alice Taylor, 2323 Washington Avenue.
Other Points
In Oakland just as the paper goes to press, word comes from Sister Crawford who is on her way east that the power of God is falling. In San Francisco the work is going forward with two young brothers from the campmeeting in charge.
In Atlanta, Ga., reports come of many baptized with the Holy Ghost. Signs and wonders have been given by the Lord.
At Dayton, Ohio, the Holy Ghost first fell in February on those that were earnestly seeking the fullness. Thirty-six souls were reported to have received the Pentecost and the altar full of seekers. Bro. W.W. Bailey, a baptized preacher there opened up a Pentecost Gospel Union Mission at 767 S. Brown St.
At Chambersburg, Pa., about 25 got baptized and some spoke in tongues, some saved, sanctified and healed.
At Youngstown, Ohio, a number have received the baptism. One night they were in prayer all the evening praising God and the Lord gave the heavenly song which sounded to them like angelic strains. One sister saw into glory and saw the heavenly city. Such a sight to behold! It seemed the celestial city was so near, the veil was almost worn through.
At Memphis, Tenn., many hungry souls have been baptized.
At Durant, Fla., there has been a gracious meeting in which about 50 have received the Holy Ghost. Some have been healed, unclean spirits crying with loud voices have come out of some that were possessed with them, souls are saved and sanctified.
Pentecost has fallen at Council Bluffs Ia., at Caldwell, Kans., at Mankato, Minn. at New Castle, Pa., at Watertown, N.Y., and the work has been increasing at many other points.
Truly this is a refreshing time, according to Acts 3. 18-21. “Repent ye therefore and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, when the time of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord. And He shall send Jesus Christ.” We can see the refreshing times are now flowing.
In Portland, Oregon, there has been a Holy Ghost campmeeting going on all summer. Hundreds have been baptized with the Holy Ghost, many saved, sanctified and healed. They have such love and harmony among the saints that they have all things on Pentecostal lines. The saints there are mostly poor, yet making many rich. Tents and eating tabernacle free and no collections. God abundantly supplied. Portland has become an example of this Pentecostal faith. Glory to God for what He had done.
This great movement is like a little mustard seed planted in Los Angeles. It took root in a humble place which proved to be good soil and, watered with rivers from heaven, it soon put forth its branches to nearby towns as Long Beach and out to Oakland. Soon the limbs spread north and far over the eastern states, and then clear over into Sweden and India. Now it is spreading all over the world, and how beautiful and green it is, and how the birds are coming to lodge in its branches.
Christ is making up His jewels quickly. O how the “latter rain” is falling. We hear from Canada, from the east and south the sound of abundance of rain. Praise God. It is falling in Sweden, in Norway and refreshing showers in India. Also we hear of gracious drops falling in other distant lands. We hear the rumbling of the chariots of heaven. Some are trying to stop it but you might as well try to stop a cloud burst in the mountains. This thing is in God’s hands.
Men and women have prayed for years to see this precious light, prayed to see Los Angeles revived. Now we can see the fruits of Pentecost here, God healing people, saving, sanctifying, baptizing with the Holy Ghost, speaking through the power of the Spirit and singing in unknown tongues, giving sweet anthems from heaven. God has graciously answered the prayers of His people, though many are blinded and cannot see it; but praise God, our eyes have seen this great salvation and we ought to be encouraged to go forward as never before.
In Minneapolis there is a precious Holy Ghost mission band of about 200 Holy Ghost people who are united in love and harmony, filled with the glory of God. Though they have been persecuted and * by the secular papers, yet God has only used it as a free advertisement to draw honest souls. One woman heard of it 250 miles away and came all the way to receive her Pentecost, and in a short time she received a mighty baptism with the Holy Ghost, speaking in tongues and interpreting, and went back with the precious oil of the Holy Ghost.
Hungry souls rejoice to hear of the Pentecost. Sister Mary Yaegge of Baltimore was one who rejoiced to hear of the Pentecost at Los Angeles. She prized the little paper for it seemed to be just what her soul longed for. She had been raised a Catholic and had received the Gospel gladly and was sanctified and hungering for the Holy Ghost. She came to the Campmeeting. Received her Pentecost on the way, while at Oakland and is truly anointed with power and divine love. She is on her way back to Switzerland, her native home, to give this Gospel to her people.
Missionaries in China have been seeking the baptism with the Holy Ghost ever since they received the first Apostolic Faith papers from Los Angeles. One dear missionary, Brother B. Berntsen from South Chih-li, Tai-Ming-Fu, North China came all the way to Los Angeles to receive his Pentecost. And, bless God, he went to the altar at Azusa Mission, and soon fell under the power, and arose drunk on the new wine of the kingdom, magnifying God in a new tongue. As soon as he could speak English, he said, “This means much for China.” Then he told how he had felt the need of the fullness of the Pentecost in China, and we fell on our knees and prayed that the dear missionaries might be anointed and China might receive the Gospel.
The manager of the Union Rescue Mission in Los Angeles, Bro. Will Trotter, received the baptism with the Holy Ghost and as a result he lost his position under men, but God has marvelously anointed him and is using him in the evangelistic work.
In Chicago there are a number of Pentecostal meetings. Many are magnifying God for the baptism with the Holy Ghost. The Lord is using Bro. Durham as a river that overflows its banks and waters the thirsty ground. Many hungry ones are seeking and obtaining their baptism. Some of the Moody Institute people have received their Pentecost, but the theologians are not accepting it.
The Scandinavian Apostolic Faith Mission at 775 Wall street, Los Angeles, is one of the sweetest places you ever were in. The people there are filled with the Spirit praising God. They seem so sincere and full of divine love. There are a number of precious young men and women there that God has cleansed and filled with the Spirit. It is blessed to see them.
“Surely He hath borne out griefs and carried our sorrows.” The Son of God went into the garden when He was bearing this world of sin. The blood gushed out from His skin and fell in great drops to the ground. He prayed, “Father, if it be thy will remove this cup from Me, never theless not my will but Thine be done.” He suffered until His heart swelled in His body and forced the blood through the flesh. His soul burned in Him with the weight of sin of this old world on our conquering King. Then He did not stop but went through Pilate’s judgment hall and was whipped and the blood ran down in that judgment hall, and was shed all the way to Calvary. O those stripes reach our sicknesses and our infirmities and heal us. He bled and died and went down into the grave and rose again. O beloved, He atoned for you, He hung and bled for you, and if you will accept Him today He will fill your heart.
At the annual Christian and Missionary Alliance Convention in Nyack, New York some were present who had received their Pentecost, and a great interest was awakened. In a tarrying meeting one young lady who was called to Africa fell under the power, received the baptism with the Holy Ghost and began to speak in an African tongue, which was recognized by missionaries from Africa as being the very language of the part of Africa to which the sister was expecting to go. Others sought and obtained the baptism.
A minister who had been opposing this work went to one of the Pentecostal meetings and got under conviction. He confessed to all that he was in the wrong and stated to his congregation that he must have this Pentecostal power, that he would not preach until he had it; he would work on the rock pile first. Then he called all his people to the altar that wanted it and they came in crowds. O the hungry souls. If the ministers would only go in themselves and let their hungry flocks go in what a wave of salvation there would be. This minister we hear has been mightily baptized and many of his people.
In Santa Barbara in a Pentecostal meeting, as they were kneeling about the altar, some whiskey bottles were thrown which came from a saloon nearby. Two of the saints were struck with them. Sister Crawford was cut on the temple by one of these ugly weapons, but the saints prayed for her and the meeting went on. She writes that she is rejoicing to be counted worthy to bear about in her body the marks of the Lord Jesus.
In Zion City, Ill., a little girl of about six years came to her mother and said she was going to get saved. She went upstairs and commenced to pray, and the Lord heard her. She called down to her mother “Mamma, if something in me says I am sanctified, is that Jesus speaking?” Her mother said, “Yes.” Then she said “Mamma, I am sanctified.” She got down and prayed again and was baptized with the Holy Ghost, and the Lord had had her preaching, and gave her a message to one of Dowie’s elders that had fought this work. So God spoke through this little child unable to read. He could preach through the ass of Balaam and He can take a little child and preach through it.
We must keep where God can use us, and the secret is humility, the Word and the Blood.
This Gospel, the full Gospel of Jesus must be preached in all the earth for a witness then shall the end come.
Jesus Christ tasted death for every man but He did not taste death for the devil or fallen angels. We do not believe the devil or fallen angels are going to be saved. The Lord Jesus did not die for the devil or demons. Everyone that will repent of their sins can find rest in the Blood of Calvary.
When Christ is in you, He is married to you in spirit. He calls you, “My love and My dove.” Everyone that has Christ is married to Him in spirit. “Ye are become dead to the law by the body of Christ; that ye should be married to another even to Him who is raised from the dead.” Rom. 7. 4. We are under the law of the Spirit of Christ. O how sweet it is You would not depart from this husband of your soul for anything.
312 Azusa Street
Published by
Headquarters Los Angeles
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Stands for the restoration of the faith once delivered unto the saints-the old time religion, of camp meetings, revivals, missions, street and prison work and Christian Unity everywhere.
Teaching on Repentance-Mark 1:14, 15.
Godly Sorrow for Sin, Example-Matt, 9:13, 2 Cor. 7, 9, 11. Acts 3:19, Acts 17: 30, 31.
Of Confession of Sins-Luke 15:21 and Luke 18:13.
Forsaking Sinful Ways-Isa. 55:7. Jonah 3:8. Prov. 28:13.
Restitution-Ezek. 33:15. Luke 19:8.
And faith in Jesus Christ.
First work.-Justification is that act of God’s free grace by which we receive remission of sins. Acts 10:42, 43. Rom. 3:25.
Second work.-Sanctification is the second work of grace and the last work of grace. Sanctification is that act of God’s free grace by which He makes us holy. John 17:15, 17.-“Sanctify them through Thy Truth; Thy work is truth.” I Thess. 4:3; I Thess. 5:23; Heb. 13:12; Heb. 2:11; Heb. 12:14.
Sanctification is cleansing to make holy. The disciples were sanctified before the Day of Pentecost. By a careful study of Scripture you will find it is so now. “Ye are clean through the word which I have spoken unto you.” (John 15:3; 13:10); and Jesus had breathed on them the Holy Ghost (John 20:21, 22). You know that they could not receive the Spirit if they were not clean. Jesus cleansed and got all doubt out of His Church before He went back to glory.
The Baptism with the Holy Ghost is a gift of power upon the sanctified life; so when we get it we have the same evidence as the Disciples received on the Day of Pentecost (Acts 2:3, 4), in speaking in new tongues. See also Acts 10:45, 46; Acts 19:6; I Cor. 14:21. “For I will work a work in your days which ye will not believe though it be told you.”-Heb. 1:5.
Seeking Healing-We must believe that God is able to heal.-Ex. 15:26: “I am the Lord that healeth thee.” James 5:14; Psa. 103:3; 2 Kings 20:5; Matt. 8:16, 17; Mark 16; 16, 17, 18. “Behold I am the Lord, the God of all flesh; is there any thing too hard for Me?”-Jer. 32:27.
Too many have confused the grace of Sanctification with the enduement of Power, or the Baptism with the Holy Ghost; others have taken “the anointing that abideth” for the Baptism, and failed to reach the glory and power of a true Pentecost.
The Blood of Jesus will never blot out any sin between man and man they can make right; but if we can’t make wrongs right the Blood graciously covers. (Matt. 5:23, 24.)
We are not fighting men or churches, but seeking to displace dead forms and creeds and wild fanaticisms with living, practical Christianity. “Love, Faith, Unity” are our watchwords, and “Victory through the Anointing Blood” our battle cry. God’s promises are true. He said: “Be thou faithful over a few things, and I will make thee ruler over many.” From the little handful of Christians who stood by the cross when the testings and discouragements came, God has raised a might host.
Sickness and disease are destroyed through the precious atonement of Jesus. O how we ought to honor the stripes of Jesus, for “with his stripes we are healed.” How we ought to honor that precious body which the Father sanctified and sent into the world, not simply set apart, but really sanctified, soul, body and spirit, free from sickness, disease and everything of the devil. A body that knew no sin and disease was given for these imperfect bodies of ours. Not only is the atonement for the sanctification of our souls, but for the sanctification of our bodies from inherited disease. It matters not what has been in the blood. Every drop of blood we received from our mother is impure. Sickness is born in a child just as original sin is born in the child. He was manifested to destroy the works of the devil. Every sickness is of the devil.
Man in the garden of Eden was pure and happy and knew no sickness till that up holy visitor came into the garden, then his whole system was poisoned and it has been flowing in the blood of all the human family down the ages, till God spoke to his people and said, “I am the Lord that healeth thee.” The children of Israel practiced divine healing. David, after being healed of rheumatism. (perhaps contracted in the caves where he hid himself form his pursuers,) testified saying, “Bless the Lord, O my soul, and all that is within me bless his holy name, who forgiveth all thine iniquities, who healeth all thy diseases.” David knew what it was to be healed. Healing continued with God’s people till Solomon’s heart was turned away by strange wives, and he brought in the black arts and mediums, and they went whoring after familiar spirits. God had been their healer, but after they lost the Spirit, they turned to the arm of flesh to find something to heal their diseases.
Thank God we have a living Christ among us to heal our diseases. He will heal every case. The prophet had said, “With his stripes we are healed,” and it was fulfilled when Jesus came. Also “He hath borne our griefs,” (which means sickness, as translators tell us.) Now if Jesus bore our sicknesses, why should we bear them? So we get full salvation through the atonement of Jesus.
We believe in three ordinances in the church, foot washing, the Lord’s supper and water baptism.
Foot Washing-(John 13.)
Dear loved ones, it is so sweet to think of that wonderful love that our Christ has for His dear people. O beloved, just think of our Almighty Christ becoming a servant, washing the disciples’ feet. This is the first place in the scriptures where we see Jesus using water, a very type of regeneration, washing the disciples’ feet. Regeneration is spoken of as the washing of water by the Word. So this ordinance is a type of regeneration. Jesus is the Word. “Now ye are clean through the Word which I have spoken unto you. John 15:3.
Jesus washed the disciple’s feet, and exhorted them to humility and charity. Bless His holy Name. We read in the Word of God, “Now before the feast of the Passover, when Jesus knew that his hour was come that He should depart out of this world unto the Father, having loved His own which were in the world, He loved them unto the end. (Bless God! Praise His holy name!) And supper being ended, the devil having now put into the heart of Judas Iscariot, Simon’s son, to betray Him; Jesus knowing that the Father had given all things into His hands, and that He was come from God, and went to God; He riseth from supper and laid aside His garments; and took a towel and girded Himself. After that he poureth water into a basin and began to wash the disciples’ feet, and to wipe them with the towel wherewith He was girded.” John 13:1-4.
We read where Jesus cometh to Simon Peter and Peter said unto Him, “Lord, dost Thou wash my feet?” Jesus answered and said unto him, “What I do, thou knowest not now, but thou shalt know hereafter.” We can see that this was something new to Peter. He was not used to the Master’s washing his feet. But the Lord Jesus told him he should know hereafter. What Jesus means was that when the blessed Holy Spirit should be poured out after the resurrection and ascension unto heaven, that this blessed Holy Spirit would lead Peter into all the doctrines of Jesus, and they would be practiced just as Jesus said in the 16th chapter of John and 12th verse, “I have yet many things to say unto you, but ye cannot bear them now, howbeit when He the Spirit of truth is come he will guide you into all truth, for He shall not speak of Himself, but whatsoever He shall hear that shall He spoke, and He will show you things to come. He shall glorify Me, for He shall receive of Mine and shall show it unto you.”
Peter said unto Him, “Thou shalt never wash my feet.” Jesus answered, “If I wash thee not, thou hast no part with Me.”
Dear beloved, none of us should reject the command of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, or these different ordinances that He has instituted. What right have we to dictate to our blessed Master? He said so tenderly, “If I wash thee not, thou hast no part with Me. And this was a rebuke also to any man or any woman that thinks they are independent of the teachings of Jesus. So when Peter heard this rebuke, he said to the Lord, “Lord, not my feet only but also my hands and my head.” How these disciples loved Jesus after that. Jesus said to Him, “He that is washed needeth not save to wash his feet but is clean every whit, and ye are clean but not all.”
So after He had washed their feet and had taken His garments and was set down again, He said unto them, “Know ye what I have done unto you?’ Ye call me Master and Lord and ye say well for so I am. If I then your Lord and Master, have washed your feet, ye ought also to wash one another’s feet.” Why? Well we only have to read the next verse for ourselves, “For I have given you example.”
Dear beloved, we can see this is humility towards each other in real love. While it does mean that, suppose we all practice it literally, for Jesus is our example. He said, “I have given you an example that ye should do as I have done unto you.” Some may say that the manner and customs have changed from that day, as we not longer wear sandals, but, dear ones, are our manners and customs going to change the Word of God? “Verily, Verily I say unto you, the servant is not greater than his Lord, neither he that is sent greater than He that sent Him. “If ye know these things, happy are ye if ye do them. Now this is to His true believers, because they are worthy. Verse 18 explains just who should not do it. He says, “I speak not of you all, for I know whom I have chosen.” Dear beloved, if the Lord has chosen us, He has chosen us to walk in the light, as He is in the light, that we might have fellowship one with another, and the Blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanseth us from all sin.” Amen.
Jesus Himself instituted foot washing in the New Testament, not as in the Old Testament when the priest would wash his own feet at the lever in the temple, which represented regeneration, but Jesus Himself washed the disciples’ feet and wiped them with the towel. So, dear loved ones we believe that foot washing is one of the ordinances of the church of God. We find that it is a service much blest of God to our souls. It is for the disciples, not for sinners. In this service the sisters will assemble by themselves apart and wash each other’s feet and the brothers will wash the brother’s feet. This is also a service of testimony, song and praise. After that comes the Lord’s supper.
The Lord’s Supper
The Lord Jesus ate the Passover with His disciples, which was Moses’ law. It was not finished forever, as He shoved that table aside, and after washing the disciples’ feet, instituted the Lord’s supper, the Christian Passover, the bread and the wine. The Passover was the very type of Jesus. It had a three-fold meaning; the sprinkled blood for redemption; the body of the lamb eaten for health and healing; and the passing over the Red Sea, which was a type of the Blood of Jesus Christ that gives us victory over all the powers of the enemy.
“The Lord Jesus in the same night in which He was betrayed, took bread; and when He had given thanks, He brake it and said, Take, eat, this is My body, which is broken for you; this do in remembrance of Me. After the same manner also He took the cup, when He had supped, saying This is the new testament in My Blood; this do ye, as oft as ye drink it, in remembrance of Me. For as oft as ye eat this bread and drink this cup, ye do show the Lord’s death till He come.” I Cor. II 23-26. Praise His holy name. So we see that this ordinance points us to the coming of the Lord, our great deliverance, as the Passover was the deliverance of the children of Israel from Egypt.
The Passover supper always reminded the Jews of God’s great love for them in delivering them out of Egyptian bondage. But it was by blood which pointed them to the Lamb of Calvary. So the Lord’s supper is to us a memorial of the death of our Lord and also points us to His coming to catch us away in the glorious liberty of the children of God.
They ate the Passover, the body of the lamb, which gave them strength and healing, so the body of the lamb stood for healing and health, just as Christ’s body is health to us, “for with His stripes ye are healed.” We find as we partake of this ordinance, it brings healing to our bodies if we discern the Lord’s body by faith (I Cor. 29-30) It also teaches us salvation and sanctification through the Blood. Our souls are built up, for we eat His flesh and drink His Blood. The Lord Jesus promised, “Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God. May Christ’s children everywhere live by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.
Water Baptism
We believe in water baptism, because Jesus commanded it after His resurrection. Mark 16. 16. “He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved.” We believe in water by immersion, single. Matt. 3. 16. “And Jesus when He was baptized, went up straighway out of the water.” Acts 8 38-39. “And He commanded the chariot to stand still; and they went down into the water, both Philip and the eunuch; and he baptized him. And when they were come up out of the water, the Spirit of the Lord caught away Philip, that the eunuch saw him no more; and he went on his way rejoicing.”
It sets forth the believer with Christ in death, burial, and resurrection. Rom. 6 3-5. “Know ye not, that so many of us as were baptized into Jesus Christ were baptized into His death? Therefore we are buried with Him by baptism into death: that like as Christ was raised up from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life. First if we have been planted together in the likeness of His death, we shall be also in the likeness of His resurrection.” Gal. 3. 27, “For as many of you as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ.”
Baptism is not a saving ordinance, but it is essential because it is a command of our Lord. Mark 16. 16, and Acts 2. 28 “Repent and be baptized everyone of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of your sins.” It is “Not the putting away of the filth of the flesh, but the answer of a good conscious toward God.” I Pet. 3.21. It is obedience to the command of Jesus, following saving faith. We believe every true believer will practice it.
It should be administered by a disciple who is baptized with the Holy Ghost and fire, in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Matt. 28, 19-20, “Go ye therefore and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost; teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you.” But we find that they were first to tarry for the promise of the Father which would qualify them. Acts I. 4, “And being assembled together with them, commanded them that they should not depart from Jerusalem, but wait for the promise of the Father.”
We believe that we should teach God’s people to observe all things whatsoever He has commanded us, practicing every command and living by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God. This is a full Gospel.
Bible salvation will take you into heaven but if you have not got Bible salvation you will have a great deal of trouble around the gate. Your name will not be found.
We are not called by this country to preach the Gospel, but we are called from heaven-and heaven is not bankrupt, neither is God gone out of business. He does not send us out to preach this Gospel and pay our bills. Do business for Christ and He will take care of you.
God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.” O today if you have the Lord Jesus Christ in your heart, you have everlasting life. This salvation is real, it is not an influence.
Out of His side flowed Blood and water. The Blood represents cleansing and the water the baptism with the Holy Ghost. The rivers of living water which Jesus promised flowed out of His side. We get all of this by living in Christ.
The Lord has provided the Word as a looking glass for us to see ourselves whether there are any spots on us. And the Word is a washer. “Ye are clean through the Word which I (Christ) have spoken unto you.”
When you are sanctified, the old Ishmael of your soul is put out of your house. You are free from the old man. Old Ishmael will not pinch little Isaac any more to make him cry. Jesus Christ is enthroned to that house.
O it is so precious to have the Lord Jesus crowned in your heart. How wonderfully and sweetly the Spirit unfolds the scriptures to you. You receive the Holy Ghost and He unravels everything from Genesis and Revelation. He starts and unfolds and all you do is to follow on.
The Jews were the very fig tree that the Lord planted. He planted it that the scepter might not depart from Judah. Herod was the first foreign king that swayed the scepter over God’s people. And right at that time Christ was born and the government was upon His shoulder. This fulfilled Gen. 49. 10.
Freeloveism and everything of that kind is from the pit of hell. It is a dragon to devour those who get out of the Word, but praise God, He has given to His children to know these spirits. Such spirits will not be allowed, any more than magicians, soothsayers, and sorcerers were allowed to be among God’s children in the early days.
If you have carnality in your heart and do not get it out, you do not know where it will lead you. As soon as you get the light of sanctification, you must seek at once the cleansing Blood or you will lose all your salvation.
We believe in a real salvation that gives you the witness by the Spirit. Calvin taught a salvation that if you said you had it, you did not have it; and if you had it you did not know it; and if you lost it, you could not get it again. Wesley taught that if you had it you would know it, and if you lost it, you could get it again. Jesus said, “He that believeth on the Son hath the witness in himself.” We teach that if a man is ensnared by the devil, and has not trampled the Blood of Jesus Christ under his feet and counted the Blood wherewith he was sanctified an unholy thing, he can get back to Jesus Christ by restitution and faith and doing his first works over.
If your heart is open to the Blood of Christ He will save you. All He wants is a repentant heart that has Godly sorrow for sin, and He will wash you. Though your sins be red like crimson, they shall be as wool. O the promises of God are sure and stedfast, and though the heaven and earth pass away, the promises of Jesus will never pass away. As long as there is breath and life in your body, you can look up to Jesus and He will save you, but if there is no repentance in your heart you would have no desire to be saved. But, beloved, if there is one particle of desire in your heart to look to God, you have not sinned away your day of grace. They that have sinned away their day of grace, cannot be stirred any more than a chair. No appeal will move them. Christ has a desire to save every man and woman on the face of the earth.
We do not read anything in the Word about writing in unknown languages, so we do not encourage that in our meetings. Let us measure everything by the Word, that all fanaticism may be kept out of the work. We have found it questionable whether any real good has come out of such writing.
A sister who was baptized in the stream at the camp ground says that when she came to change her clothing, she attempted to put on her jewelry again but the Spirit would not let her, so she left it off. While one sister was under the power, her hands went up and took the fancy pins out of her hat and threw them away and she never put them on again. So the Spirit has been working in harmony with the Word, teaching His people how to dress according to the Bible, Gold watches, rings, etc., have disappeared, and gone into sending the Gospel.
From missionaries in Macao, China, we received word that some of the Chinese Christians have received the baptism with the Holy Ghost and are speaking in new tongues.
Marriage is a divine institution which God Himself has instituted. Gen. 2:18, 24. “And the Lord God said, It is not good that man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him. Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother and shall cleave unto his wife; and they twain shall be one flesh.” I Cor. 11:9. “Neither was the man created for the woman, but the woman for the man.”
God commended it. Gen. 2:18 and Prov. 18:22. “Whoso findeth a wife findeth a good thing, and obtaineith favor of the Lord.”
God is in it. Matt. 19. 4, 6. “And He answered and said unto them, Have ye not read that He which made them at the beginning made them male and female. Wherefore they are no more twain but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together let not man put asunder.”
It is honorable in all. Heb. 13:4. “Marriage is honorable in all and the bed undefiled, but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge.”
Christ attended a wedding in Canaan. He went to adorn it, to beautify it with His presence. John 2:1,2. “And the third day there was a marriage in Cana of Gallilee, and the mother of Jesus was there. And both Jesus was called and His disciples to the marriage.”
The forbidding to marry is the doctrine of devils. I Tim. 4: 1, 3. “Now the Spirit speaketh expressly that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils; *** forbidding to marry.”
Marriage Binding for Life
God has approved of but one wife and one husband. Gen. 2:24. “Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife; and they twain shall be one flesh.” Matt. 19: 3-6. “The Pharisees also came unto Him tempting Him, and saying unto Him, Is it lawful for a man to put away his wife for every cause? And He answered and said unto them, Have ye not read that He which made them at the beginning made them male and female, and said, For this cause shall a man leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife; and they twain shall be one flesh? Wherefore they are no more twain but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder.”
The husband and wife are bound together for life. Rom. 7:2. “For the woman which hath an husband is bound by the law to her husband so long as he liveth; but if the husband is dead, she is loosed from the law of her husband.” I. Cor. 7:39. The wife is bound by the law as long as her husband liveth; but if her husband be dead, she is at liberty to be married to whom she will, only in the Lord.”
No court of man should sever the marriage tie. Matt. 19:6. “Wherefore they are no more twain but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together let not man put asunder.” Death alone severs the marriage tie. Heb. 13:4.
Moses’ Law of Divorce
Under Moses’ law, he suffered men to divorce their wives and marry again, because of the hardness of their hearts Matt. 19: 7,8. “They say unto Him, Why did Moses then command to give a writing of divorcement, and to put her away? He saith unto them, Moses, because of the hardness of your hearts suffered you to put away your wives; but from the beginning it was not so.” Under Moses’ law they had been accustomed , for any uncleanness, adultery, fornication or some cause not as much as that, to put away the wife by giving her a bill of divorcement, and she could go and be another man’s wife. But under the New Testament law, the law of Christ, she is bound by the law to her husband till death.
The Edenic Standard of Matrimony
Jesus did away with the divorce law, and restored matrimony back to the Edenic standard. Under Moses’ law the sacredness of matrimony was lost through the hardness of hearts. But under the law of grace, it is restored back as in the beginning of grace. Praise God. God’s promises are true and sure. Hallelujah! Amen.
Under the New Testament law, the law of Christ, there is but one cause for which a man may put away his wife, but no right to marry again. This cause is fornication or adultery. Matt. 5:31,32. “It hath been said, Whosoever shall put away his wife, let him give her a writing of divorcement; but I say unto you that whosoever shall put away his wife, saving for the cause of fornication, causeth her to commit adultery; and whosoever shall marry her that is divorced committeth adultery.” Matt. 19:9. “And I say unto you, Whosoever shall put away his wife, except it be for fornication, and shall marry another committeth adultery; and whosoever marrieth her which is put away doth commit adultery.” These two scriptures are just the same in meaning. Matt. 5: 31, 32 is the key to the whole subject. It settles the question.
Forbidden to Marry Again
After a man has lawfully put away his wife, or a wife has lawfully put away her husband, they are positively forbidden to marry again, under the New Testament law, until the former companion is dead. Mark 10: 11, 12. “And He saith unto them Whosoever shall put away his wife, and marry another, committeth adultery against her. And if a woman shall put away her husband, and be married to another, she committeth adultery.” Luke 16: 18. “Whosoever putteth away his wife and marrieth another, committeth adultery; and whosoever marrieth her that is put away from her husband committeth adultery.” Rom. 7: 2, 3. “For the woman which hath an husband is bound by the law to her husband so long as he liveth; but if the husband be dead, she is loosed from the law of her husband. So then if while her husband liveth, she be married to another man, she shall be called an adulteress; but if her husband be dead, she is free from that law; so that she is no adulteress though she be married to another man.”
Adultery and Fornication
The act of adultery is between a married person and another who is not the lawful companion. Both parties may be married or only one. When only one is married, the act is called fornication. Matt. 19. 9 and 5, 32. Jesus said, “Whosoever shall put away his wife, saving for the cause of fornication causeth her to commit adultery.” These sins are just the same, only one is committed while living with a husband and the other is when one has separated and married again.
No man can enter the kingdom of heaven without confessing and forsaking adultery and fornication. Gal. 5, 19, 21, “Now the works of the flesh are manifest which are these, adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness, evyings, murders, drunkenness, revelings, and such like; of the which I tell you before, as I have also told you in time past, that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God.” Isa. 55, 7, “Let the wicked forsake his way and the unrighteous man his thoughts; and let him return unto the Lord, and he will have mercy upon him; and to our God for He will abundantly pardon.”
The Innocent Party
If Jesus had intended that the innocent party should marry, He would have said so, and would not have said, Moses suffered it because of the hardness of your hearts. Jesus makes it very plain. If the innocent party marries, they are living in adultery. Jesus is showing the sacredness of matrimony. Dear beloved, let us obey God in spite of everything. There is one Scripture where many people are tied up, it is Matt. 19, 9, where Jesus said, “But I say unto you that whosoever shall put away his wife, except for the cause of fornication, and shall marry another committeth adultery, and whosoever marrieth her that is put away committeth adultery.” Now dear loved ones, let us stop and pray over this. “Except it be for fornication and marrieth another.” Some think that this party would be entitled to marry again, but let us stop and see what Jesus is teaching here. If he puts away his wife except for the cause of fornication, he committeth a sin, because he will cause her to commit adultery. Therefore he is bound by the law as long as she lives, bound right to the Edenic standard. Amen.
Dear loved ones, if Jesus had instituted that the innocent party could get another wife, He would be instituting the same thing that was permitted by Moses, and would have the church filled with that today.
Now the reason Jesus gave him permission to put away his wife for the cause of fornication was that she is already adulterous, so her adultery gave him a lawful right to separate. While it gives him that right, yet it does not give him the right to get another wife while she lives.
Paul in I Tim. 3-2 says, “A bishop then must be blameless, the husband of one wife. He also says, I Tim. 5, 9, “Let not a widow be taken into the number under threescore years old, having been the wife of one man.” This shows plainly that they recognized in the church that a man was to have one wife and a woman one husband.
After Light Has Come
Rom. 7. 2, 3 and I Cor. 7, 39 give us very clear light. O may God help us to accept Bible salvation, instead of having our opinion and losing our souls. Dear beloved, you that have two wives or two husbands, before you had light on it, you lived that way and had no condemnation. God did not condemn you until you received the light upon His Word on this subject; but now God hold you responsible for the light. If you continue in the old life after light has come upon you, then you will be in the sight of God an adulterer or an adulteress, and you are bound to lose your experience or substitute something in the place of what God hath wrought. “If we walk in the light as He is in the light we have fellowship one with another and the Blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanseth us from all sin.” Let us obey God’s Word if it takes our right eye or right hand.
So we find under the New Testament there is no putting away the first wife and getting another. Death is the only thing that severs the marriage tie. Rom. 7. 2 and I Cor. 7. 39-W.J. Seymour.
It took John the Baptist only six months to prepare for the coming of Jesus; how long do you think it is going to take a lot of baptized people to prepare for His second coming? A little over year ago in Azusa Mission, a few people were baptized with the Holy Ghost and fire, and today there are thousands and thousands of people saved from sin, living pure lives in the name of Jesus, and baptized with the Holy Ghost.
Moses made the tabernacle after the pattern shown him in the mount. This tabernacle was the pattern of the unseen King that was to come. The Lord wants us to have salvation according to the true tabernacle, which is Christ. Our tabernacle must be built according to the pattern in the Word. Now all things under the law were a shadow of what we are to receive in grace.
The Brazen Altar, Justification
First we come to the court of the tabernacle. This is where the sinner does his first works. Here we find the brazen altar which stands for justification. We receive pardon and regeneration right at the brazen altar. On the altar is the sin offering, on the horns of the altar, blood. Here is pardon and regeneration combined. As soon as a soul is pardoned, he is washed and the work of regeneration is wrought in his soul. Here we find also the lever, which stands for the washing from guilt and pollution. The priest always washed himself before he entered the Holy Place. Here the sinner, even though his sins be red like crimson, is justified. “Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God, through our Lord Jesus Christ.” This is court work.
The Golden Altar, Sanctification
There are two altars, the brazen altar and the golden altar. We see this represents two works of grace, two altars. Now the believer comes to the golden altar. Since the new birth is implanted in his soul, he has access to present himself a living offering. When he came as a sinner, he was dead in trespasses and sins, and had nothing to consecrate. Now he can consecrate himself to be sanctified. Here he finds on the altar the Blood of Jesus, which represents Christ the sanctifier of His people. He receives Christ to rule and reign supreme in his soul, and every enemy of doubt and carnality is cast out and destroyed by the Blood. Then he is one with Christ. “For both He that sanctifieth and they who are sanctified are all of one.”
This is the Holy Place. All that enter wear holy garments, the white linen of the saints. Here we find the shew bread, which represents feeding upon Christ. When we get a holy heart, it calls for the Word of God. Now you have a holy feast continually. You have the Word, Christ Jesus planted in your heart, and you have faith. You believe every word of God.
Here in the Holy Place, you find the golden candlestick whose light is always burning. This is the light of holiness shining forth. There is always a fire in your soul. Why? Because you are on the altar and the altar sanctifies the gift, and the gift keeps pure and preserved. The only way men and women can be preserved is by living on the altar. And the holy incense of praise and prayer is always ascending from your heart to God. Then you are prepared for the baptism with the Holy Ghost.
The Holy of Holies, the Holy Ghost
We can see that the baptism with the Holy Ghost is not a work of grace for there is no altar in the Holy of Holies. This is another step, the gift of the Holy Ghost. Instead of an altar, there is an ark of gold, which represents the Lord Jesus Christ perfected in you, for in Christ you have the experience of justification, sanctification and the baptism with the Holy Ghost. There is always prayer and praise to God here, as you see those cherubim over the altar praying and praising God.
In the ark, you find Aaron’s rod that budded, which represents justification; the hidden pot of manna, which stands for sanctification and the tables of stone on which God wrote Himself, representing the baptism with the Holy Ghost. Right above the ark, is the great Shekina glory. The Holy of Holies did not have any light from the sun, neither did it have any candle, but the light of the Holy Ghost lit it up. Over it rested the pillar of cloud by night and the pillar of fire by day, the very presence of God. When a man or woman gets the baptism with the Holy Ghost, they are filled with continual light. It is a greater light than when you were sanctified. It is the full blessing of Christ. Justification and sanctification come from God through His death on the cross, and He also purchased on the cross the baptism with the Holy Ghost for every believer.
The baptism with the Holy Ghost is more of God. It is God glorified in our hearts.
In sanctification the unction of the Holy Ghost comes on you in speaking, but the baptism is power through your whole body day and night. “Ye shall receive power after the Holy Ghost is come upon you.” Everyone that get the baptism get power. It is a continuous power. It comes down from heaven. The Lord sings and speaks through you in another tongue. He never did that in sanctification.
Jesus said, “Tarry ye.” For what? For a work of grace? No, for He had said before He went down into the grave, “Ye are clean.” He got all the fears and doubts out of His church before He went back to bright glory. So after he had ascended to the Father, all they had to do was to praise God till the Comforter came. They did not have to mourn and weep for the Lord to give them a clean heart, for the vessel was already clean.
O it is so precious to have a pot of oil which is the type of the Holy Spirit. Bless the Lord! The Lord will fill every sanctified vessel with oil. We read in Kings that the prophet told the widow to send out and get empty vessels to be filled with oil. Empty of self, cleansed through the Blood. Then they are prepared to hold the precious oil of the Spirit. People have to confess, make restitution, empty out, and be crucified before they can get this blessed oil.
There have been those who have sought for the baptism and could not get it, because they did not come humbly as a little babe. They did not give up their doctrines and opinions; they did not empty out so they could get the filling. This is not revealed to our great theologians. Jesus said, “Thou hast hid these things from the wise and prudent and revealed them unto babes.” Some came like men and women with plenty of knowledge and did not empty out; but some of us were foolish enough to fall in and say, Here, Lord, if you have any more for me, I want it.
When you were converted, you got rid of sin; when you were sanctified, you were cleansed of carnality; but the baptism is the third Person of the Trinity upon your soul, that reveals Christ and takes the things of the Father and shows them unto you.
Jesus filled the upper room where they were sitting, with rivers of salvation. He made a baptismal pool of that little room, and they were all immersed in the Holy Spirit. The prophets, priests, and kings were anointed. Tongues of fire sat upon each of them, which represents burning witnesses.
Before Jesus ascended to heaven, holy anointing oil had never been poured on a woman’s head; but before He organized His church. He called them all into the upper room, both men and women, and anointed them with the oil of the Holy Ghost, thus qualifying them all to minister in this Gospel. On the day of Pentecost they all preached through the power of the Holy Ghost. In Christ Jesus there is neither male nor female, all are one.
The Pentecost means power. Peter did not have power before Pentecost to stand up and say to that wicked and adulterous generation. “By the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth whom ye crucified, whom God raised from the dead.” No, he cowed before a little maid. But when the power came into his life, he was able to preach boldly in the temple and on the streets “Christ whom ye crucified.” Hallelujah! They put him in jail, but the saints gathered and prayed and the angel led him out.
Everyone that gets this baptism get the real refining fire. You do not have to pray for fire when you are baptized for when we have the baptism with the Holy Ghost, we have the fire also. The Holy Ghost brings the fire with Him. We are on fire for God, as the bush which burned with fire but was not consumed. John’s prophecy, “He shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost and fire” was fulfilled on the day of Pentecost. “And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire and it sat upon each of them; and they were all filled with the Holy Ghost.”
O beloved, there is power in the Gospel. It is the sweetest thing this side of heaven because it gives you overcoming power. It gives you power in time of need and affliction, in times when all the powers of hell seem settled down upon your soul; there is something in your innermost being that moves away the powers of hell the instant you call for the Blood. It gives you power that when a soul comes to you to be lead into salvation, you can cast off the powers of darkness by the precious Blood, and see that soul begin to swell and burst out with hallelujahs. He will give you power to preach the Gospel behind prison bars and see results.
The abiding anointing, which is the Spirit of Christ, is holy; but it is not the third Person of the Trinity. You have the Father, Son and Holy Ghost in sanctification, but you have not the enduement of power until you are baptized with the Holy Spirit. Then you receive the baptism that Christ received on the banks of Jordan. He had the fullness of the Godhead, but He had to be baptized for His great work Jesus was anointed with the Holy Ghost and power and went about doing good. If we put sanctification for the Holy Ghost then we would have Jesus with carnality in Him up to His baptism. He did indeed sanctify Himself-not that He had any sin in Him-He set Himself apart for the salvation of the world; He did not compromise with His people or with any flesh that we might be sanctified through the truth.
Matt. 3:11.
Chicago, Illinois, 3554 Vernon Avenue.
I am urged, both by friends and by the Lord, to write the story of my experience in seeking the fullness of God, and I trust it will prove some blessing to those who hunger and thirst after righteousness.
When my attention was first drawn to the teaching of “The Baptism in the Holy Spirit,” with its outward evidence of “speaking in Tongues,” it did not appeal to me; not because I did not need the Holy Spirit in greater fullness but because I was not sufficiently hungry for the good things of God.
But after some little study and investigation of the remarkable movement which is beginning to sweep the earth in God’s mighty power, I began to seek God in real earnestness. I wanted the peace and joy that I saw in those who had received the Baptism in the Holy Spirit.
Services for the teaching of the Baptism of the Holy Spirit were begun in “The Stone Church,” Thirty-seventh Street and Indiana Avenue, Chicago, June 30, 1907 conducted by the Rev. F.A. Graves, Misses Marie Burgess and Jeanie Campbell, and my husband.
The above workers met in our home to pray God to bless the work.
While in prayer I became occupied with God for myself. I asked God to cleanse me from all sin and to give me whatever other blessing He had for me. While thus engaged in prayer I had a mental picture of the cross, and I was down at the foot of it. It seemed as though I were being pushed down until I saw myself about a foot high. It was very vivid. I felt that God was showing me myself as He saw me. I said, “Yes, Lord, I know I am small in your sight.” The next day I had great joy and when I began to pray again for a clean heart, God showed me that I had received it the day before at the foot of the cross.
Soon after this experience I was talking with these same workers and suddenly my heart seemed about to burst. I did not know why, for I felt no condemnation for sin. I was troubled and began to ask God to show me what it meant. I had had nothing in the way of manifestations showing me that God had cleansed my heart. I began to weep and continued until my heart seemed entirely empty, after which a great peace came over me.
I was now very hungry for the Baptism in the Holy Spirit. I began again to seek and again I began to weep. This time it did not seem as though I were weeping but rather that Christ was weeping through me. God was thus showing me the suffering and agony of Christ in the Garden of Gethsemane. I passed through the Garden experience with Christ, God letting me suffer all I could stand. I felt any more grief would kill me.
The next night I wept with Christ all night over lost souls.
I did not myself invite or create these experiences. I had not at this time thought of Christ’s sufferings. I believe these experiences contain a lesson which I shall some day understand better than I do now.
Saturday night, July 20th, I felt impressed again to pray for the Baptism in the Holy Spirit. I had the assurance that I would be baptized. I went to my bedroom, knelt and asked God to take full possession of my spirit, soul, and body. I was alone for two and one-half hours. Then I called Miss Burgens into my room. We prayed together and God wonderfully blessed us. My heart was filled with praise. I am not demonstrative and the only way my feelings were expressed were “Glory to God” “Praise His Name!”
While Miss Burgess was kneeling beside me I felt a great glow and a burning heat over my head. I heard Miss Burgess cry out, “Oh look at the beautiful lily.” I could not raise my head for the power of God was so great. In a few minutes he said, “Oh the beautiful Dove just above your head.” Again the Lily appeared and then the Dove. This time the Dove’s wings were outstretched over my head. I felt the power go through my body and knew that the Holy Spirit had taken possession of me. The power of God was so great that Miss Burgess drew away from me, weeping as though her heart would bread, saying, “I can’t stay near you.” I could not say a word at this time. I was awed into silence by the presence of God. Miss Burgess came back to me and again I felt the power of God. She said, “There’s a beautiful robe over you, which must be the robe of righteousness.” At this time I asked God to let me see something. In an instant the light broke above me, a beautiful dove appeared for a moment and vanished.
How unworthy I am to have the emblems both of Christ and the Holy Spirit appear to me! Immediately after this my chin began to quiver and I probably spoke a word or two in a foreign tongue.
The power of the Holy Spirit was with me in a marked way all day Sunday and Monday. The Holy Spirit continued to manipulate my facial muscles and vocal organs. Monday night I sang and talked a little in a foreign language. Praise His Holy Name!
When the language was forming and I was making peculiar sounds, the suggestion came to me that I was doing it myself. The temptation was so great that when the manifestations ceased, I attempted to repeat the sounds myself and found it impossible to repeat them.
The next morning Satan again tempted me and I felt depressed. I cried earnestly to God. My attention was called to the 4th of Matthew; when I read, “Then the Devil leaveth Him and behold angels came and ministered unto Him,” a great joy came upon me and has remained. Praise His Name! I have been a Christian a number of years but often regretted that the Blood of Jesus and the Cross of Christ were not more real. All my experiences the past week have clustered around the Cross. What a wonderful, wonderful Savior! “Oh that men would praise the Lord for His goodness and for His wonderful works to the children of men!”
See Him all ye people in all His fullness.
The above story is told only for the glory of God. It is sent forth with the prayer that the Christ Who baptized me in the Holy Spirit may baptize others also.-Mrs. W.H. Piper.
(Taken from a Pentecostal publication in India, “A Cloud of Witnesses.”)
“Mukti,” which means Salvation, is a community comprising a high school and schools of lower grades, Bible institute, an industrial school, in whose various departments useful trades are taught, a printing office employing 30 men, and a hospital. About 1,400 girl students are enrolled (inclusive of 300 rescued women in the Krupa Sadan) and there is a separate institution for boys. The great majority of the girls have been admitted to “Mukti” in times of famine during the past ten years, and when they entered they were simply raw heathen. Those from the Central Provinces spoke Hindi as little children, and those from Gujerat spoke Gujerati before they came to Kedgaon; but the acquired language of all the people of this community is Marathi. Considerably more than 800 of the girls are Christians in the saving sense of that word.
Both Pandita Ramabai and Miss Abrams were deeply impressed by the truth contained in the reports which came from Los Angeles concerning Pentecost, and believing that God was willing to send like Pentecostal blessings to Mukti which up to that time had not been received, after the manner described in Acts 2, they exhorted all the Christian boys and girls to begin to tarry for the promised baptism of the Holy Ghost. In taking this step, Pandita Ramabai fully acknowledged all that God had bestowed through His Spirit in the past; but she discerned there was the deeper fullness of the outpouring of the Holy Ghost accompanied with the gift of tongues which had not yet been received. Before Christmas 1906, the seekers assembled in the Church daily at 6 o’clock in the morning for a time of waiting on God.
About this time a band of 20 girls were sent to the station of K—- attended by two English Missionaries, and before much preaching had been done, J—-, a native girl, began to speak in a new tongue and magnify God. Within a few days every member of the party, including the two lady missionaries, received the Pentecostal baptism of the Holy Ghost and all were speaking in new tongues. The immediate result was more power in preaching Christ crucified. The attention of the people was arrested in a new way as the Lord took hold of rough men, and held the people spell bound.
The joyful news of Pentecost a K—- stirred the seekers at Mukti with fresh zeal. A worker from Mukti visited the band at K—- and in a few days she herself returned full of joy and the Holy Ghost. As might be expected, the presence of a living witness to the power of Pentecost put desperation of purpose into the hearts of the seekers, some of whom spent whole nights in prayer.
A girl named Z—- had awful conflicts with the devil. A few friends, believing Z—- to be in some degree under Satan’s power, prayer earnestly for her deliverance. Later that night there was a meeting in the Church, and after the meeting to the glad surprise of those present, Z—- began to pray intelligently in English. One of the sentences uttered was, “Jesus’ Blood make clean.” Prayer had been answered and the devil’s power broken, and a clear witness given to the Pentecostal baptism. Later, God gave this girl the gift of song which has been described as most sweet the notes of which are like the music of the flute. When singing in this new tongue she immediately translates the words into Marathi. A line which has been recalled is: “Jesus is over all; He is on the throne.”
Mukti is the glad scene of a continuous Pentecost, as day after day seekers come into fullness of blessing. A dialect of Kanarese is one of the various languages of Southern India which God has bestowed. Another new tongue is an ancient form of Sanskrit understood by Ramabai, Sanskrit is the sacred language of the Brahmans, the priestly class of India.
Several girls have received the gift of interpretation of tongues. some are for days and even weeks dumb as regarding their own language, except when God gives them a message, and then ability to deliver the message is given. The light minded and frivolous are sternly rebuked by these prophetesses who plead with others to tarry in dead earnest for Pentecost. The substance of a message was as follows:
The second coming of Jesus is near at hand. God is getting His people ready. Seek, and prepare to meet your Lord. If you do not stir yourselves up to seek the Lord now and receive His blessing, you will be left behind when Jesus comes and then you must suffer a great deal.
Some have received the gift of healing. Two little girls are among the number who exercise this gift, and when led by the Spirit, they visit the Hospital and in answer to their prayers the sick are healed. And as in the days of the apostles unbelievers were healed by the laying on of hands, so today a Hindu woman has been healed of sickness.
As in other countries so in Mukti, the girls and women are pressing on to greater things and are believing for the restoration to the Church of all the lost gifts of the Spirit. Those baptized have been filled with a new and burning desire for lost souls and have learned what it is to pray in the Holy Ghost and to travail in birth for souls. Their joy is unbounding and the very faces of some have been so transfigured with Heaven’s own light that it is pleasant to see them.
Address Max Wood Moorhead, Publisher, Colombo, Ceylon.
Christ is coming again, not as the babe of Bethlehem, to be spit upon and mocked but He is coming in power and great glory.
O He is coming back. The angels said “Why stand ye gazing up into heaven? This same Jesus that is taken up from you into heaven, shall so come in like manner as ye have seen Him go into heaven.” He went up, bless God, in a body of flesh. He has flesh and bones. All Hid Blood had been shed on Calvary; but still, through the power of the Holy Spirit, He has a body of flesh and bones. And He is coming back to gather His people. Are we watching and looking for Him?
Everyone that will be ready to be caught away will have on the white garment. It is not the putting on of gold and adornment; it is the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit. O how the bride looks for the coming of the Bridegroom. If a young man should have a maid and she should dress herself in her wedding garments and yet not look for his coming, do you imagine the groom would care for her? “Unto those that look for Him, shall He appear.”
There will be two appearances of Jesus under one coming. The first appearance is called the Rapture, when He comes as a thief in the night and catches away His bride; the second is called the Revelation when He shall come with ten thousand of His saints and destroy the wicked with the brightness of His coming, and when His feet shall touch the same mount from which He ascended. But we want to be ready for the first appearance, to be caught up. We must be caught up with Him, before we can come back with Him.
Nothing but holy people will meet the Lord Jesus in the skies, when He comes in the rapture. Those that had no light on the baptism with the Holy Ghost but were sanctified will have part in the first resurrection, for the Word says, “Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first resurrection.” So we see the first resurrection is of the holy people. Those that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus during the tribulation will be raised at His revelation. Rev. 20. 4 makes this plain.
All of Christ’s bride are virgins, that is to say, they are sanctified people. They are meditating day and night in the law of their God. This does not include simply the ten commandments, but it means meditating on all the promises and commands of Jesus. “Be ye holy” is the law of our God. “Tarry in the city of Jerusalem” is the law of Jesus, and “I will come again,” is the law of our God. So she is mediating day and night, on the street car, on trains, in the workshop, and in the silent watches of the night. He says they that meditate in His law day and night shall be planted by the rivers of waters, that is by the Holy Ghost which is the river of water flowing out of our souls.
Jesus is coming to be King over all the earth and reign from sea to sea. We see Him in Revelations with a name written on His thigh, “King of kings and Lord of lords.” We are coming back with Him on white horses and wind up the tribulation. We shall sit with the glorified Christ in His throne as His queen, the Lamb’s wife. We are going to help Him rule this old world in the millennium, when righteousness shall cover the earth as waters cover the sea. Then afterwards at the white throne judgment, we shall sit with Him and judge the world. Then after the new heavens and new earth, when He shall have delivered up the kingdom into the Father’s hands, we shall reign with Him throughout eternity. O beloved, are you ready?
Jesus said, “Sell that thou hast and give to the poor” and “pluck out the right eye and cut off the right hand, if it offend thee.” Where do we find people that are doing that? Instead of that they are getting more right eyes and right hands. The Bible tells of a time when men and women will be living at ease in Zion. They will be buying houses and lands and taking their ease; but, lo, suddenly there comes a little shout in the air. The saints have been taken away; the great tribulation is on the world. They will wonder what has happened. O beloved, when the fig tree putteth forth her leaves, know that summer is nigh. Some may laugh now in the face of God, but O when that day comes, the rich man will howl and call for the rocks to fall upon him. They will try to find some little saint of God to have them offer up a little prayer. But it will be too late. The five wise virgins have entered in and the door is shut.
Thirty-seven years ago, when but a school girl, I was converted to God, and my conversion was so deep and pungent, I received more at that time than a good many who profess holiness in these days seem to have.
A few years later, while in my own home, without ever having any teaching on that line, I was deeply convinced for a clean heart, but did not know that I could have it till death; was in such distress I could eat or sleep a little, and longed for death to release me from the “body of this death” that I felt was so hideous in the sight of my precious Lord. My husband thought I was going insane and tried to divert my mind, but conviction was too deep to be diverted.
After a time, a young minister who understood my case was sent of God to my home, who taught me my privileges in this life. And not long after, I received the evidence of heart purity. Such power attended this, that I would speak but a few words to one who was not right with God, and they would break down and weep and many of them get to God. God would give me such testimonies that the church, which was spiritually dead, was quickened into life and a great revival broke out that spread over the community. God would often lay me under the power and give me revelations both of Himself and other things.
Of course I thought this to be the baptism with the Holy Ghost, and when I would read or hear of this movement, I would say, “I received that 25 years ago.” But when I found it was spreading everywhere and many people as well as missionaries were speaking in tongues, I said, “This is a farce.” But God in His great love, showed me the movement was of Him, and I received the light and accepted it.
At the campmeeting at Fairmont, Minn., on June 21st, after confessing to God and man the attitude of the past, I saw myself all covered over with the Blood of Jesus. A few minutes after this, there was such power of God rested upon me that I fell beneath it; and as I was lying there, I felt something I had never had before was coming to me. With the natural eyes closed, I kept looking up into the heaven in expectancy, when I saw a light soft and mellow, unlike any earthly light. As it drew nearer, I saw a robe of such whiteness that no whiteness of earth can ever compare with it. The whiteness of itself seemed to make the soft heavenly light, whose beams reached like a beautiful pathway clear down to me. It seemed Jesus was holding out the garment by the shoulder, so it was all visible to me, and it glistened as though it had been dipped in diamond dust. And as I gazed upon its radiant beauty, Jesus said, “This is yours.” I seemed to be held by its dazzling beauty, until my attention was called by the Holy Ghost to the voice of a brother in another part of the room, repeating a sentence in an unknown tongue, and the Spirit revealed to me that he was saying, “You have the wedding garment,” and that the Spirit was saying this to me through him. Then there seemed to be music coming to me from the light that was still shining above. It seemed to keep coming nearer, until all at once my tongue and lips began to shout two words in an unknown tongue, and Jesus seemed to say, “This is the new name which no man knoweth saving he that receiveth it.” Rev. 2:17.
I cannot describe the experience, but it was something more than I ever had before. It was revealed to me that this “latter rain” was getting people ready for the “Marriage supper of the Lamb,” and this is the time when the wise virgins are getting the oil in their vessels with their lamps. But O how many are going to be unwise.
Since then, I have sang and sometimes prayed in an unknown tongue. Sometimes the interpretation is given. I know Jesus is coming soon. He said, “When the bride begins to put on the wedding garments, it is not long until the wedding takes place.”
I have written this for the benefit of those who, like myself, honestly believe they have this experience in sanctification. I used to wonder what was the benefit of speaking in tongues, but I find that besides being a “sign to those that believe not,” it brings a blessing to the spirit of the person speaking, that nothing else ever did.
Mrs. T.M. Rist, Evangelist.
Windom, Minn.
O to have that well of water springing up to everlasting life! O beloved, it flows out and waters your whole soul, and keeps the harp of ten thousand strings tuned up in your soul. And in the wee small hours of the morning, O you can hear the Holy Ghost playing on that harp. Bless God. It is so sweet to be lost in Jesus, to have Him a living monument in your life. O how He will give you power over all demons and devils in hell and in man. O it means something to have power with God, not only to tread on serpents and scorpions, to drink any deadly thing and it shall not hurt you, but to cast out demons and lay hands on the sick and they shall recover.
The Apostolic Faith (June to September, 1907)
The Revival in Portland.
One of the mightiest revivals that Portland ever knew has taken place in that city. The devil raged, shots were fired, some were arrested and brought up before the judges, but the Lord worked on and healed all manner of diseases that were brought baptized and saved many precious souls.
In June a camp meeting was opened up there, where 100 souls were baptized with the Holy Ghost. Ministers were brought into the work. The Christian and Missionary Alliance in Portland came into the work in a body. God is working there in mighty power today.
One poor soul that had spent five years strapped to her bed in an insane asylum was healed. Her brother hearing of the wonderful work wrought through this people went and got her and brought her to the Mission, and God wonderfully healed and saved and sanctified her. Her brother testified that he did not believe in God and was an infidel. Now he is saved and has gone back to live with his wife he had left This Gospel surely is building up homes.
A lady was instantly healed of lesion of the muscles which the doctors have been working on for eleven years. The saints are leaving off their glasses and their eyes are being instantly healed. An old lady well on to seventy years old had her eyes completely restored while listening to a brother preaching.
When the plague in Portland was taking the children off at a fearful rate, the Lord healed all the Pentecostal flock as soon as it put in its appearance. Not one of them lost one of their family. The people were told to read the 91st Psalm, stand on the Word, and keep under the Blood, and fear nothing.
The Portland campmeeting opened at Twelfth and Division streets with 1000 people in attendance, sometimes hundreds could not get in. They had all things common at the camp, and such love and unity exists. The poor saint could have a tent as well as the rich one and all were free to eat at the tables. No collection taken, and yet the needs were abundantly supplied.
The work is spreading. Some came from Dallas and received their baptism and went back and set that town on fire and started a campmeeting there.
Sixty-seven were baptized in water one day. People brought their dear ones from the asylum and God healed them. Three from the asylum testified daily of the healing power of God.
A sanctified Nazarene preacher came to the meeting and got her baptism. Three preachers got through one day. The altars are packed.
A sister writing from there said, “O I wish you could hear these Holy Ghost people testify. No straps on anyone. The Holy Ghost works here. Saints filled so they can hardly talk jump up quickly, say a few words and sit down. Such a humble people, such love and unity I never saw.
-Address, Pentecostal Meeting, Twelfth and Division streets, Portland, Ore.
The “Latter Rain” in Zion City, Ill.
God is doing a mighty work in Zion City among those heart-broken and crushed people. First they started meetings in the Edina Hospice, now a faith home called “The Haven” then they had the large auditorium in the college and now have the large tabernacle.
One morning in the upper room of “The Haven,” the Holy Ghost fell, as they were praying for Him to come and manifest Himself. First one began to drop and then another until the floor was covered. The first to speak in unknown tongues was a young man who spoke in Chinese, Italian, and Zulu, which were identified. Then it was not long till the flood of joy began and all over the room they were praising and glorifying God in different tongues. Some were justified and sanctified. About twenty came through speaking in tongues.
God is using the children, young men and young women, in a marvelous manner. It is the most wonderful demonstration of the power of God upon human hearts. Denounce it as they will, when they see these little children under the power of the Holy Spirit, preaching, singing and speaking in different languages (which are many times identified by foreigners) they will in our meetings confess that their fighting has come to an end, and say that they have never seen anything after this manner.
Brother Seymour when he was in Zion City wrote, “People here receive the baptism in their pews while the service is going on and sometimes scores of them receive it. It is the sweetest thing you want to see. It reminds me of old Azusa ten months ago. The people that receive the baptism seem so happy, they remind me of our people at home. There are little children from six years and on up who have the baptism with the Holy Ghost, just as we have it in Los Angeles. Praise out God. This is another Azusa. It would do you good to hear these people speak under the power of the Holy Ghost. Some of them converse in tongues. Brother Tom has never lost the spirit of the Azusa. He is still fired up the same as ever. Everywhere I have traveled among our baptized souls they seem to have such joy and freedom in the Holy Ghost.”-Address “The Haven,” Zion City, Ill.
In Minneapolis, Minn.
One Sunday the power of God came upon us in the morning meeting and in the evening the Pentecost began to fall, and by 11:30 the next morning six had received Pentecost, “For they heard them speak with tongues and magnify God.” It was like some scenes in Azusa, all around lay the slain, Methodists, Baptists, and Lutherans. Young people arose with shining faces speaking in the power of the Holy Ghost in unknown tongues. Two elderly sisters also spoke in tongues, magnifying God. We have the happiest band of baptized people you ever saw. Young ladies that were so timid, now clap their hands and shout Glory, all the time.
Another night when the meeting lasted till five o’clock in the morning, one young man, a Methodist, came through about one a.m. and spoke in tongues for two hours, giving some of the most blessed messages and interpreting: the burden was, “Jesus is coming soon, get ready to meet Him.”
One little girl received her baptism and spoke beautifully in tongues, and then spoke to some unconverted young men in tongues and interpreted, which was a plea for them to give their hearts to Jesus now as He was soon coming and they would be lost. The men were visibly affected by the message.
Three baptismal services were held (up to June 19th) at a suburban lake, and 24 were buried in the likeness of His death.
Most of those who received the baptism in the Spirit are prostrated on the floor. Some received it while sitting in a chair or standing on their feet. Some have received it at home. Those who are prostrated, many of them tell of having a vision of heaven or of Jesus the Lord or otherwise of having come into a full and far deeper sense of God than ever thought of before. A brother coming out from under the power where he had received revelations said, “The hand of God is certainly on this work, and those who scuff and oppose it are likely to have the Lord’s hand put on them in a terrible way.”
The papers published many false reports, and they were threatened with arrest and to have the meetings stopped on the charge of disturbing the peace; but Bro. Pendleton announced that the meetings would continue for they must obey God. If they went to jail, they would have meetings there.
Some get to God in every meeting. They obtained a large hall that will set four or five hundred, where a permanent mission will be established.
Pentecost in Winnipeg, Manitoba.
For more than a year here some of the saints tarried before God for an outpouring of His Spirit upon all flesh, and especially for a revival of the Bible standard in Winnipeg. God has heard prayers and is repeating Pentecost. Praise His name.
The Holy Ghost first fell in a cottage meeting and three received their Pentecost with Bible evidence. An aged saint came in from Poplar Point, a small town about 40 miles distant, and the second afternoon he got his Pentecost and says he feels a lot younger. He and others went back and had tarrying meetings, and since then about twenty have received Pentecost at that place.
At the Pentecost Mission, while a brother was speaking from Acts 10:40-46, “While Peter yet spoke these words, the Holy Ghost fell on all them which heard the Word,” as he was speaking, the Holy Ghost fell on two sisters. One started speaking right off in tongues, and another who had come about 100 miles to attend the meeting, fell under the power for a time and began to sing in tongues. It was heavenly. Souls are being saved, believers sanctified and baptized with the Holy Ghost while sitting in their seats.
Baptismal services took place on the banks of the River Assimboine at this place 23 persons receiving baptism by immersion. It was a sacred occasion. The Holy Ghost witnessed through the speaking in tongues of those who were baptized.
Some wonderful cases of healing have occurred the past few weeks. A lady of some 60 years of age who had been a cripple from inflammatory rheumatism for ten years or more, was brought in an invalid chair accompanied by her two daughters. She was prayed for, and during the service was noticed to stretch forth her ailing limbs, which up to this time had been of little use to her. She then rose from her chair under the power of the Holy Ghost. O that man would praise the Lord for His goodness and His wonderful works to the children of men.
Home & Foreign Mission, 159 Alexander St., Winnipeg, Man., Can.
How wonderful it is that today in different parts of India, Russia, Norway, Sweden, England, Canada, Africa and America, God’s saints are enjoying the latter rain and are being satisfied. Persecution is arising everywhere, but this is only a mark of the Lord’s work, and makes us more sure we shall reign with Him whose sufferings we are privileged to share. Bless His name! The Lord is coming-our precious King is coming soon. “Even so come Lord Jesus.” Hallelujah.
Salvation in Sweden.
In Stockholm, Sweden, many souls are filled with the Holy Ghost and have the Bible evidence. The tidal wave is sweeping on, on to victory. Hundreds of souls are at the feet of Jesus.
“The work of the Lord is spreading. In Gottenberg, the second city of Sweden, the Lord has set many of His people free, filling them with the Spirit of Christ. Some are speaking with new tongues. I have Bro. Eric Hollingsworth and his wife here with me now in this city, and hope we shall have a house like Azusa Mission.
“The church in Skofde is growing. I think there are about 40 now who are baptized with the Holy Ghost and speaking and singing in new tongues there. Hallelujah! In a meeting at Skofde there were seven young folks who were singing in tongues together. It was a heavenly song, as Bro. Eric told me.
“In many other cities and towns God is working mightily. One place is on an island between Sweden and Russia, and all the praise.”-Andrew G. Johnson, Bramaregarden, Hisingstad, Gottenberg, Sweden.
[Since the last report, two Spirit-filled sisters, Sister Anderson and Sister Jacobson, have gone to help in the work in Sweden.]
Reports from England.
“Three have received the baptism with Bible evidence here. When we hear the Holy Ghost speaking and singing through these dear ones, it is so solemn and yet so heavenly and deepens one’s hunger.”-J.H. * Akerman Road, Brixton, London, S.W.
From another part of London where there has been a tarrying meeting, word comes that two have received the Pentecost, and other hungry souls seeking.
A sister in England who has received the ** testifies:
‘When all had retired that night, past twelve o’clock and I was left alone, praise and adoration filled my soul (for the words kept ringing in my ear that had been spoken from, “Faithful is He that calleth you, who also will do it.”) The joy was flowing-after months of inexpressible yearnings, and waiting upon God. That night I seemed to lie in His almighty arms like a weary little child. The last cord that bound me to earth was broken and that was a little anxiety concerning my home and dear ones. I gave them up to Him, and just rested absolutely in Him.
“While praising Him I had a vision of Jesus upon the cross. It was dark, He extended His arms to me and said, “Come to Me.” Oh! the unutterable love and compassion in His voice. I obeyed, and groaned in the spirit, seeming to suffer with Him. Then the darkness fled, and I was raised with Him in glory. I involuntarily threw up my arms to praise Him and suddenly they seemed to be charged with electricity, and a power came upon me and I praised Him in another tongue. He immediately gave the interpretation which was “Glory to Jesus-the bleeding Lamb.” The next morning the Holy Ghost came in mighty power, causing me to laugh as I had never done in my life (being very matter of fact and unemotional), and speaking in four or five languages sometimes giving the interpretation. For one and a half hours this continued. I was quite powerless. The glory of God filled my soul, and sometimes the deepest anguish of heart at the cross. What I felt and realized of the sorrow and love of Jesus was beyond all expression, finding vent only in another “tongue.” Glory to His Name!
“The same evening I went to another meeting in connection, with the foregoing special services, and the Spirit came upon me again causing me to speak in three or four languages with the interpretation.”-From a tract published in England by Bro. A.A. Body, All Saints’ Vicarage, Monkwearmouth, Sunderland, England.
The Work in India.
There are at least five or six hundred witnesses in India today, “earnestly contending for the faith once delivered unto the saints.”
Some of the choicest spirits of India have been baptized with the Holy Ghost. It is wonderful to hear one of these tell how for nine years she had hunted meetings where she could receive the Holy Ghost, and how she has found Him whom her soul so long has craved. She and her friend are missionaries from Columbo, Cevlon. One of them has been clearly healed of a disease of several years standing.
Four witnesses have gone to Darjeeling India.
A prominent missionary who has been baptized with the Holy Ghost and has received wonderful power has thrown open the doors of her beautiful mission home and today is preaching the word with power.
The missionaries are searching the Word. They find this movement is prophesied as the forerunner of Jesus, and the precious souls are so glad to receive the power; but in India Bible teachers who know the Word are not jumping at every new doctrine but are weighing everything by the Word and are being convinced of the truth.
The Lord gave one missionary a vision of the Holy Ghost as a chest of jewels, and she saw the Savior open the chest, and with a look of great love and satisfaction, unroll gift after gift from the chest. It has not occurred to many the joy that must fill the heart of the dear Lord, when He sees that His gifts are being appreciated.
The Lord also gave Sister Garr a vision of Himself one night, while in Calcutta and His hands were filled with golden crowns ready to place on heads. And the same evening, He gave her the message “Let no man take thy crown.” A missionary arose and said that on that day God had spoken those words to her, and she did not know what it meant.
Reaching the missionaries is laying the axe at the root of the tree, for they know all the customs of India and also the languages. The only way the nations can be reached is by getting the missionaries baptized with the Holy Ghost. Missionaries are receiving and praising God for letting them hear this Gospel and receive this great outpouring of the Spirit.
In a school of 1,500 native girls and 200 boys, besides European and native teachers the head of the school has been tarrying and the Comforter has come to her and also to her daughter, a number of her teachers, and 300 native girls. Hallelujah! At Dhond, a school of boys, numbers have been saved, some are speaking in tongues.
In Calcutta, one Missionary who was baptized in the meeting, went back to her high school and in a short time forty-five precious native girls were baptized in the Spirit. Then the matron of a Rescue Home received her Pentecost and shortly the dear girls who had been redeemed from such lives of sin, were learning how to glorify Jesus and the Holy Ghost was given. Missionaries who have gone down to their stations, write of the abiding Comforter and rivers of living water are flowing.
False reports have been circulated of the work in India. Do not believe them.-Address Bro. and Sister A.G. Garr, Bethany, Slave Island, Colombo, Ceylon, India.
When Jesus comes, He is going to reveal to us, all the hidden love that He had for us all through the ages.
If your testimony is backed up by the Blood of Christ in your heart, there is power in it.
God stands today to save every sinner, to sanctify every believer, and to baptize every sanctified believer with the Holy Ghost.
We are measuring everything by the Word, every experience must measure up with the Bible. Some say that is going too far, but if we have lived too close to the Word, we will settle that with the Lord when we meet Him in the air.
Some people build their houses on the sand, not on the experience of the Blood in their hearts. They say they have not got the witness, but are just going by faith. Well, everyone that is born of God has the witness in himself. I John 5:10.
When we preach a sinless life, some people say we are too strict. They say we will not get many to heaven that way. But beloved, God cannot save contrary to His Word. All salvation contrary to the Word is not saving salvation.
The baptism with the Holy Ghost is the seal of the living God in your forehead. God wants you to wear this seal, and not the badges of men and devils. He does not want you to be unequally yoked together with unbelievers, but come out from among the creeds and doctrines of men and devils. Our ignorance in the past God winked at, but that time is past. He is seeking for a clean people, a people that have not defiled their garments. The priests that bore the Holy vessels had to be clean, so now those that bear the messages of the Lord must be clean and holy.
John the Baptist lost his head because he preached against divorces. There are a few people today that are willing to lose their heads for preaching against divorces. This Apostolic Faith stands for one wife and one husband. Our God is going to have a clean people, a people that will stand for the whole counsel of God. Praise God for a people that are willing to stand for the Gospel and die for it if need be.
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Published by
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This is the campmeeting number of the Apostolic Faith, a double paper for the four months. We hope to send out more of the papers and oftener, the Lord willing May God make it a blessing to every reader.
Some ask how to send money to help the work. Money orders can be made payable to the Apostolic Faith, or you can send United States stamps. We cannot use foreign stamps. Some have sent bills. The Lord takes care of the money for His work. None has been lost.
You may find enclosed in your paper a slip. If you want your paper continued please fill it out with your name and address and send it to the Apostolic Faith. The reason we do this is because our mailing list is so large that we want to get it set up in print, and we do not want to print any names who do not really care for the paper.
The Lord wants us to keep that fresh anointing, that sweet anointing that we had when the Holy Ghost first fell upon us.
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It is one thing to receive the baptism and another thing to keep the anointing. When workers go out with the real anointing, there are not places large enough to hold the people. God wants a people to go out and preach this Gospel, that will stand for it. “These signs shall follow them that believe,” and if they do not follow, we do not represent this Gospel. It is a blessed thing to be able to stand as a witness to this Gospel.
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The Lord wants everything that is done in a meeting to be done in the anointing of the Holy Ghost. The Holy Ghost comes into your body for service. He anoints His ministers afresh for every service. Every song and every testimony should be given under the anointing of the Holy Ghost. Some have learned how to preach but it is a good thing for you if you cannot speak without the anointing of the Holy Ghost. You can get down on your knees and ask the Lord to use you or set you aside, which ever He wills, and to put the anointing on you for service if He wants you to give a message. Pretty soon you will feel the power going all over you. All you need to do is to yield to the will of God.
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Tongues are one of the signs that go with every baptized person, but it is not the real evidence of the baptism in the every day life. Your life must measure with the fruits of the Spirit. If you get angry, or speak evil, or backbite, I care not how many tongues you may have, you have not the baptism with the Holy Spirit. You have lost your salvation. You need the Blood in your soul.
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Don’t ever think because you have been sanctified and the old man crucified that there is no danger of him getting up. He will get up if you do not live in the Word and let the Blood flow. But if you remain in the Word, you will remain on the cross. O beloved, let us remain on the cross.
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It means something to consecrate, but it means more to keep consecrated, morning, noon, and night, to say, “Here am I. Lord, send me.” Sometimes when His voice comes, Do this or that, we think it is imagination: but if we will just ask God, “Is that You?” He will witness by the Blood that He is speaking. It is by obedience that we have power with God and increase in power.
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Many may start in this salvation, and yet if they do not watch and keep under the Blood, they will lose the Spirit of Jesus, which is divine love, and have only gifts which will be as sounding brass and a tinkling cymbal, and sooner or later these will be taken away. If you want to live in the Spirit, live in the fruits of the Spirit every day.
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“He anointeth my head with oil, my cup runneth over.” The oil of the Holy Ghost is poured upon our heads, and when we get filled, it will run over, that we may help others. If our cup is but full, it will simply be a benediction to ourselves; but when the oil of the Holy Ghost overflows, it will saturate and thrill and fill with the power of God other souls.
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The time has come when we must separate ourselves from this old world. Everything must be second to Jesus. Your treasure is in heaven. You are walking down here and trying to win souls, to pass the time away till Jesus comes.
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Go ye into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature, teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you.” You who are baptized with the Holy Ghost, this commission is written over your heads, and will not be taken down till the angel stands with one foot on the land and one on the sea and declares that time shall no longer be.
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O beloved, our reigning time has not come yet. We are to be with the Babe from the manger to the throne. Our reigning time will come when Jesus comes in great power from the throne. Until then we are to be beaten, to be spit upon, and mocked. We are to be like His son.
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It means so much to keep the anointing upon our souls so that we do not wither away, after we get this baptism. There is a tendency for the enemy to come in and tell you that you are giving away to this and that demonstration too much. God wants us to let the Holy Ghost have right of way with us. I love the liberty of the Holy Ghost, I love to see Him have right of way. When we received the baptism of the Holy Ghost, the power came down in such a mighty way, and after a time people began to consider and got us to taking thought. But what are we that will put straps and bands on the Holy Ghost, when the Lord comes and finds and thrills us with the Holy Ghost? Just because it is not our power shall we quench it and hold it down? Let us be free in the Holy Ghost and let Him have right of way.
In the 23rd chapter of Leviticus and 16th of Deuteronomy, and all through the Old Testament we read of the feasts that God appointed to be kept in the worship to Him. There were four feasts, the Passover Feast, Feast of First Fruits, Feast of Pentecost (or Feast of Weeks), and Feast of Tabernacles. They all typify what we get through the cross now, justification, sanctification, the baptism with the Holy Ghost and then a continual feast. Together they typify a complete redemption.
The Passover Feast
The Passover Feast is the very type of justification through the Blood of Jesus our Paschal Lamb. The night when they ate the Passover in Egypt was the type of a sinner coming out of darkness, through the Blood of Jesus. Hallelujah! The body of the Paschal Lamb is the type of the body of Christ, which is meat for us and bread for us, and the sprinkled blood represents salvation, as He said on that last Passover night when He was betrayed, “Take eat, this is my body which is given for you; this do in remembrance of Me.” He also gave them the cup saying, “This is the new testament in My Blood, which is shed for you.” Luke 22, 20. If we accept the Word of God and accept Christ’s body for healing, we shall be healed, Bless His holy name!
So the Passover represents justification and sanctification. There is a feast in every believer that has accepted the Blood of Jesus Christ. It is the first feast in his soul. When a man gets justified, the Lord puts a new song in his mouth, even praises to our God that he is saved and has peace with God through the Blood of Jesus.
Feast of First Fruits
This is the very type of consecrating our lives, after we are justified, to be sanctified “When ye come into the land which I give unto you, and shall reap the harvest thereof , then ye shall bring a sheaf of the first fruits of the harvests unto the priests. And he shall wave the sheaf before the Lord.” Lev. 23, 10, 11. Praise our God! Jesus Christ is our high priest. He sanctifies and cleanses us from all sin through His Blood. Bless His holy name!
“And the meat offering thereof shall be two tenth deals of fine flour mingled with oil, an offering made by fire unto the Lord for a sweet savor; and the drink offering thereof shall be of wine, the fourth part of an hin. And ye shall eat neither bread, nor parched corn, nor green ears, until the selfsame day that ye have brought an offering unto your God; it shall be a statute for ever throughout your generations in all your dwellings.” Lev. 23. 12, 14. This is the very type of a fully sanctified life. We should not live off the experience and blessings of justification, but we should hasten to God as soon as we are justified and consecrate our whole soul to God as a sacrifice, and receive the sanctifying grace.
The 15th verse foreshadows the 50 days from the Cross to Pentecost. “And ye shall count unto you, from the morrow after the Sabbath, from the day that ye brought the sheaf of the wave offering; seven sabbaths shall ye complete; even unto the morrow after the seventh Sabbath shall ye number fifty days; and ye shall offer a new meat offering unto the Lord.” This makes seven weeks or 49 days that you have enjoyed the sweet sanctified life through the Blood; and on the 50th day which represents the new Sabbath, our Lord’s Day, comes the Pentecost, which we now receive under the new testament, the baptism with the Holy Ghost.
The Feast of Pentecost
The Feast of Pentecost is the very type of the baptism with the Holy Ghost. The word Pentecost signifies 50 days. The first Pentecost the Jews had was at Mount Sinai 50 days after the Feast of Passover. The baptism with the Holy Ghost also fell on Pentecost just fifty days after Jesus was offered on the cross, to the very hour. The regular time of offering the lamb of sacrifice was nine o’clock, and that was the hour that Jesus was crucified, the “third hour of the day.” And the baptism of the Spirit fell on the same hour, 50 days later, for in the second chapter of Acts, we read that Peter said to the multitude, “These are not drunken as ye suppose, seeing it is but the third hour of the day.” The Pentecost fell on the Lord’s day, the first day of the week or Sunday. It has been kept by God’s people ever since. So Pentecost really means a feast, praise God, we have Pentecost in our souls today.
The feast of Pentecost came at the time of the wheat harvest and ripening of the summer fruits. They were commanded to leave some of the wheat and fruits in the fields, not to glean it. So when we get the baptism with the Holy Ghost, we have overflowing love, we have rivers of salvation. Praise our God.
The Feast of Trumpets
This is the feast of the full harvest. “When ye have gathered in the fruit of the land, ye shall keep a feast unto the Lord seven days; on the first day shall be a Sabbath and on the eighth day shall be a Sabbath. And ye shall take you on the first day the boughs of goodly trees, branches of palm trees, and the boughs of thick trees, and willows of the brook; and ye shall rejoice before the Lord your God seven days.” Lev. 23. 39, 40. In this you see a type of baptized Holy Ghost people filled with divine love, and under the mighty power of the Holy Spirit, praising God and giving Him the glory. Hallelujah! This feast of Tabernacles is a type of a continual feast with Jesus. It typifies the coming and reigning of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, when He shall spread the tabernacle and feed us.
These types and shadows represent what we are now receiving in reality. Bless His name. May we all seek all that God has for us.
One Sunday evening, the Lord impressed me not to go to meeting but to stay at home. We all went into the parlor and knelt down to pray, wife and I, and our three little children and one of the neighbor’s girls about 10 years old.
After wife and I prayed, the children commenced praying. The little boy of 13 was last to pray. While he was praying, the two little girls commenced crying out and such agony before God. It was about seven o’clock in the evening, and kept on till about nine. They were lying on their backs, sometimes praying and sometimes crying out.
Then Agnes said, “O papa, I saw such a beautiful light come down from heaven. It shines so much brighter than the gas light.” Glory! Hallelujah! Then she commenced speaking in tongues. It sounded like the French language. Then the other little girl commenced crying out. Agnes went and put her arms around her neck and said, “O Huldah, I see there is light for you too.” Then Huldah commenced speaking in tongues. Then they came and threw themselves in my lap and talked in tongues for an hour. Then they sang a song in tongues, both sang the same words and the same tune in perfect harmony.
Then the little boy began to get hungry, and we went down and prayed for him and about 12 o’clock he got his Pentecost.
The children were saved before that, and the two girls had been praying together that day. Agnes used to have a very sharp temper but is different now. Shortly after that all three were baptized with water. Little Clara, the baby, six years old, is praying for her Pentecost.
Ever since that night, when we get down to pray, nearly always the little ones begin to speak in tongues. The following Sunday evening, we left the children alone, and when we returned and came to the barn we heard such a noise in the house, and my wife wondered if the children were crying. We found all three of the children were talking in tongues.
M.B. Froseth,
938 E. 33rd St. Los Angeles.
A little girl eight years old who was reclaimed and sanctified at the children’s tabernacle in the campmeeting was left at home one morning to take care of the little children, while her mother went to the meeting. She was a good girl with the children, and the Lord gave them a wonderful meeting at home. Rebecca who was seeking the baptism with the Holy Ghost, her cousin who had been saved that morning in family worship and the little sister, all had a little meeting. They sang, prayed and testified and then had an altar call. Little Mary was saved, and while praying with her Vivian was sanctified. After they closed the meeting, Rebecca sat on the lounge sewing and got up to start a fire, when the power of God came on her. She says, I fell on my knees so suddenly that it surprised me. I said, “O Father, baptize me with the Holy Ghost and fire, and give me the witness that I am baptized.” In a few minutes she began to sing in an unknown language. Then the Lord impressed her to go and lay hands on her cousin, and she fell under the power and lay for some time and came out from under the power singing in an unknown language. When the mother came home, Rebecca ran and told her the good news, and she said she had been praying for the Lord to take care of the children, and indeed He had.
Some people doubt the miracle of speaking in tongues. They read it in the Bible but do not believe in miracles now-a-days. There was a woman on the campground that doubted the miracle of speaking in tongues. She understood Russian and Polish, and the Lord gave her a message in her native tongue, which no one else understood.
A boy arose to testify and when his turn came, and he opened his mouth, he could not speak English, but the Spirit began to speak in an unknown language. The woman heard both Russian and Polish and was thoroughly convinced. He spoke about ten minutes giving the account of Jesus walking among the golden candlesticks with the seven stars in His right hand and also the first eight verses of the 3rd of Revelation where Jesus was exhorting the church that had a name to live and was dead, to repent. The boy seemed to be preaching and exhorting in great power. Part of the message was, “Jesus is coming very soon.”
The young man’s name is Ralph Groenick of Hermon, Cal., and the woman’s address is Sister Rosenthal, corner 24th and Hoover streets, Los Angeles.
When we receive Christ as our sanctifier, He comes in and we have the abiding anointing in our souls continually. When a man is sanctified, there is no doubt as to his sanctification, for he has the witness within. Christ abides, He sits enthroned. You are in the Word of God and you get a real witness from the throne of God that Christ is within. When you call your Beloved, He answers and says, Here I am.
I remember after I was converted, I said, How is this? My Beloved comes to me and visits me, but He does not abide. I knew I was a Christian but I did not have the real abiding anointing. When I would get with Christians and sing one or two hymns, my Beloved would come and visit me; but when I left, it seemed He would go. I said to Him, “I would like for you to come and stay, not just some and fill me and afterwards take Your flight.” But when I got my Beloved sanctified in me, then when I would call upon Him, He would come and make my soul laugh. You do not have to ask someone about it. If you have not received the abiding anointing, you have a counterfeit sanctification. As long as you live in the Word of God He will always be present. We must continue to obey Him, for there is no way for Christ to abide in us, if we do not obey Him.
The Blood of Jesus is the only cure for doubt and fears. It takes sanctification to deliver from doubts and fears. We always find that people who are not sanctified are more or less troubled with doubts. But when they get sanctified they are filled with such love to God, that they are like little babes, they believe every word of Jesus.
Now Jesus had been with the disciples three and a half years, and had told them all about the kingdom, and yet the doubts and fears came upon them. But in Luke 24:31, we read, “And their eyes were opened and they knew Him.” This was after the resurrection. Their spiritual eyes were opened to see our inheritance. No one can get the baptism till Christ anoints his eyes and opens up his understanding that he might understand the Scriptures. In the 45th verse we read, “Then opened He their understanding that they might understand the Scriptures.” Then they received the living Word into their hearts and their hearts burned within them, as He unfolded the Scriptures to them.
Sanctification is a cure for unbelief, doubts and fears. Jesus got all His disciples cured before He went back to glory. What do you call that but sanctification? His Blood had been split for their sanctification. He had suffered without the gate to sanctify them. We can see Jesus taught the doctrine of sanctification before He was crucified, for He had prayed that they might be sanctified in the 17th of John. He stayed with them on earth forty days, opened their understanding, opened their eyes and cleansed them of doubts.
The last one to be cured of doubts was Thomas. They were trying to preach the resurrection to Thomas, but he said, “No. I will not believe it until I put my hand into His side and my finger into the prints of the nails.” Satan was trying to rob and fool Thomas out of the glorious truth of the resurrection. Jesus knew all about it. He called Thomas and said to him, (Don’t you see how Jesus hates infidelity and unbelief) “Reach hither thy finger and behold My hands and, reach hither thy hand and behold My side, and be not faithless but believing.” Jesus wants us to walk by faith and believe every word that proceedeth out of His mouth.
We believe that the disciples were sanctified and ready for the baptism with the Holy Ghost. They had obedience and faith in their hearts, and were continually praising and blessing God in the temple, until the Pentecost tell, Acts 2. If we will all get a clearly sanctified experience as they had, we will have no trouble in receiving the baptism.
It is the office work of the Holy Spirit to preside over the entire work of God on earth.-John 10:3 Jesus was our Bishop while on earth, but now He has sent the Holy Ghost, Amen, to take His place, not men.-John 14:16; 15:26; 16:7-14. Praise His holy name!
The Holy Ghost is to infuse with divine power, and to invest with heavenly authority. No religious assembly is legal without His presence and His transaction. We should recognize Him as the Teacher of teachers.
The reason why there are son many of God’s people without divine power today without experimental salvation, wrought out in their hearts by the Blood, by the power of the blessed Holy Spirit, is because they have not accepted Him as their Teacher, as their Leader, as their Comforter. Jesus said in His precious Word that if He went away He would send us another Comforter. The need of men and women today in their lives, is a Comforter Praise our God! We have received this blessed Comforter, and it is heaven in our souls. We can sing with all our hearts: “What matter where on earth we dwell On Mountain top, or in the dell,
In cottage or a mansion fair,
Where Jesus is, ’tis heaven there.”
Bless His holy name!F May God help every one of His Blood bought children to receive this blessed Comforter. Glory to His name! Hallelujah! Hosannah to His omnipotent name! Oh, He is reigning in my soul! Hallelujah! I just feel like the song which says:
“Oh, spread the tidings round
Wherever man is found,
Wherever human hearts
And human woes abound,
Let every Christian tongue
Proclaim the joyful sound,
The Comforter has come!”
Many people today think we need new churches, (that is to say church buildings,) stone structures, brick structures, modern improvements, new choirs, trained singers right from the conservatories, paying from seven to fifteen hundred dollars a year for singing, fine pews, fine chandeliers, everything that could attract the human heart to win souls to the meeting house is used in this twentieth century. We find that they have reached the climax, but all of that had failed to bring divine power and salvation to precious souls. Sinners have gone to the meeting house, heard a nice, fine, eloquent oration on Jesus, or on some particular church, or on some noted man. The people have been made glad to go because they have seen great wealth, they have seen people in the very latest styles, in different costumes, and loaded down with jewelry, decorated from head to foot with diamonds, gold and silver. The music in the church has been sweet, and it is found that a good many of the church people seem to be full of love, but there has always been a lack of power. We wonder why sinners are not being converted, and why it is that the church is always making improvements, and failing to do the work that Christ called her to do. It is because men have taken the place of Christ and the Holy Spirit.
The church had the right idea that we need bishops and elders, but they must be given authority by our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, and their qualifications for these offices must be the enduement of the power of the Holy Ghost. Jesus, after choosing His disciples, said, in John 15:16 “Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you and ordained you, that ye should go and bring forth fruit, and that your fruit should remain, that whatsoever ye shall ask of the Father, in my name, He may give ordained His disciples with His own blessed hands, before going back to glory, but He put the credentials in their hearts on the day of Pentecost, when they were baptized with the Holy Ghost and fire. Hallelujah! This was the authority that made them His witnesses unto the uttermost parts of the earth, for without the blessed Holy Spirit, in all of His fullness, we are not able to witness unto the uttermost parts of the earth. We must be coworkers with Him, partakers of the Holy Ghost. Then, when He is in us, in all of His fullness, He will manifest Himself. Signs and miracles will follow. This is the office work of the Holy Spirit in the churches. Amen.
I pray God that all Christ’s people and ministers everywhere will please stop by the headquarters, the Jerusalem before God, for their credentials. Then they are entitled to receive credentials from the visible church. But the main credential is to be baptized with the Holy Ghost. Instead of new preachers from the theological schools and academies, the same old preachers, baptized with the Holy Ghost and fire, the same old deacons, the same old plain church buildings will do. When the Holy Ghost comes in He will cleanse out dead forms and ceremonies, and will give life and power to His ministers and preachers, in the same old church buildings. But without the Holy Ghost they are simply tombstones.
We must always recognize that a meeting house is simply a place, where Christ’s people gather to worship, and not the church. The church is planted in our hearts, through the Blood of Jesus Christ, for Christ said in Matthew 16:16. “Upon this rock will I build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.” We see, if these meeting houses and such buildings were really churches of Christ, the storms, cyclones, and fire, could not harm them; but we see them blown down by storms and burned down. But, through the precious Blood of Christ, this church that He plants in our souls will stand throughout eternity.
The first thing in every assembly is to see that He, the Holy Ghost, is installed as so many dried up missions and churches today, is because they have not the Holy Ghost as the chairman. They have some man in His place. Man is all right in his place, that is when he is filled with the power of the Holy Ghost, for it is not man that does the work, but the Holy Ghost from the glory land, sent by Jesus to work through this tabernacle of clay. Wherever you find the Holy Ghost as the chairman in any assembly, you will find a fruitful assembly, you will find children being born unto God.
Just as it takes a father and a mother to bring forth children of this natural life, so it takes the Word and the Spirit to bring forth children of the spiritual birth. There must be a father and there must be a mother. God chooses human instruments to preach the Word unto the people, and the Holy Ghost gives birth to everyone who receives the Word of Christ, which means the new birth. Praise our God. Where a Holy Ghost man preaches the Word of God, the Lord will bring forth sons and daughters unto his administration.
Jesus Christ is the archbishop of these assemblies, and He must be recognized. Also we must recognize the Holy Spirit in all of His office work. He takes the members into the church, which is the body of Christ. Through repentance to God, and faith in Jesus, they become the members of the church of Christ. And they remain members as long as they live free from sin. When they commence sinning, the Holy Ghost, the chairman and bishop, the presiding elder, turns them out, and they know when they are turned out of this church. They don’t have to go and ask their pastor or their preacher, for they feel within their own soul that the glory has left them-the joy, the peace, the rest and comfort. Then when they feel the lack in their souls, if they will confess their sins, God, the Holy Ghost, will accept them back into the church.
Oh, thank God for this holy way. I am so glad that sham battles are over. Men and women must live straight, holy, pure lives, free from sin, or else they have no part with Christ Jesus. When men and women are filled with the Holy Ghost, everywhere they go, living waters will flow. The Lord promised that out of our innermost being living rivers of water should flow. This is the Holy Ghost. Amen! The mighty Pison, the Gihon, the Hiddekel, the Euphrates of our soul will flow, representing the rivers of salvation. Amen!
“I feel led by the Holy Spirit to testify to the glory of God what He has done for me and my wife. The Lord has wonderfully healed me from catarrh of nine years standing. Glory! glory! glory! glory be to my dear Redeemer’s name! Soon as I received the handkerchief, or as soon as I opened the letter, such power went through my whole being as I have never felt before, and I praise Him, I feel the healing balm just now go through soul and body. Glory to King Jesus, the great Physician of soul and body. A few weeks before this, my wife was very sick, as near death as I have ever seen a human being. Her ears were getting cold and strength gone so that she could only whisper, but glory to God for His mercy and love, we got some of the saints to pray for her, and He wonderfully came and healed her. About a year ago, God for Christ’s sake saved and sanctified her, and revealed to her not to trust in the arm of flesh. So she pitched her medicine out once for all and took Jesus for her only Doctor. He is surely the only one that can help us under all circumstances.”-E.W. Johnson, Stockholm, Sask, Canada.
“The Lord graciously gave me the baptism with the Holy Ghost and fire on April 29th, and there have 35 received their Pentecost at Readan, Wash., where I was. One dear sister was healed of curvature of the spine in answer to our prayers in half an hour after receiving her baptism, and her back straightened like a piece of rubber Praise to our God. She has been called to go to India.”-Mary Law, Rte 8, Spokane, Wash.
“A few of us here believe in this “faith once delivered unto the saints” and some are speaking in tongues. One sister sang beautiful songs with such marvelous power, beauty and sweetness, and oh how blest we were. Fifteen dear young men were saved, also several others. I wish to tell of a miracle which God did on my dear mother, healing her of a growth or pressing of the bones on the brain, caused by a bad fall on a sharp rock. She had suffered two years, and last summer was fast becoming insane from the pressure on her brain. I told her one night we would pray for her at the church where we met. We were only two, a brother and myself, and we claimed the promise, “Where two of you are agreed.” Praise God, my mother was healed sitting at home in a chair asleep. She said that she sprang up in alarm, wondering why her head felt so light and good. Then she remembered we were praying for her, and realized that she was healed, and thank God she is well and happy today.”-Eben, Lind, Moline, Ill.
“I can testify to this world that there is power in the Blood of Jesus Christ to cleanse from all sin and all dread diseases. Two days before I received your letter, I was made well and my shoulder went up into its place. All I can say is, Praise the Lord for ever and ever.”-John Waterson, Knowlesville.
Dear Beloved in Christ Jesus:-
The Lord Jesus has said in His precious Word, “Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness, for they shall be filled.” Matt. 5, 6. God’s promises are true and sure. We can rest upon His promises. He says, “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God. Matt. 5, 8. “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.” Matt. 5, 3.
The Lord Jesus is always ready to fill the hungry, thirsty soul, for He said in His precious Word, “He that believeth on Me as the scripture hath said, out of his innermost being shall flow rivers of living water. (But this spoke He of the Spirit which they that believe on Him should receive: for the Holy Ghost was not yet given; because that Jesus was not yet glorified.)” John 7, 38, 39. But, praise God, He is given to us today.
All we have to do it to obey the first chapter of Acts, and wait for the promise of the Father upon our souls. The Lord Jesus said in His precious Word. “Behold I send the promise of My Father upon you; but tarry ye in the city of Jerusalem until ye be endued with power from on high. (Luke 24, 49.) For John truly baptized with water; but ye shall be baptized with the Holy Ghost not many days hence.
*** Ye shall receive power after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you; and ye shall be witnesses unto Me both in Jerusalem and in all Judea, and in Samaria and unto the uttermost part of the earth.” Acts I. 5, 8. They tarried until they received the mighty power of the baptism with the Holy Spirit upon their souls. Then God put the credentials in their hearts, and put the ring of authority on their finger, and sealed them in the forehead with the Father’s name, and wrote on their heart the name of the New Jerusalem, and put in their hand the stone with the name written that no man knoweth save he that receiveth it. Praise the Lord, for His mercy endureth forever. Let us stand upon His promises. They are sure, they will not break.
The Lord Jesus says, “Behold, I give you power to tread on serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy; and nothing shall by any means hurt you.” Luke 10, 19. Dear loved one, the Lord Jesus when He rose from the dead, said “All power is given unto Me in heaven and in earth. Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. (Matt. 28. 19) He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned. And these signs shall follow them that believe; in My name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; they shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick and they shall recover.” Mark 16: 16-18. And they went forth and preached everywhere, the Lord working with them, and confirming the Word with signs following. Praise His dear name, for He is just the same today.
The first thing in order to receive this precious and wonderful baptism with the Holy Spirit, we want to have a clear knowledge of justification by faith according to the Bible. Rom. 5:1, “Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ,” faith that all our actual sins may be washed away. Actual sin means committed sin.
And then the second step is to have a real knowledge of sanctification, which frees us from original sin-the sin that we were born with, which we inherited from our father Adam. We were not responsible for that sin until we received light, for we could not repent of a sin that we did not commit. When we came to the Lord as a sinner, we repented to God of our actual sins, and God for Christ’s sake pardoned us and washed our sin and pollution away, and planted eternal life in our souls. Afterwards we saw in the Word of God, “This is the will of God, even your sanctification.” I Thess. 4:3, also John 17:15-19. We consecrated ourselves to God, and the Lord Jesus sanctified our souls, and made us every whit clean.
Then after we were clearly sanctified, we prayed to God for the baptism with the Holy Spirit. So He sent the Holy Spirit to our hearts and filled us with His blessed Spirit, and He gave us the Bible evidence, according to the 2nd chapter of Acts verses 1 to 4, speaking with other tongues as the Spirit gives utterance.
Praise our God, He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Receive Him just now and He will fill you. Amen. Don’t get discouraged but pray until you are filled, for the Lord says, “Men ought always to pray and not to faint.” Don’t stop because you do not receive the baptism with the Holy Ghost at the first, but continue until you are filled. The Lord Jesus told His disciples to tarry until they were endued with power from on high. Many people today are willing to tarry just so long, and then they give up and fail to receive their personal Pentecost that would measure with the Bible. The Lord Jesus says, “Ye shall be filled.” He says that to the person that hungers and thirsts after righteousness and He says they are blessed. So if there is a hunger and thirst in our souls for righteousness, we are blest of Him. Praise His dear name!
Yours in Christ,
In our previous articles upon the above subject, we defined the definite conclusions at which we had arrived; and now after six months further study, we have little to change as to our opinion of the movement. Last January we said we were satisfied that God had visited His people and that many were greatly blessed while others seemed puffed up and injured by their experience. We also stated that the Gospel Tabernacle as a church had set aside one evening of each week to pray especially that we might receive all that God was willing to bestow; and also that we might be delivered from all the deceptions of Satan, and the workings of the flesh.
The result so far has been most satisfactory. God has met us and answered our prayers. On the 12th of June at the close of our regular mid-week prayer meeting, nine of us tarried for a special season of waiting upon God. We had not proceeded far when one of our number (our class leader, a man of undoubted reliability and Christian experience), was praying with unusual earnestness amounting to intense supplication, when suddenly the Spirit seemed to fall upon us “as at the beginning;” for several were strongly convulsed, while the brother referred to began to speak in “unknown tongues” and “magnify God” with a loud voice. This altogether new experience made a deep impression on all present, as it could not possibly be attribated to hysteria or any hypnotic influence. So great was the downpour of the Spirit that this strong man paced the floor glorifying God for fully an hour. By this time the sense of God’s presence was so great that another of our church officers said that he believed it was God’s will to bestow upon him a like enduement. This brought us once more to our knees, where we had not long remained when the Spirit again fell upon us, and this brother likewise burst into intense supplication, and a little later began to speak “in tongues” and glorify God, as the first brother had done. This so impressed us that we began to think that it was the will of God to visit the entire company. None of the others, however, were visited at this time and at three o’clock in the morning we left the church. Again the following Friday evening as a company kneeled at the altar the Spirit fell upon one of our sisters; and again the following Sunday evening, upon one of the elders of the church. In each instance the recipient had the same experience as the first two. These things have made such an impression upon our people that the church has been greatly quickened. Those who speak in tongues seem to live in another world. The experience they have entered into corresponds exactly with that which is described in the 10th chapter of the Acts. The tongues they speak in do not seem to be intended as a means of communication between themselves and others, as on the Day of Pentecost, but corresponds more closely with that described in the 14th of I. Corinthians, 2nd verse, and seems to be a means of communication between the soul and God. They do not speak in tongues in the assembly, but when in prayer; they become intense in their supplication; they are apt to break out in the unknown tongue, which is invariably followed by ascriptions of praise and adoration which are well nigh unutterable. The writer has about concluded that it is the “new tongues” spoken of in Mark xvi. 17 as one of the signs which are to follow them that believe, rather than the “gift of tongues” which all evidently did not possess. We feel our spirits hushed into silence before God, at this wonderful manifestation of His presence in our midst. We have announced no extra meetings in the church, but every night prostrate forms may be seen waiting in silence before Him who baptizes with the Holy Ghost. There is no shadow of doubt left in our minds as the the Scripturalness of the experience, and we feel sure that no honest heart could find anything to criticize.
There are other cases at other points in our Chicago work equally satisfactory, and it is this more than any other thing that has influenced us in the selection of the Free Methodist Camp Grounds, as the place for our next annual meeting.-The Christian Missionary Alliance.
Of the 500 disciples that heard Jesus say, “Tarry ye in the city of Jerusalem,” how many tarried? Just 126. O it is not all that are going to obey the voice of Jesus. We know that Mary Magdalene was there and Mary the mother of Jesus, and they received the power along with the men. Glory to Jesus. God says, “In the latter days, I will pour out of My Spirit upon all flesh”-not only upon the servants but on the handmaidens also. So we women have a part in this Gospel. Hallelujah to my God! He is the fairest of ten thousand to my soul.
“O, I feel the coming of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ drawing nigh. Hallelujah! Glory to His name! I am so glad that the Lord is holding the winds until the angel has sealed all of the saints of the living God in their foreheads, the baptism of the Holy Ghost. The midnight cry will soon be made, when the morning and the night shall come. It will be morning in our souls, to those that are waiting for His coming; but the awful black night of tribulation as the black night of Egypt will come upon all the world. May god help all of His precious waiting bride to be watching, waiting until our Lord shall come.
“Oh, I am so thankful that I can work for my Christ and my God. The time is short when our blessed Jesus shall return to this earth, and snatch away His waiting bride. After six thousand years of toil and labor, we are going to have one thousand years of rest with our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Glory to His holy name!” Bro. Seymour, 312 Azusa St., Los Angeles.
“I can’t forget how, kneeling at the dear old board in Azusa street, I promised God I would go where He wanted me to go and stay where He wanted me to stay, and be what He wanted me to be. I meant every word of it and God has taken me at my Word. How His glory is flooding my soul. O how I worship His precious name! I have to stop and wonder how God can bless the Word through me. To think He has saved me when all my family were infidels and everything that would drive me from God. No one can ever know how I feel for the way God has dealt with me. O how I love Jesus. It thrills my very being to think of the Blood. It has done so much for me. I am filled with wonder love, and praise that God would permit me to see the workings of His mighty power in these last days. O to think we have lived to see the return of the apostolic power and to see the gifts restored back to the church. I find we cannot compromise with anything or anybody. O we must stand for all the light we have received, and having down all to stand.-Florence Crawford.
“This is, without doubt, God’s last call to His people just previous to the coming of our blessed Redeemer and Master. O, how our hearts long to see Him! How we rejoice at the hope, each day bringing to us a deeper experience and a brighter assurance that we, ourselves, shall never see the grave! His approach is so nigh at hand, one almost thinks they can hear the songs of the angels who are to accompany Him in His coming. Without a shadow of a doubt, we are living in the latter days and that “Latter Rain” is being poured upon us; yet we are but beneath its droppings; the full shower has not yet arrived.” -Bro. Tom Hezmalhaich, “The Haven” Zion City, Ill.
When the Comforter first came my heart was so overflowing with the joy, I had not time to prove thereality, the blessed reality of the experience received in dear reality of the experience received in dear old Azusa Street Mission, but as persecution arose in India I have proved day by day, hour by hour that He abides and reveals Jesus to my soul in wonderful ways.
How conscious have I been of His presence giving “songs of deliverance” and speaking through me to my own comfort and delight. Praise Him. There are several hundred natives baptized with the Holy Ghost and speaking in tongues today in India. I want to add, that the blessed Comforter does indeed reveal the perfect life of the Savior, not alone in the oil of joy, (“Thou hast loved righteousness and hated iniquity; therefore God even Thy God, hath anointed Thee with the oil of gladness above Thy fellows”), but the other side of this precious life, (“The man of sorrows and acquainted with grief.”) And we can say we have not longed for the joy side alone, but to “suffer with Him that we might reign with Him.” He longs for a bride who shares both His suffering and joy. I want to enter into His own heart and feel as He felt, letting His joy be my joy, His sorrow my sorrow. He has put groanings into my heart which cannot be uttered over a lost world and those who do not understand His workings in the earth at this time. How I praise Him for a love for my enemies that is not natural but divine. Hallelujah.
We long to see all power restored that the heathen can no more say to the missionaries: “Where is their God.” Joel 2:17. “The Lord will be jealous for His land and pity His people.”
Our hearts are knit with the dear Saints at Azusa street and we think with love of all. How often I think of the times the Spirit sang through Sister Crawford and me:
“Jesus, Savior, pilot me
Over life’s tempestuous sea.”
That testified to my own heart that much would arise for which the Spirit was preparing me. He abides, the blessed Comforter.-Mrs. Lillian Garr, Bethany, Slave Island, Colombo, Ceylon.
“I am not going to Africa for name or fame, but for the saving of precious souls that Jesus gave His life for, that they should enjoy this blessed salvation as we Glory to His name. How I worship my Savior. Can say from the very depths of my heart that this world with all its attractions has no charms for me. It is Jesus and Him only.”-Rosa Harmon, 351 W. 40th St., New York City, en-route to Africa.
“We had a wonderful campmeeting in Fairmont Minn, I put myself on record as a seeker from the beginning. As I kept humbling myself before Him day after day His power and love began going all through me. At one meeting a number were singing the heavenly chorus and I found my heart in tune with it. Hallelujah, so that I was able to take part. I had not then spoken any in unknown tongues but was still pressing up for the baptism in the Holy Ghost.
A night or two days after that, I sang again with a number of others, and soon after the tent was filled with God and my heart was filled with holy laughter. then suddenly several peculiar moves took place around my jaw bones, and from away within, without my having any part in it, I spoke words that I was not accountable for. With this there was great, inexpressible joy in my soul, so much that I was unable to keep still.
One girl of about 18 years from Sioux City sang several verses in a South African dialect, words which were so near like the Zulu dialect that some were familiar to me. Sister Ladd from Des Moines spoke several sentences in the Arabic which I could understand, though the Arabic in Morocco is different from the pure Arabic spoken in Palestine.”-Fred Weiss, Thurman, Ia., returned Africa Missionary.
Miss Eula Wilson, a girl of fifteen in Wichita, Kans, had been given up to die by the doctors. She seemed to die and was laid out for burial. Hours afterward she suddenly raised up and said, “O Mamma I have been in heaven and Jesus has healed me and told me to eat, drink, and walk” She was completely healed and has not been sick at all since.
She says she was taken to heaven in cloud accompanied by two angels and her brother who had died two years before. Heaven, she said, was sparkling with indescribable beauty and glory. She met Jesus, who bade her enter through the gate of pearl, saying, “Peace, peace.” He led her and her brother to a most beautiful stream of water sparkling like myriads of diamonds. She was not able to see across the stream nor to the heights of the city. She saw an innumerable company, a large proportion of whom were infants and little children, and recognized many relatives but was disappointed at not seeing some who had died as it was supposed in the triumphs of the Christian faith.
She says, “Everybody looked so beautiful and natural, except a glorious and heavenly light in their eyes and on their faces. They were all dressed alike wearing white robes, without any yoke and with loose flowing sleeves and were all barefooted, with a halo of glory encircling their heads. There was no earth, but all was pure gold, yet much more beautiful than our gold, and seeming transparent.” The light of heaven was glorious and came from the throne of God. Near the stream of water were leafless trees, yet filled with luscious fruit having neither pit nor peeling, but beautiful like the surroundings. When plucked off, it immediately grew again. The people drank of the stream and ate of the fruit, but Jesus told Eula not to eat or drink but to return to earth again, warn the people of their sins, and tell them of this beautiful place and that He was coming soon, for them to be ready.
She did not want to come back, fearing that she would have to endue the same suffering, but Jesus said to her, “I will heal you so that you will not have to suffer any more, and I will give you strength.” In fulfillment of this promise, she has been able to speak to large audiences and is gaining in strength every day. The physicians cannot account for it. She had been sick for seven months and had had a long death struggle. The doctors agree that she was totally blind in one eye which was sunken and turned backward in the socket, but she is now perfectly restored, including her eyesight. This account is given by the “Nazarene Messenger,” having been carefully compiled from witnesses and press reports which all establish the evidence. This is simply another witness to us that the Lord is showing signs and wonders in these last days, as a loud call to His people to prepare for His coming.
In Assam and India, trembling under the power of conviction, loud crying in prayer, the pouring forth to God in loud confession the sins of a lifetime, sudden falling on the ground, writhing, being twisted and violently thrown down when an unclean spirit had been cast out as the person has cried for deliverance, have been frequent scenes. Joy unspeakable filling faces with glory, has been manifested by singing, clapping the hands, shouting praises, dancing, and losing strength as under an “exceeding weight of glory.” Intercessory prayer, which has been a marked feature of this revival, is so intense that often the person becomes unconscious of all others, is swayed back and forth, or trembles violently, so that one taking hold of him is also shaken. Some become unconscious and fall, and the visage of many under intense soul travail become uncomely, and like that of Daniel is turned into corruption. Deep waters run smooth except where they run over a river-bed like the Niagara. Then the roar of the might waters is heard from afar. Many of the babbling brooks at the time of their convictions and conversion have in the last few months become swift running streams of power for holy living, and service in soul saving.
We do not need to worry over these manifestations, nor seek to suppress them. IT IS FRUIT IN THE LIFE AND SERVICE THAT WE WANT TO SEE. These manifestations of not hinder fruit-bearing but we have seen over and over again during the past fifteen months, that where Christian workers have suppressed these manifestations, the Holy Spirit has been grieved, the work has stopped, and no fruit of holy lives has resulted. Who are we to dictate to an all-wise God as to how He shall work in anyone? When the Spirit is poured out upon anyone in strong conviction, why should we tell them that it is wrong to cry? Because among idolaters the devil imitates the trembling caused by the Holy Spirit when He comes in so as to over power the physical, why should we say that the person has worked it up or is possessed by an evil spirit? The writer testifies that she has in the silence of the midnight hour, alone in her room without a sound in the house, been shaken from her innermost being, until her whole body was convulsed, and filled with joy and consciousness that the Holy Spirit had taken possession of every part of her being. No one had greater prejudice against religious excitement than she, but every time she put her hands upon the work at Mukti to suppress joy or strong conviction, or reproved persons being strongly wrought upon in prayer, the work of revival stopped, and she had to confess her fault before it went on again. We have learned that God’s ways are past finding out, as far above ours as the heavens are above the earth.-From published report of the Mission at Mukti, Kedgaon, India.
When the flood came, the ark rose on the bosom of the water. In this is a beautiful type of the coming of Jesus. Just as when the flood arose, the people of God were lifted by the ark toward the sky, so when Jesus Christ, who is our Ark, shall appear, we shall also appear with Him in glory. Then as the ark came back and rested on Mt. Arrarat, so when the Lord Jesus comes back, we shall stand with Him on Mt. Olivet. Christ comes and gets His saints before the great tribulation, which corresponds with the flood. And the Word says that as it was in the days of Noah, so will it be in the days of the coming of the Son of Man. (Matt. 24, 37.) We see the same conditions now that prevailed then, so we know the time draws near.
O it is so easy to follow the Spirit if God if you have been born of the Spirit it is so easy to manifest the Spirit if the Spirit of God is within you. It is impossible for both good and impure water to both come from the same spring, and just as surely as the Blood of Jesus Christ has been applied to the soul, you will not only know it but your neighbors will know it and the men that are working in the shop with you will know it. It means so much to have the Blood of Jesus Christ applied to your soul. Dead forms and ceremonies are done away and every sin must be washed away by the Blood of Jesus. It is not tomorrow in sin and today out of sin, but if the Blood of Jesus Christ has atoned for you it has atoned for you once for all.
Jesus wants a clean people, a sanctified people, a holy people, washed through His own precious Blood. Hallelujah! We read in Eph. 5 that beautiful sermon that Paul preached on sanctification and purity of the bride of Christ, “Christ so lived the church that he gave Himself for it, that He might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the Word, that He might present it to Himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish.” Glory, glory, glory to out God! Hallelujah! O it is so sweet to live this sanctified experience living in the presence of Christ and His Blood flowing, washing and putting away our sins every moment of our lives. Jesus is our model. We should be ideal men and women of this blessed and precious truth. Glory to God! The sweetest thing in this world is to have Jesus in our hearts and the Blood flowing in every part of our souls.
The blessed Holy Ghost is receiving the same treatment as given the Son. How much is written of Him. How many talk of His indwelling. It reminds us of the “Incarnation.” No doubt all Jewish women longed to be the mother of the Messiah; but how few, when the actual fact was faced, would have paid the price. So with Him, the Third Person in the Trinity, the cost is so great, and yet, praise my King, hungry, waiting hearts are receiving Him and proving that all that was said of Him is true.
Satan is making his last dreadful fight; for he knows his time is short. He would deceive the very elect if it were possible but thank God, it is not possible.
God requires the prayers of all His precious Holy Ghost people for the spread of the Gospel in this land and all over the world. Those of us who cannot go must write letters and send papers and traces that the precious souls may get this Gospel.
The Apostolic Faith (September, 1906): Pentecost Has Come…
The power of God now has this city agitated as never before. Pentecost has surely come and with it the Bible evidences are following, many being converted and sanctified and filled with the Holy Ghost, speaking in tongues as they did on the day of Pentecost. The scenes that are daily enacted in the building on Azusa street and at Missions and Churches in other parts of the city are beyond description, and the real revival has only started, as God has been working with His children mostly, getting them through to Pentecost, and laying the foundation for a mighty wave of salvation among the unconverted.
The meetings are held in an old Methodist church that had been converted in part into a tenement house, leaving a larger unplastered, barn-like room on the ground floor. Here about a dozen congregated each day, holding meetings on Bonnie Brae in the evening. The writer attended a few of these meetings and being so different from anything he had seen and not hearing any speaking in tongues, he branded the teaching as third-blessing heresy, and thought that settled it. It is needless to say the writer was compelled to do a great deal of apologizing and humbling himself to get right with God.
In a short time God began to manifest His power and soon the building could not contain the people. Now the meetings continue all day and into the night and the fire is kindling all over the city and surrounding towns. Proud, well dressed preachers come into “investigate.” Soon their high looks are replaced with wonder, then conviction came, and very often you will find them in a short time wallowing on the dirty floor, asking God to forgive them and make them as little children.
It would be impossible to state how many have been converted, sanctified, and filled with the Holy Ghost. They have been and are daily going out to all points of the compass to spread this wonderful gospel.
Bro. W. J. Seymour has the following to say in regard to his call to this city:
“It was the divine call that brought me from Houston, Texas, to Los Angeles. The Lord put it in the heart of some of the saints in Los Angeles to write to me that she felt the Lord would have me come over here and do a work,and l came, for I felt it was the leading of the Lord. The Lord sent the means,and I came to take charge of a mission on Santa Fe Street, and one night they locked the door against me, and afterwards got Bro. Roberts, the president of the Holiness Association, to come down and settle the doctrine of the Baptism with the Holy Ghost, that it was simply sanctification. He came down and a good many holiness preachers with him, and they stated that sanctification was the baptism with the Holy Ghost. But yet they did not have the evidence at the second chapter of Acts, for when the disciples were all filled with the Holy Ghost, they spoke in tongues as the Spirit gave utterance. After the president heard me speak of what the true baptism of the Holy Ghost was, he said he wanted it too, and told me that when I had received it to let him know. So I received it and let him know. The beginning of the Pentecost started in a cottage prayer meeting at 214 Bonnie Brae.”
Bro. Charles Parham, who is God’s leader in the Apostolic Faith Movement, writes from Tonganoxio, Kansas, that he expects (D.V.) to be in Los Angeles Sept. 15. Hearing that Pentecost had come to Los Angeles, he writes,
“I rejoice in God over you all, my children, though I have never seen you; but since you know the Holy Spirit’s power, we are baptized by one Spirit into one body. Keep together in unity till I come, then in a grand meeting let all prepare for the outside fields. I desire, unless God directs to the contrary, to meet and to see all who have the full gospel when I come.”
This work began about five years ago last January, when a company of people under the leadership of Chas. Parham, who were studying God’s word tarried for Pentecost, in Topeka, Kan. After searching through the country everywhere, they had been unable to find any Christians that had the true Pentecostal power. So they laid aside all commentaries and notes and waited on the Lord, studying His word, and what they did not understand they got down before the bench and asked God to have wrought out in their hearts by the Holy Ghost. They had a prayer tower in which prayers were ascending night and day to God. After three months, a sister who had been teaching sanctification for the baptism with the Holy Ghost, one who had a sweet, loving experience and all the carnality taken out of her heart, felt the Lord lead her to have hands laid on her to receive the Pentecost. So when they prayed, the Holy Ghost came in great power and she commenced speaking in an unknown tongue. This made all the Bible school hungry,and three nights afterward, twelve students received the Holy Ghost, and prophesied, and cloven tongues could be seen upon their heads. They then had an experience that measured up with the second chapter of Acts, and could understand the first chapter of Ephesians.
Now after five years something like 13,000 people have received this gospel. It is spreading everywhere, until churches who do not believe backslide and lose the experience they have. Those who are old in this movement are stronger, and greater signs and wonders are following them.
The meetings in Los Angeles started in a cottage meeting, and the Pentecost fell there three nights. The people had nothing to do but wait on the Lord and praise Him, and they commenced speaking in tongues, as they did at Pentecost,and the Spirit sang songs through them.
The meeting was then transferred to Azusa Street, and since then multitudes have been coming. The meetings begin about ten o’clock in the morning and can hardly stop before ten or twelve at night, and sometimes two or three in the morning, because so many are seeking, and some are slain under the power of God. People are seeking three times a day at the altar and row after row of seats have to be emptied and filled with seekers. We cannot tell how many people have been saved, and sanctified, and baptized with the Holy Ghost, and healed of all manner of sicknesses. Many are speaking in new tongues, and some are on their way to the foreign fields, with the gift of the language. We are going on to getmore of the power of God.
Many have laid aside their glasses and had their eye sight perfectly restored. The deaf have had their hearing restored.
A man was healed of asthma of twenty years standing. Many have been healed of heart trouble and lung trouble.
Many are saying that God has given the message that He is going to shake Los Angeles with an earthquake. First, there will be a revival to give all an opportunity to be saved. The revival is now in progress.
The Lord has given the gift of writing in unknown languages, also the gift of playing on instruments.
A little girl who walked with crutches and had tuberculosis of the bones, as the doctors declared, was healed and dropped her crutches and began to skip about the yard.
All over this city, God has been setting homes on fire and coming down and melting and saving and sanctifying and baptizing with the Holy Ghost.
Many churches have been praying for Pentecost, and Pentecost has come. The question is now, will they accept it? God has answered in away they did not look for. He came in a humble way as of old, born in a manger.
The secular papers have been stirred and published reports against the movement, but it has only resulted in drawing hungry souls who understand that the devil would not fight a thing unless God was in it. So they have come and found it was indeed the power of God.
Jesus was too large for the synagogue. He preached outside because there was not room for him inside. This Pentecostal movement is too large to be confined in any denomination or sect. It works outside, drawing all together in one bond of love, one church, one body ofChrist.
A Mohammedan, a Soudanese by birth, a man who is an interpreter and speaks sixteen languages, came into the meetings at Azusa Street andthe Lord gave him messages which none but himself could understand. He identified, interpreted and wrote a number of the languages.
A brother who had been a spiritualist medium and who was so possessed with demons that he had no rest, and was on the point of committing suicide, was instantly delivered of demon power. He then sought God for the pardon of his sins and sanctification, and is now filled with a different spirit.
A little girl about twelve years of age was sanctified in a Sunday afternoon children’s meeting, and in the evening meeting she was baptized with the Holy Ghost. When she was filled those standing near remarked, “Who can doubt such a clear case of God’s power.”
In about an hour and a half, a young man was converted, sanctified,and baptized with the Holy Ghost, and spoke with tongues. He was also healed from consumption, so that when he visited the doctor he pronounced his lungs sound. He has received many tongues, also the gift of prophecy, and writing in a number of foreign languages, and has a call to a foreign field.
Many are the prophesies spoken in unknown tongues and many the visions that God is giving concerning His soon coming. The heathen must first receive the gospel. One prophecy given in an unknown tongue was interpreted, “The time is short, and I am going to send out alarge number in the Spirit of God to preach the full gospel in the power of the Spirit.”
About 160 people in Los Angeles, more than on the day of Pentecost, have received the gift of the Holy Ghost and the Bible evidence, the gift of tongues, and many have been saved and sanctified, nobody knows how many. People are seeking at the altar three times a day and it is hard to close at night on account of seekers and those who are under the power of God.
When Pentecostal lines are struck, Pentecostal giving commences. Hundreds of dollars have been laid down for the sending of missionaries and thousands will be laid down. No collections are taken for rent, no begging for money. No man’s silver or gold is coveted. The silver and the gold are His own to carry on his own work. He can also publish his own papers without asking for money or subscription price.
In the meetings, it is noticeable that while some in the rear are opposing and arguing, others are at the alter falling down under the power of God and feasting on the good things of God. The two spirits are always manifest, but no opposition can kill, no power in earth or hell can stop God’s work, while He has consecrated instruments through which to work.
Many have received the gift of singing as well as speaking in the inspiration of the Spirit. The Lord is giving new voices, he translates old songs into new tongues, he gives the music that are being sung by the angels and has a heavenly choir all singing the same heavenly song in harmony. It is beautiful music, no instruments are needed in the meetings.
A Nazarene brother who received the baptism with the Holy Ghost in him own home in family worship, in trying to tell about it, said, “It was a baptism of love. Such abounding love! Such compassion seemed to almost kill me with its sweetness! People do not know what they are doing when they stand out against it. The devil never gave me a sweet thing, he was always trying to get me to censuring people. This baptism fills me with divine love”
The gift of languages is given with the commission, “Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.” The Lord has given languages to the unlearned Greek, Latin, Hebrew, French, German, Italian, Chinese, Japanese, Zulu and languages of Africa, Hindu and Bengali and dialects of India, Chippewa and other languages of the Indians, Esquimaux, the deaf mute language and, in fact the Holy Ghost speaks all the languages of the world through His children.
A minister says that God showed him twenty years ago that the divine plan for missionaries was that they might receive the gift of tongues either before going to the foreign field or on the way. It should be a sign to the heathen that the message is of God. The gift of languages can only be viewed as the Spirit gives utterance. It cannot be learned like the native tongues, but the Lord takes control of the organs of speech at will. It is emphatically, God’s message.
During a meeting at Monrovia, a preacher who at one time had been used of God in the Pentecost Bands under Vivian Dake, but had cooled off, was reclaimed, sanctified and filled with the Holy Ghost. When the power of God came on him his eight-year-old son was kneeling behind him. The boy had previously sought and obtained a clear heart,and when the Holy Ghost fell on him father, He also fell on him and his hands began to shake and he sang in tongues.
Bro. Campbell, a Nazarene brother, 83 years of age, who had been for 53 years serving the Lord, received the baptism with the Holy Ghost and gift of tongues in his own home. His son, who was a physician, was called and came to see if he was sick, but found him only happy in the Lord. Not only old men and old women, but, boys and girls, are receiving their Pentecost. Viola Price, a little orphan colored girl eight years of age, has received the gift of tongues.
Mrs. Lucy F. Farrow, God’s anointed handmaid, who came some fourmonths ago from Houston, Texas, to Los Angeles, bringing the full Gospel, and whom God has greatly used as she laid her hands on many who have received the Pentecost and the gift of tongues, has now returned to Houston, en route to Norfolk, Va. This is her old home which she left as a girl, being sold into slavery in the south. the Lord she feels, is now calling her back. Sister farrow, Bro. W.J. Seymour and Bro. J.A. Warren were the three that the Lord sent from Houston as messengers of the full gospel.
312 Azusa Street
Published by THE APOSTOLIC FAITH MOVEMENT of Los Angeles.
Address all communications to the Apostolic Faith, 312 Azusa street.
As we have no paid subscription list we are not entitled to second-class postage rates. Papers will be sent to any address in quantities needed, as the Lord furnishes the means.
Stands for the restoration of the faith once delivered unto the saints-the old time religion, camp meetings, revivals, missions, street and prison work and Christian Unity everywhere.
Teaching on Repentance-Mark 1:14, 15.
Godly Sorrow for Sin, Example-Matt. 9:13. 2 Cor. 7, 9, 11. Acts 3:19. Acts 17:30, 31.
Of Confession of Sins-Luke 13:21 and Luke 18:13.
Forsaking Sinful Ways-Isa. 55:7. Jonah 3:8. Prov. 28:13.
Restitution-Ezek. 33:15. Luke 19:8.
And faith in Jesus Christ.
First Work.-Justification is that act of God’s free grace by which we receive remission of sins. Acts 10:42, 43. Rom. 3:25.
Second Work.-Sanctification is the second work of grace and the last work of grace. Sanctification is that act of God’s free grace by which He makes us holy. John 17:15, 17.-“Sanctify them through Thy Truth; Thy word is truth.” 1 Thess. 4:3; 1 Thess 5:23: Heb. 13:12; Heb. 2:11; Heb. 12:14.
Sanctification is cleansing to make holy. The Disciples were sanctified before the Day of Pentecost. By a careful study of Scripture you will find it is so now. “Ye are clean through the word which I have spoken unto you” (John 15:3; 13:10); and Jesus had breathed on them the Holy Ghost (John 20:21, 22). You know, that they could not receive the Spirit if they were not clean. Jesus cleansed and got all doubt out of His Church before He went back to glory.
The Baptism with the Holy Ghost is a gift of power upon the sanctified life; so when we get it we have the same evidence as the Disciples received on the Day of Pentecost (Acts 2:3,4), in speaking in new tongues. See also Acts 10:45, 46; Acts 19:6; 1 Cor. 14:21. **** days which ye will not believe though it be told you.”-Heb. 1:5.
Seeking Healing.-He must believe that God is able to heal.-Ex. 15:26: “I am the Lord that healeth thee.” James 5:14; Psa. 103:3; 2 Kings 20:5; Matt. 8:16, 17; Mark 16; 16, 17, 18.
He must believe God is able to heal. “Behold I am the Lord, the God of all flesh; is there any thing too hard for Me!”-Jer. 32:27.
Too many have confused the grace of Sanctification with the endowment of Power, or the Baptism with the Holy Ghost; others have taken “the anointing that abideth” for the Baptism, and failed to reach the glory and power of a true Pentecost.
The blood of Jesus will never blot out any sin between man and man they can make right; but if we can’t make wrongs right the Blood graciously covers. (Matt. 5:23, 24).
We are not fighting men or churches, but seeking to displace dead forms and creeds and wild fanaticisms with living, practical Christianity. “Love, Faith, Unity” are our watchwords, and “Victory through the Atoning Blood” our battle cry. God’s promises are true. He said: “Be thou faithful over a few things, and I will make thee ruler over many.” From the little handful of Christians who stood by the cross when the testings and discouragements came, God has raised a mighty host.
An editor is Salem, Ore., Rev. M.L. Ryan, writes: “When I finished reading in your letter of what God was doing in Los Angeles, I fell on my knees and agonized Godward a bursting soul of appreciation; a great and blessed conviction seized me, and I rushed out of the office shouting and praising God. The fire had struck my soul. I then read the wonderful works of God in Los Angeles to others and a little crowd gathered around me; they too caught the fire of the spirit in the letter and some shouted and some wept.
The disciples were looking for Jesus to set up His millennial kingdom at His first coming, and they expected to reign with Him there in Jerusalem. They asked Him when they went out to the Mount of Olives, “Lord, wilt thou at this time restore the kingdom to Israel?” He said, “It is not for you to know the times and seasons which the Father bath in his own power; but ye shall receive power after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you.” When they received the baptism of the Holy Ghost, He would teach them things to come. Dear ones, do not puzzle yourselves by theorizing, but tarry in Jerusalem, and the Spirit will throw light upon God’s word and you will see it just as it is. He will reveal the whole word from Genesis to Revelations.
Children of God, partakers of the precious atonement, let us study and see what there is in it for us.
First. Through the atonement we receive forgiveness of sins.
Second. We receive sanctification through the blood of Jesus. “Wherefore Jesus also that he might sanctify the people with his own blood, suffered without the gate.” Sanctified from all original sin, we become sons of God. “For both he that sanctifieth and they who are sanctified are all of one: for which cause he is not ashamed to call them brethren.” Heb. 2:11. (It seems that Jesus would be ashamed to call them brethren, if they were not sanctified.) Then you will not be ashamed to tell men and demons that you are sanctified, and are living a pure and holy life free from sin, a life that gives you power over the world, the flesh, and the devil. The devil does not like that kind of testimony. Through this precious atonement, we have freedom from all sin, though we are living in this old world, we are permitted to sit in heavenly places in Christ Jesus.
Third. Healing of our bodies. Sickness and disease are destroyed through the precious atonement of Jesus. O how we ought to honor the stripes of Jesus, for “with his stripes we are healed.” How we ought to honor that precious body which the Father sanctified and sent into the world, not simply set apart, but really sanctified, soul, body and spirit, free from sickness, disease and everything of the devil. A body that knew no sin and disease was given for these imperfect bodies of ours. Not only is the atonement for the sanctification of our souls, but for the sanctification of our bodies from inherited disease. It matters not what has been in the blood. Every drop of blood we received from our mother is impure. Sickness is born in a child just as original sin is born in the child. He was manifested to destroy the works of the devil. Every sickness is of the devil.
Man in the garden of Eden was pure and happy and knew no sickness till that unholy visitor came into the garden, then his whole system was poisoned and it has been flowing in the blood of all the human family down the * till God spoke to his people and said, “I am the Lord that healeth thee.” The children of Israel practiced divine healing. David, after being healed of rheumatism, (perhaps contracted in the caves where he hid himself from his pursuers,) testified saying, “Bless the Lord, O my soul, and all that is within me bless his holy name, who forgiveth all thine iniquities, who healeth all thy diseases.” David knew what it was to be healed. Healing continued with God’s people till Solomon’s heart was turned away by strange wives, and he brought in the black arts and mediums, and they went whoring after familiar spirits. God had been their healer, but after they lost the Spirit, they turned to the arm of flesh to find something to heal their diseases.
Thank God, we have a living Christ among us to heal our diseases. He will heal every case. The prophet had said, “With his stripes we are healed,” and it was fulfilled when Jesus came. Also “He hath borne our griefs,” (which means sickness, as translators tell us.) Now if Jesus bore our sicknesses, why should we bear them? So we get full salvation through the atonement of Jesus.
Fourth. And we get the baptism with the Holy Ghost and fire upon the sanctified life. We get Christ enthroned and crowned in our hearts. Let us lift up Christ to the world in all His fullness, not only in healing and salvation from all sin, but in His power to speak all the languages of the world. We need the triune God to enable us to do this.
We that are the messengers of this precious atonement ought to preach all of it, justification, sanctification, healing, the baptism with the Holy Ghost, and signs following. “How shall we escape if we neglect so great salvation?” God is now confirming His word by granting signs and wonders to follow the preaching of the full gospel in Los Angeles.
W.J. Seymour.
People from all over the country are sending in letters of inquiry, having heard that Pentecost has come to Los Angeles. Some have come long distances and report that the half had not been told them. Through this paper we answer inquiries, as it would be impossible to write to each. Souls are hungry all over the land.
Man is a fallen creature, and as such cannot receive the things of the kingdom of heaven, because they are spiritual and “foolishness unto him.” He must be born again to understand God and His word. God recognizes this, and all through the ages has granted signs and wonders to awaken man from his spiritual death and turn him to seeking after God.
If you will turn to Mark 16:14, you will read as follows: “Afterward He appeared unto the eleven as they sat at meat, and upbraided them with their unbelief and hardness of heart, because they believed not them which had seen him after he was risen.” You see that after these men had been personally with Jesus for something like three years, and had witnessed His mighty power in raising the dead and performing all manner of miracles, in a few hours after His crucification, had allowed Satan to harden their hearts and fill them with unbelief. They were also sanctified, as we read in John 17:17, Jesus prayed, “Sanctify them through thy truth; thy word is truth.” This prayer was undoubtedly answered, as Jesus never prayed in vain. In John 15:3, we read, “Now are ye clean through the word which I have spoken unto you.” In John 20:22, we read, “And when he had said this, he breathed on them, and said unto them, receive ye the Holy Ghost.” By comparing the gospel of Mark referred to above with this message from John just quoted, we believe both utterances of Jesus were made at the same meeting of the disciples and after He had upbraided them for their hardness of heart, He breathed on them the Holy Ghost to sustain them until Pentecost. They were anointed, as many sanctified souls are today while seeking a real, personal Pentecost.
Jesus at this time also said to them (Mark 16:16, 17), “He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved, and he that believeth not shall be damned. And these signs shall follow them that believe. In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues.” Here a belief and baptism are spoken of, and the sign or evidence given to prove that you possess that belief and baptism. This scripture plainly declares that these signs SHALL follow them that believe.
We also read in Paul’s epistles to the Corinthians that he speaks of nine specific gifts in the Holy Ghost. We also find in searching the word that eight of these gifts were in the church before the Day of Pentecost, the gift of tongues on this day being the power that startled the multitude.
“Now, when this was noised abroad, the multitude came together, and were confounded, (marginal reading, troubled in mind) because that every man heard them speak in his own language. And they were all amazed and marveled saying one to another, behold are not all these which speak Gallileans? And how hear we every man in his own tongue, wherein we were born? And they were all amazed, and were in doubt, saying one to another, What meaneth this? Others mocking said, These men are filled with new wine. But Peter, standing up with the eleven, lifted up his voice and said unto them, Ye men of Judea and all ye that dwell at Jerusalem, be this known unto you, and harken to my words: for these are not drunken as ye suppose, seeing it is but the third hour of the day. But this is that which was spoken by the prophet Joel: “And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out my Spirit upon all flesh, and your sons and your daughters shall prophecy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams.”-Acts 2:6, 7, 8, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17.
In Luke 24:49, Jesus told His disciples to “Tarry ye in the city of Jerusalem, until ye be endued with power from on high.”
“And being assembled together with them, commanded them that they should not depart from Jerusalem, but wait for the promise of the father, which, saith he, ye have heard of me. For John truly baptized with water, but ye shall be baptized with the Holy Ghost not many days hence. When they therefore were come together, they asked of him, saying, Lord, wilt thou at this time restore again the kingdom to Israel? And he said unto them, It is not for you to know the times of the seasons which the Father hath put in his own power. But ye shall receive power after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and Judea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth.”-Acts 1:4-8.
They obeyed this command, and Acts 2:4 states, “And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance.” We see here that they ALL spoke in other tongues.
If you will now turn to Acts 10 and read the story of Peter and Cornelius, you will see that the speaking in tongues was the sign or evidence to Peter that the Gentiles had received the Holy Ghost. Peter preached the Word, and they were cleansed through the Word, as the disciples before the Day of Pentecost. This was a hard dose for Peter to take, he being a Jew and having been taught that the Gentiles were dogs and unclean. God had previously given Peter a vision of a great sheet let down from heaven, filled with all manner of unclean animals, with the command, “Rise, Peter, slay and eat.” The preaching of Jesus to the Gentiles was part of the eating, but Peter obeyed, and Pentecostal signs followed (Acts 10:46): “For they heard them speak with tongues and magnify God.”
If you will now turn to Acts 19:1-6, you will find that about twenty-nine years after Pentecost, Paul found some disciples at Ephesus that had not received their Pentecost. He preached the Word and explained to them their great privileges in the gospel, “And when Paul laid his hands upon them, the Holy Ghost came on them: and they spoke with tongues and prophecised.”-Acts 19:6.
How foolish so many of us have been in the clear light of God’s Word. We have been running off with blessings and anointings with God’s power, instead of tarrying until Bible evidence of Pentecost came.
Sister Wettosh, a German sister of Pasadena, who was in the darkness of Romanism and in great physical suffering about a year ago, but who has marvelously saved and healed, has been baptized with the Holy Ghost, received the gift of tongues, and has gone out to carry this Gospel. Her destination was Reno, Neb.
Los Angeles, Aug. 12th, 1906. This will certify that my daughter, Mrs. S.P. Knapp, of Avenue 56 and Alameda street, was healed of consumption by God on the above date, God’s Spirit working in answer to prayer and through a poor Mexican Indian. For particulars, inquire of Frank Gail, with Troy Laundry, corner 14th and Main, Los Angeles.
In a cottage meeting on Morton Ave., Elisian Heights, several souls have been baptized with the Holy Ghost, and a brother, George Hock, who has been stone blind for more than a year and a half, was saved and then received his sight. He can now read, and his relatives and friends who were unbelieving are filled with wonder and are publishing it everywhere.
Canes, crutches, medicine bottles, and glasses are being thrown aside as God heals. That is the safe way. No need to keep an old crutch or medicine bottle of any kind around after God heals you. Some, in keeping some such appliance as a souvenir, have been tempted to use them again and have lost their healing.
Jesus said, “Believe me that I am in the Father and the Father in me, or else believe me for the very work’s sake.” He is showing signs in Los Angeles, and yet some doubt, as Philip did. If you cannot understand it, just take the word of God. He said, “These signs shall follow them that believe: In my name shall they cast out devils: they shall speak with new tongues; they shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick and they shall recover.” Believe for the very work’s sake. God is confirming His word with signs following.
A young man who a year ago was in the chain gang, is now baptized with the Holy Ghost and preaching everywhere. He was a Catholic but God took all the Romanism out of him. He is telling the Catholics to get their own Bibles and the Protestants to get to God and not lean on preachers. He is a powerfully built young man, but God has so taken the fight out of him that when he was struck and spit upon in the face, he went home and was so blest that he prayed all night and said he loved the people who persecuted him more than if they had asked him to pray for them.
During the preaching service, the Holy Ghost fell on a preacher and he jumped to his feet shouting “Hallelujah!” and immediately spoken in tongues. He speaks Zulu and many tongues more fluently than English and interprets as he speaks. The Lord has since used him to stir a whole city. He is filled with divine love. His family were first afraid to see him speaking in tongues, thinking he had lost his mind, but when his wife and children felt the sympathy and divine love which the Holy Ghost puts in people’s hearts, they said, “Papa was never so sane in his life.”
Bro. S.J. Mead, who was sent to Africa by Bishop Taylor in 1885, has been attending the meetings for several weeks. He has the following to say of God’s dealings with him:
“My heart praises God, as I trace the leadings of his blessed Spirit, in the past quarter of a century, when I first sought to know and do His blessed will. My call to Africa in 1884; the blessed thought of going out in His name, so full of comfort and victory; and yet my call to my native land and civilization is more wonderful and blessed. The getting down in quietness in the presence of the Holy Spirit, and letting him teach and show me what he would have me know of His power and omnipresence. I found it so true, He is all love, “and in Him is no darkness at all.” My soul groans out this morning for the Holy Spirit to have perfect control of His temple. We often hinder the blessed wooing and power of His love by cross currents of our human mind and thought. May God help us to be little in our own eyes, not over anxious to serve much, but to love Him with all our heart, mind and strength. It is the simplicity of His love in our hearts, that does the work among the heathen. The dear children of Ham are stretching out their hands for the love that is manifested in the sons of God. Often tears fill my eyes, as I think of their simplicity and kindness to us, in the years of our residence among them. One time while going down to our Annual Conference, one hundred miles from where I was situated at Malange, we often met with a slave woman, with whom we lodged nights, who showed us much kindness. She would listen to the story of the Lamb of God, who taketh away the sin of the world, and say, Tell it to me again, then I would go over it again, and she would say, tell it once more; then she said, Tell it to me on my fingers. I said to her, Hold up your hand. I bent down her first finger and said, That means that God’s Son has died for you, shed His blood for your sins; now bend down the second finger, that is, if you believe it, He will take you to His home, where is no death, nor cryings, whippings nor pain; now bend down the third finger, that is if you do not believe, you will be obliged to live in a land of sorrow, pain, death and crying forever and ever. She repeated it over and over again, and we could see the truth getting into her heart. We lost sight of her for a long time; her village was burned up, her people moved away, and she had gone out of our mind. One day there was a commotion at the entrance of the compound at the Mission. I saw the same slave woman, running into the yard, leading a little boy by the hand. I did not know her at first, and she cried out, ‘Don’t you know me?’ I remembered my lesson on my fingers,’ and she repeated it over to me, and said, ‘Now I know what you said about God’s Son is true. See my boy,’ as she pulled him by one hand. ‘He was dying with smallpox and I asked the same Jesus to make him well, and He did.’ Praise God, she may have preached the fundamental truth of the gospel, to more souls in Africa than myself. My brother, if our love and faith were but more simple, to take God at His word, our life would be full of sunshine and it would lighten and brighten up the dark places, that sin has caused on God’s beautiful earth.”
God called Bro. Mead and wife from the Central part of Africa to Los Angeles to get their Pentecost. They recognize some of the languages spoken as being dialects of Africa. When God has fully equipped them they will return to their labor of love.
We meet many honest souls these days who are under the delusion that they have committed the unpardonable sin. The following incident should be an encouragement to such.
A child of God was attacked by the enemy with the suggestion that she was forsaken of God and had committed the unpardonable sin. She was then on a mission field in the South, separated from other Christian workers; and without any apparent cause, the arch enemy who tempted our Savior told her that God hated her. The words, “God hates you” seemed to be continually shouted in her ears and she could not get away from it. She lost her faith and believed the enemy, was knowing his power. The next suggestion was, “Drown yourself in the river.” She stood looking into the dark water, but the thought of her dear mother made her turn away.
She returned to her room, and throwing herself down, fell asleep and dreamed. She seemed to be on a boat on which all the people but herself were rejoicing and praising God. She heard the captain call out to the pilot, “Sound the depths and compare it with the love of God.” The depths were sounded and the call came back “No bottom! No bottom!” She awoke in an ocean of God’s love, all darkness past and the cry ringing in her ears, “No bottom!” For years since then she has been in Gospel work on both sides of the ocean.
A young lady who came into the meeting unsaved, went to the altar during the sermon, under deep conviction, and was saved in about five minutes. Before that evening was over, she was sanctified and baptized with the Holy Ghost and had the gift of the Chinese tongue and was singing in Chinese in the Spirit. Her mother followed her to the altar and has also been saved, sanctified, baptized with the Holy Ghost and healed of asthma and heart trouble, which the doctors said was incurable.
We preach old-time sanctification, and old-time baptism with the Holy Ghost, which is the gift of power upon the sanctified life, and God throws in the gift of tongues.
1st. Justification deals with our actual sins. When we go to Him and repent, God washes all the guilt and pollution out of our hearts, and we stand justified like a new babe that never committed sin. We have no condemnation. We can walk with Jesus and live a holy life before the Lord, if we walk in the Spirit.
2nd. Sanctification is the second and last work of grace. After we are justified, we have two battles to fight. There is sin inside and sin outside. There is warfare within, caused by the old inherited sin. When God brings the word, “It is the will of God, even your sanctification,” we should accept the word, and then the blood comes and takes away all inherited sin. Everything is heavenly in your soul, you are a son of God. The Spirit of God witnesses in your heart that you are sanctified.
3rd. The Spirit begins then and there leading us on to the Baptism with the Holy Ghost. Now, as a son of God, you should enter into the earnest of your inheritance. After you have a clear witness of the two works of grace in your heart, you can receive this gift of God, which is a free gift without repentance. Pray for the power of the Holy Ghost, and God will give you a new language. It is the privilege of everyone to be filled with the Holy Ghost. It is for every believing child.
About 28 years ago, I went into a meeting to break it up, and the Lord broke me up. My conversion I never could doubt. I was called to preach and refused, and went on for a number of years trying to get away from the call. Finally I obeyed the Lord, and started in to work for Him, but not to preach. The Lord sanctified my soul. Then I commenced to try to preach. About two years after, the Lord appeared to me in a dream. He so filled me with His Spirit that people were not able to stand up before me, for a time. A few days after, He told me to give up my business, and make my wants known to Him, and not to man. I obeyed. The Lord supplied my every need, and was with me in revival meetings and in healing many that I prayed for. But I heard of people receiving the Holy Ghost and speaking with tongues. I came to Los Angeles to investigate, and found it was a fact, and earnestly commenced to seek the Lord for the baptism with the Holy Ghost. And the Lord, knowing my heart, came and took possession of me and spoke with my tongue. I want to say to every person, test God and you will never deny the baptism with the Holy Ghost.
It has been said of the work in Los Angeles that is was “born in a manger and resurrected in a barn.” Many are praising God for the old barn-like building on Azusa street, and the plain old plank beside which they kneeled in the sawdust when God saved, sanctified and baptized them with the Holy Ghost. Those who know God feel His presence as soon as they cross the threshold. “Can there any good thing come out of Nazareth?” “Come and see.” This is the Nazareth of Los Angeles. Some have come from long distances to this spot, directed of the Lord, and the humble have always been greatly blest. The work began among the colored people. God baptized several sanctified wash women with the Holy Ghost, who have been much used of Him. The first white woman to receive the Pentecost and gift of tongues in Los Angeles was Mrs. Evans who is now in the work in Oakland. Since then multitudes have come. God makes no difference in nationality, Ethiopians, Chinese, Indians, Mexicans, and other nationalities worship together.
There are a dozen or more Christian workers who are devoting their time to the salvation of souls, having been called of God from other lines of employment to devote their time in praying with the sick, preaching, working with souls at the altar, etc. We believe in the faith line for Christian workers, and no collections are taken. During the four months, meetings have been running constantly, and yet with working day and night and without purse or scrip, the workers have all been kept well and provided with food and raiment. Workers who have received calls to foreign lands are going out, the Lord providing the means with no needs being presented. The ones that give, give as the Lord speaks to them and do not want their names mentioned. It is a poor time in these last days to board up treasures on earth. When the Lord speaks, it is a blessing to those that obey Him, but we covet no man’s gold, nor silver, nor apparel.
A sister who was called to Oakland had her faith tested as to her fare, as the time was near and she had not received it. That night she was caught away in the Spirit and when the Lord brought her back, the words came to her, “If I can carry you around Los Angeles without a body, I can take you to Oakland without a fare.” So that day she received the money.
Hermon is a small Free Methodist settlement in the hills near Los Angeles. At cottage prayer meetings being held there, the Holy Ghost has manifested His presence in a marvelous way. The church people stand aloof to a great extent, but God is overthrowing all opposition.
At a meeting recently held in a cottage near the church, one sister was baptized with the Holy Ghost on the front porch. She lay under the power of God for something like two hours, praising God and speaking in an unknown language.
Two nights afterward, at another cottage prayer meeting, the house was filled to overflowing with people. The meeting lasted until one o’clock in the morning. Five were baptized with the Holy Ghost and three were sanctified. Two sisters lay under the power of God until after one o’clock, speaking and singing in unknown tongues. The singing could be heard over the hills. This is stirring the people, and God is going to work wonders in this place. He recognizes no man-made creeds, doctrines, nor classes of people, but “the willing and obedient shall eat the good of the land.”
It is our privilege to earnestly contend for the power that was in the early apostolic church-that men will be instantaneously healed and will be baptized with the Holy Ghost instantaneously. The power of God is going to fall on men in this city. He wants people that will believe in Him and exercise the faith. Faith moves God, that is one thing that makes God get in a hurry, when he can get the faith. When they put Paul and Silas in the Phillippian jail, they went joyfully. They sang and prayed and at midnight God heard their prayers in heaven and shook the earth till doors flew open. The jailer trembled and was going to take his life. He fell under conviction, and what happened? They all got saved. I believe those men had faith in God. When they called upon God, something happened. When are we going to get that perfect faith? The Lord is just preparing His people now for the work He is going to do. We have been a long ways from it. The devil does not like to see us getting back, but God is going to overrule.
All these 6,000 years, we have been fighting against sin and Satan. Soon we shall have a rest of 1,000 years. We are going to rest from our 6,000 years of toil in a reign of 1,000 years. That will be the millennial age. (Jude 14, 15). The saints who have part in * first resurrection will return with Jesus and reign over unglorified humanity. (Rev. 20:4). Our place will be higher than the angels, because we are partakers of His divine nature and His immortality, and angels are simply pure spirits. We can go and come, just as Jesus did when He rose from the dead. We can vanish out of sight and go millions of miles in a second. Paul prayed that the Ephesians might know, “What is the exceeding greatness of his power to usward who believe, according to the working of his mighty power, which he wrought in Christ when he raised Him from the dead.” We shall be “like unto His glorious body.” (Phil. 3:21). We shall have the same privilege as He had, for “we shall be like him.” We shall shine forth as the sun in the kingdom of our Father. We shall be in the heavenly image.
That is the time when the lion and calf shall lie down together and a little child shall lead them. (Isa. 11:6-9). That is the time when God is going to give some two cities to reign over and some ten, and the twelve apostles will reign over the twelve tribes of Israel.
In the millennial age, we shall have great glory; but it will be still greater glory when Satan has been judged and cast into the lake of fire; and the meek, the justified souls, shall inherit the earth, and we shall be living in the new heaven and the New Jerusalem and Jesus will turn the kingdom over into His Father’s hand and sit down among the brethren, and we shall have the same glory that Jesus had with His Father before the foundation of the world. God will be all in all and we shall be swallowed up in immortality. (I. Cor. 15:24).
It is wonderful how God sent His Son to take little worms of dust and to transform us into glory and immortality. We do not know what it means till we begin seeking God. “He that hath this hope in him, purifieth himself even as he is pure.” We must go on to perfection and holiness, and get the baptism with the Holy Ghost, and not stop there, but go on to perfection and maturity. God has many things to teach us as we remain humble at His feet.
On Aug. 11th, a man from the central part of Mexico, an Indian, was present in the meeting and heard a German sister speaking in his tongue which the Lord had given her. He understood, and through the message that God gave him through her, he was most happily converted so that he could hardly contain his joy. All the English he knew was Jesus Christ and Hallelujah. He testified in his native language, which was interpreted by a man who had been among that tribe of Indians. This rough Indian, under the power of the Spirit was led to go and lay his hands on a woman in the congregation who was suffering from consumption, and she was instantly healed and arose and testified.
Jesus said, “Now ye are clean through the word which I have spoken unto you.” The cleansing took place before the Pentecostal baptism. Jesus said on that night before he was betrayed, “Now are ye clean, but not all.” (He knew that Judas had the devil in him). The disciples had been sanctified before Pentecost, for the word of God is true. We know they had been justified a long time before, for he said, “Rejoice not that the devils are subject unto you but rejoice because your names are written in heaven.” And we know they were sanctified when Jesus prayed for them, for Jesus prayers did not have to be answered in the future but were answered right there. He said, “They are not of the world, even as I am not of the world.” They were not only sanctified but had received the Holy Spirit in a certain measure, because He breathed on them in the upper room and said, “Receive ye the Holy Ghost.” Some have put it off that they were not sanctified until Pentecost. But we know the Spirit only follows the blood. The heart must be clean before the Holy Ghost can endue with power from on high. It is not the work of the Holy Ghost to burn up inherited sin and carnality, he is not our Savior. It is the blood that cleanseth us from all sin. The disciples were cleansed and sanctified and were sitting and waiting when the Holy Ghost fell upon them.
We know also that Cornelius was clean, for when the Lord let down the sheet before Peter, he said, “What God hath cleansed, that call not thou common,” or unclean. The Holy Ghost fell on them as at the beginning and they spoke with tongues and prophesied.
The hundred and twenty on the day of Pentecost were baptized with the Holy Ghost according to promise. The converts of Philip in the Samaritan revival were baptized with the Holy Ghost, when Peter and John came from Jerusalem and preached the doctrine to them. The household of Cornelius received the same endowment of power, showing that the promise was also extended to the Gentiles. Again to the Corinthian church is the record given of the fulfillment of the promise. That the Apostolic church had wonderful power, is evidenced by its remarkable growth, as well as by the record of the Word. We have the promise of the same power today. How about its fulfillment?
But did not Paul prophecy that these things should be done away? Let us see. I Cor., 13:8 charity never faileth: Whether there be prophecies they shall fail; whether there be tongues, they shall cease; whether there be knowledge, it shall vanish away. Sometimes, not stopping to find out when this shall be, we jump at the conclusion that these things have been done away. We have only to read the next two verses to be set clear. “For we know in part, and we prophecy in part. But when that which is perfect is come, then that which is in part shall be done away.” Paul knew only in part, and prophesied in part, and spoke in tongues only in part; but when that which is perfect is come, then the knowledge, prophecy, and tongues of Paul shall be done away. If they are to be done away on that great and notable day of the Lord, they must be in existence when He shall come. Divine love never faileth. But when He comes these other things shall fail. God’s promises must last till by God’s own word they are withdrawn.
At the beginning of the Eighteenth century, among the French Protestants, there were wonderful manifestations of the Spirit power accompanied by the Gift of Tongues. The early Quakers received the same powerful religious stimulus and had the Gift of Tongues. The Irvingite church, about 1830, had the baptism with the Holy Ghost, and spoke in other tongues. In the Swedish revival in 1841-43 there were the same manifestations of the Spirit and also the Gift of Tongues. In the Irish revival of 1859 there is the record of the power of the Spirit in winning souls and the speaking in tongues by Spirit filled men and women. (For the above facts, my authority is Bishop Hurst’s History of the Christian Church, Vol. 1). Bishop Taylor left the record that he took a young lady to labor among a certain tribe in Africa, and left her preaching through an interpreter; but returned two months later and found her preaching fluently in the native language, without having learned it.
A drunkard got under conviction in a street meeting, and raised his hand to be prayed for. They prayed for the devil of drink to be cast out, and the appetite was gone. He came to the meeting and was saved, sanctified, and baptized with the Holy Ghost, and in three days from the time he was drunk he was speaking in a new tongue and praising God for Pentecost. He hardly knows himself.
A sister was healed of consumption when she had but a part of a lung left. She lay in a trance for three days and saw heaven and hell and unutterable things. She received the Pentecost and gift of tongues and feels called to a foreign land.
The preaching of old time restitution is owned of the Lord. People have been paying up old debts, making wrongs right, getting hard feelings out of the way, etc. One who was saved from drink confessed to crimes and offered himself to pay the penalty of the law. People living in adultery or where one party had a living husband or wife have separated, and God is wonderfully pouring out His Spirit on this line of things.
The first time I was out of wood after the Lord had shown me to trust Him, I asked the Lord for wood and the wood did not come. The Lord had shown me that I could not ask for flour till it was gone. I went down into the basement that morning and found some hard knots that had been laid aside and had enough wood for that day. The next morning I asked the Lord for wood. The wood did not come. I picked up enough chunks and chips to do that day.
The next morning, I went to the Lord and said, “Father, there are no more chunks and chips, we are out of wood. Send the wood.” I went down to the city and forgot all about it. Did not think of it, until I returned home, and my daughter said, “Papa, who brought the wood?” I told her that “she need not trouble, the Lord would send it.” But she said, “some man brought wood, who was he that you sent it by?” I thought she was joking, but she said, “Look in the box and in the basement.” I went down and found a large load of wood already for the stove and just the length that we used in our stove.
I did not know for some time who brought the wood; but one day when holding meetings in South Seattle, a man invited me home with him, and while at dinner he said, “I want to tell you something that happened to me. I was crossing the bridge with a load of wood. My wife had written out a bill of some things that we had to have, and I needed feed for my horses. I was taking this load of wood in to get the groceries and feed. While out on the bridge and no one near me, an audible voice said behind me and just above me, ‘Take this wood to McConnell.’ I looked around me and there was no one near me. I said, ‘I cannot take this wood to McConnell, I have got to have the groceries and feed,’ and drove on. The voice said again, ‘Take this wood to T.W. McConnell.’ I said, ‘How can I take this wood to McConnell; I must have these groceries and feed for my horses.’ And the third time the voice spoke, and so strong that it scared me, and I answered, ‘Well, I will,’ for I believed it was the Lord talking. There was no one about.
“I went and made inquiry, finally looked in the directory and found where you lived. I drove to the house and unloaded the wood, then drove back home as quickly as I could, loaded up some wood that I had and drove back to town, sold my wood as soon as I reached town, got my feed and groceries, and from that time I have prospered as never before.”
A band of workers left Los Angeles for Oakland. All are baptized with the Holy Ghost and speak in tongues. They are Bro. G.W. Evans and wife, Sister Crawford, Bro. Johnson, Louise Condit and Bro. Manley, editor of the Household of God. Bro. Manley had come down from Oakland especially to see the movement but did not receive his Pentecost till after he returned. Reports brought back by Bro. Evans are that hundreds have been at the altar, many converted and sanctified and healed, and thirty have received their Pentecost and are speaking in tongues. Praise God! The saints of Los Angeles rejoice to hear the good report.
A gentleman came saying, “I have been afflicted with paralysis eighteen long years, if you can do anything, will you lay your hands on me? Before he was prayed for, he called a physician to be a witness. The Lord relieved the man of his distress in the presence of the physician.
A minister in the city was raised up after eight years of suffering.
A man who was deaf and said he had not been able to hear for half his life was prayed for. God instantly gave him his hearing, when he was anointed and prayed for. He was a practicing physician in Oakland. He weighs between three and four hundred pounds. The Lord dropped him on the floor and gave him the Pentecost.
A Pentecostal missionary has left for foreign lands, Bro. Thos. P. Mahler, a young man of German nationality. He has the gift of tongues besides the knowledge of several. He left here for San Bernardino. He may go by way of Alaska, Russia, Norway, Germany and to his destination in Africa. As our brother was leaving, Bro. Post spoke of his call and gave a message in tongues in regard to Bro. Mahler which he interpreted as follows: “I have anointed this dear one with my Spirit, and he is a chosen vessel to me to preach the gospel to many, and to suffer martyrdom in Africa.” We are expecting to hear from our brother reports of God’s doings. Our prayers follow him.
The secular papers have said, “These people are buying their ascension robes.” Now it is not our place to refute any reports, but as this brings up the subject of ascension robes, we do believe in buying them of Jesus, for He said, “Buy of me *** raiment.” We believe the time of ascension is drawing nigh when “The Lord Himself shall descend from Heaven with a shout with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God, and the dead in Christ shall rise first; then we which are alive and remain, shall be caught up together with them in the clouds.” (1 Thes. 4:16, 17). We shall not rise to meet Him in grave clothes or any earthly clothing. We shall leave them behind as Jesus did when he left the tomb. For John saw the linen clothes lying,” and Peter following him, “seeth the linen clothes lie and the napkin that was about his head.” Yet Jesus was clothed when the disciples met Him. So will we be when we are changed in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, clothed in garments not made with hands, fit for the bride of Christ to wear in the courts of Heaven.
The garments that Jesus wore after His resurrection could appear and disappear and pass through bolted doors and walls. They were none such as are worn on earth. Many who are proud of their clothing here are selling their birthright for a mess of pottage and know not what they are losing. It matters not how poor our clothing may be, the Lord knows those who are ready and all glorious within.”
Brother and Sister A.G. Garr, former leaders of the Burning Bush work in Los Angeles, were powerfully baptized with the Holy Ghost and received the gift of tongues, especially the language of India and dialects. Bro. Garr was able to pray a native of India “through” in his own language, the Bengali. Sister Garr also spoke Chinese. They left Los Angeles for the East in July going by the way of Chicago, where they met with the Burning Bush leaders, then on to Danville, Va., where they have been preaching to hungry souls. From there, they will go on to India, D.V.
In a letter from Bro. Garr we learn that God is honoring His precious gospel in a marvelous way, reclaiming, sanctifying and filling with the Holy Ghost nearly all the members of the old Burning Bush band. The brother writes that when they spoke in tongues the people had such confidence in their Pentecostal baptism that those who were sick were immediately healed.
We clip the following from the Apostolic Faith published by Bro. Chas. Parham at Baxter, Kan.
“A remarkable incident of God’s searching power was recorded in Melrose, Kan., during a revival which has been held by some of our young people at that place.
“The power of the Holy Spirit was greatly manifested in the meetings by the speaking in unknown tongues. This was much criticized by the town and vicinity, so the principal physician, who was familiar with several different languages, was prevailed upon to go to the meetings in order to denounce the whole as a fake. Miss Tuthill, in an unknown language to herself, but known to him as Italian, spoke his full name, which no one in the town knew save himself, telling him things that had happened in his life twenty years ago, and on up to the present time, until he cried for mercy and fell on his knees seeking God.
“He found full salvation the next day, and is now a believer in ‘the Gospel’ that Jesus taught, and also in the power of the Holy Ghost that was given unto us to witness to a living Christ. He now says he would rather pray for the sick than give drugs, and is seriously thinking of leaving his profession and going into the Lord’s work.
“Many precious souls have been saved, sanctified and baptized with the Holy Ghost as a result of the preached word under the Spirit’s anointing power.”
A song in an unknown tongue was interpreted as follows: With one accord, all heaven rings-With praises to our God and King; Let earth join in our song of praise, And ring it out through all the days.”
Think of what hung on that momentous hour that Jesus suffered. No hour in all history has been fraught with such eternal interests. It was a crucial hour and He was a willing offering. He said, “What shall I say, Father save Me from this hour? But for this cause came I into this world.” There is a crucial hour in every man’s and every woman’s life. Someone now may be facing their cross, their Gethsemane. Will you say, “Father save me from this hour?” You know the blessing that came when Jesus endured the cross, despising the shame. Face the hour. God will give you grace for the hour of your opportunity. Some are drawing back. Let us pray, “Lord, save me from drawing back.” Our Christ, who went every step of the way, says, “I will never leave thee nor forsake thee.” When we get on the resurrection side of the cross, the glory and victory will be unspeakable.
If you receive a sample copy of this paper and wish it continued, send your name and address to The Apostolic Faith, 312 Azusa street, Los Angeles, Cal. Subscription free. If you know of any hungry souls to whom you wish the paper sent, send in their addresses and as the Lord permits we will send the paper. We are having 5,000 of this issue printed. The money came in answer to prayer. The next issue will come out as He permits.
Sister Anna Hall, who came here from Houston, Texas, in response to the call of God, is now assisting in Los Angeles. The Lord led her into the Pentecostal Baptism and gift of tongues without her hearing the truth except from the Word. She related the following wonderful vision and revelation.
A few weeks ago, as we were in our camp meeting, the first night we called our altar service there were 100 at the altar seeking God, and a strange power came into my being that I had felt once before when God wanted to reveal something to me. I have learned that it pays to be quiet before the Lord. I went home to my daughter’s house and prepared for bed. Just as the gray dawn began to appear, I waked as if someone had touched my shoulder, and felt the same power. I heard the beautiful warbling of a bird, and thought it was a mocking bird which one might hear there. But no, it seemed away down in my soul. And as that beautiful bird began to sing, I saw a little infant face right before my eyes. And as the song of the bird began to ripple, it began to sound like water running over pebbles. It increased till it sounded like many waters, and the face enlarged till it was a full grown face. I said, “Surely this is a messenger from the holy country.” The voice answered. “Yes and I have come to tell you that Jesus is coming. Go forward in My name, preach the Gospel of the Kingdom, for the King’s business demands haste. My people have only time to get on the beautiful garments, and prepare for the wedding supper in the Heavens.” Dear ones, have you got on the beautiful robes of righteousness? I said, “Lord, reveal unto me what this means, the singing of the bird and rippling of the waters.” And God spoke to me, “The singing of the beautiful bird and the baby face was the proclamation of the first coming into the world; and the voice of many waters is the proclamation of Jesus Christ that is soon coming.”
Repeat and believe the Gospel, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand.
Bro. J.A. Warren of Houston, Texas, relates his experience as follows: “I had suffered two years from chills and fever and could never get rid of them. I was down with them, when it was told to me that the Lord would heal us and wanted to do it without the help of medicine, so I made up my mind that I would not have another chill; that the Lord would heal me. My chill was to come on about seven o’clock in the morning. It started to come and I was about to call my people to put more cover over me, when I thought how I had taken the Lord for my healer. So I got up and dressed and would not let the devil bring a chill on me, but prepared for breakfast. When the ice wagon came along and my little grandchild called my attention to it, I started to say, “No, I will not take ice for this is my chill day.” (I was in the habit of taking ice only on the day I had fever). Then I stopped myself and said, “Yes, I will take ice,” and I drank ice water all day. I was healed and in two months had gained about twenty-five pounds in flesh.”
Different nationalities are now hearing the Gospel in their own “tongue wherein they were born.” Sister Anna Hall spoke to the Russians in their church in Los Angeles, in their own language as the Spirit gave utterance. They were so glad to hear the truth that they wept and even kissed her hands. They are a very simple, pure, and hungry people for the full Gospel. The other night, as a company of Russians were present in the meeting, Bro. Lee, a converted Catholic, was permitted to speak their language. As he spoke and sang, one of the Russians came up and embraced him. It was a holy sight, and the Spirit fell upon the Russians, as well as on others, and they glorified God.
A baptismal service was held at Terminal Island, one of the beaches near Los Angeles. One hundred and six persons were baptized in the ocean. About 500 people went down from Los Angeles and spent the day. A number of extra cars were filled and such a singing, shouting, joyful company Terminal Island never saw before. The day was spent in services of worship and the baptismal service. Bro. Seymour performed the baptismal services. All were immersed.
Monrovia, Pasadena, San Pedro, Sawtelle, and Whittier are places about Los Angeles that are catching the Pentecostal fire. Elysian Heights and Hermon, suburbs of Los Angeles have cottage prayer meetings where souls are being baptized with the Holy Ghost. Two holiness churches, one in Los Angeles and one in Monrovia have caught the fire, the ministers and numbers of the congregation having received the Pentecost and are speaking with tongues. The Burning Bush workers in Los Angeles came into the movement in a body and numbers of the different missions and the New Testament and Nazarene people are being filled with the Spirit and carrying the blessed light to other hungry souls. It is not our desire to tear down churches but to make new churches out of old ones. We pray for God to send the Pentecost to every church.
We earnestly invoke God to manage the publication of this sheet and He is editor-in-chief and business manager. We publish it with the clear leading of the Lord. Hundreds of workers and missionaries will be represented in it. We wish no human writer to receive any honor but that it might be all to the glory of God, and that it may voice the power and presence of Almighty God who is moving on the people in Los Angeles and over the world. We start with not a cent in sight, but in the little upper room office above the mission on Azusa street, we dropped on our knees and asked Him to send the means to publish the paper. In a short time, the money began to be sent in. No debt will be incurred. The paper will only be published as the money comes in advance.
A message that was given in tongues for God’s people was this, “Humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God.” He is now about to move on the world in a mighty wave of Pentecostal power and salvation. A sister had a vision of God’s people as vessels that were full, and the Lord said, “The vessels must be emptied and I will fill them.”
A brother who has been baptized with the Holy Ghost was arrested on account of the disturbance which the preaching of the Gospel created among the people who crowded about the tent in Pasadena. As he stood to answer the accusation of disturbing the peace, another brother says he saw an angel standing by his side. He was released. The Lord has been doing great things in that place and we expect greater things.
Some workers were preaching on the street corner in Los Angeles and a poor drunkard had just been saved, when a policeman came up and ordered them to stop, and took two of them off to jail. The sister sang all the way to the jail and shouted and prayed while they were there. They soon were anxious to get rid of them and let them go. Meantime the other workers returned to the mission and told how the workers had been arrested and they all went to the altar and prayed and arose praising God; and soon in walked the ones who had been arrested. We are ready not only to go to prison, but to give our lives for Jesus.
A band of three missionaries, Bro. Andrew Johnson and Sisters Louise Condit and Lucy M. Leatherman, who have been baptized with the Holy Ghost and received the gift of languages, have left for Jerusalem, going by way of Oakland, leaving there Aug. 10th. Reports came of meetings on the way that four souls received the Pentecost in Colorado Springs and three in Denver.
Bro. Johnson has received seven different languages, one of which is the Arabic. Sister Leatherman speaks the Turkish language, and while in Oakland, some were talking on the street about the gift of tongues, Sister Leatherman began to speak just as a man wearing the Turkish fez came by. He listened in wonder and asked what college she had attended, saying she spoke the most perfect Turkish tongue he had heard spoken by a foreigner. He was an educated man from a Turkish college in Constantinople. She told him the Holy Ghost gave her the language which she did not understand herself and he was the first person that had interpreted for her.
When we leave the Blood out, Satan has power to switch us into fanaticism, but no powers out of hell are able to make their way through the Blood.
September 2003 Report
September 2003 Report
In Bulgaria…
Our ministry team has marked an outstanding month of ministry. As the actual Bulgarian harvest continues through the month of October, the ministry gathers fruits from our labor for the Kingdom.
Radio Ministry
We have received two parallel offers to extend our radio ministry. The first one is to add a round-table discussion segment to our weekly broadcast in the Yambol region. The discussion will include pastors from local congregation who are willing to participate in this media endeavor. A specified time during our regular program will be devoted to answering questions on-air and discussing current events. This is a great statement of recognition for the Pentecostal influence our ministry brings in the area and a new way to use the media for our Kingdom work.
The second offer is for a broadcast on NET Radio – a Bulgarian national broadcast network which reaches seven major cities in the country. We will be able to participate in a Sunday morning segment between 9 and 10 a.m. local time.
Several villages have requested our broadcasts to be run on their local radio networks. We also have been successful in broadcasting sermons and radio segments through our internet ministry.
Healing Reports
Among the several healing reports which we received in September one stands out among the rest. It is the testimony of a 68-year old lady who had been sick for many years.
After supporting her in a 21-day fast in the middle of the night she felt a strong electrical power going through her body and heard a voice that told her, “Go and testify, God healed me, God healed me, God healed me. Needless to say she did not go back to sleep that night. Early in the morning she went to the doctor who after a thorough check-up certified a complete healing of the disease.
Bulgarian Elections 2003
In the month of October Bulgaria is facing local government elections. The coalition between the Simeon II National Movement (SNM) and the mainly ethnic Turkish Movement for Rights and Freedoms (MRF) is increasingly unpopular and suffers from serious internal divisions. The prime minister, Simeon Saxe-Coburg, carried out a limited restructuring of his cabinet in July, but this is not likely to restore the government’s popularity. The October 2003 local elections may provoke a deeper split in the SNM, causing the next general election to be brought forward to 2004.
We have organized all churches where we minister for prayer and fasting for successful results. On September 23 our ministry team had a meeting with more than 20 village mayors from the Yambol region. The meeting continued for more than four hours, as taking a lead away from the agenda, mayors began asking questions about the Bible, the book of Revelation, the number 666 and bar-code analogies, the Bible Code and other popular Biblical topics. At the end of the meeting they all requested prayer. As the power of the Holy Spirit was explicitly evident, all present in the meeting were emotionally touched and in tears. We only pray that this single event of God’s presence and power witnesses to the hearts of these men and allows them to include our ministry work in the governing plans for their respective areas.
In October …
We are planning a training seminar event for the month of October with a water baptism service strategically chosen for this time of the year after the end of the Bulgarian harvest.