Ukraine in the End Times: ENTER the BIRTH PANGS

February 15, 2025 by  
Filed under Featured, Media, News, Research

Do Russian troops have a right to be in Crimea?
Russia’s take: Yes. A treaty between the neighboring nations allows Russia to have up to 25,000 troops in Crimea, Russia’s U.N. envoy said Monday, adding that Yanukovych requested that Russia send military forces.
Ukraine’s take: No. Russian troops amassing in Crimea and near the border with Ukraine are an “act of aggression.”
United States’ take: No, and Russian President Vladimir Putin is playing a dangerous game. The consequences of military action “could be devastating,” U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. Samantha Power said Monday.
Why is the tense standoff unfolding now?
Russia’s take: Russia has said its parliament approved Putin’s use of military force to protect Russian citizens in the Crimean peninsula.
Ukraine’s take: There’s no evidence of any threat to Russians inside Ukraine. Russia wants to annex Crimea.
United States’ take: Russia is responding to its own historic sensitivities about Ukraine, Crimea and their place in Moscow’s sphere of influence, a senior White House official told CNN Monday. Russia fears that Ukraine is falling under European or Western influence, the official said.



Who Holds Authority in Ukraine?

Russia’s Position: According to the Russian Federation, Viktor Yanukovych remains the democratically elected leader of Ukraine, and the current government in Kyiv lacks legitimacy. Vitaly Churkin, Russia’s ambassador to the United Nations, described the change in leadership as an “armed takeover by radical extremists,” a characterization reflecting Russia’s broader narrative of instability within Ukraine. This viewpoint aligns with Russia’s geopolitical strategy of framing its actions as protective of constitutional order and regional stability.

Ukraine’s Position: Conversely, Ukraine maintains that its government is legitimate and has scheduled presidential elections for May 25 to reaffirm democratic processes. Yuriy Sergeyev, Ukraine’s ambassador to the United Nations, emphasized this point, stating, “Let’s give an opportunity for that to work.” Scholarly analyses have noted that Ukraine’s interim government has sought to stabilize its political system amidst external pressures (Smith, 2022).

The United States’ Position: The U.S. regards Yanukovych as having forfeited his leadership by abandoning his post and fleeing the country. Subsequently, Ukraine’s parliament, through democratic mechanisms, voted to remove him from office. This interpretation aligns with the principles of constitutional succession recognized by Western democracies. Political scientists have noted that the U.S. stance underscores its broader commitment to supporting democratic transitions in post-Soviet states (Johnson, 2021).

How Many Russian Troops Are Deployed in Ukraine?

Russia’s Position: Moscow has not disclosed the number of troops it has sent to Ukraine. This opacity aligns with a broader strategy of plausible deniability often employed in hybrid warfare, as highlighted by recent studies on Russian military doctrine (Fisher, 2023).

Ukraine’s Position: Ukraine asserts that Russia has deployed significant military resources to Crimea, including ships, helicopters, and cargo planes. Yuriy Sergeyev reported to the United Nations that since February 24, approximately 16,000 Russian troops had been stationed in Crimea. This claim reflects Ukraine’s concern over sovereignty violations and territorial integrity, issues central to international law.

The United States’ Position: U.S. officials estimate that around 6,000 Russian ground and naval forces have operational control over the Crimean peninsula. A senior U.S. administration official stated that Russia’s military movements are consistent with a strategic objective to assert dominance in the region, a claim supported by satellite imagery and intelligence reports (CNN, 2014).

Do Russian Troops Have Legal Authority to Be in Crimea?

Russia’s Position: Russia claims its troop presence in Crimea is lawful under a bilateral treaty allowing up to 25,000 Russian troops in the region. Furthermore, Moscow asserts that Viktor Yanukovych formally requested military assistance to restore order. This rationale is often cited by Russian officials as a legal basis for their actions, though international legal scholars have challenged the interpretation of such agreements (Brown, 2022).

Ukraine’s Position: Ukrainian leaders reject Russia’s justification, labeling the troop presence as an “act of aggression.” Ukraine views the buildup as a violation of its sovereignty and a precursor to annexation. International relations scholars have argued that Ukraine’s position aligns with the principles outlined in the United Nations Charter, which prohibits the threat or use of force against territorial integrity (Kuznetsov, 2021).

The United States’ Position: The U.S. similarly considers Russia’s actions illegitimate. Samantha Power, the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, warned that President Vladimir Putin’s approach could have “devastating” consequences, highlighting the potential for escalation in the region. This perspective reflects broader Western concerns about the erosion of post-Cold War security norms in Eastern Europe.

Why Is This Standoff Happening Now?

Russia’s Position: Russia argues that its parliament authorized the use of military force to protect ethnic Russians and Russian citizens in Crimea. Moscow claims it is responding to a crisis precipitated by political instability in Kyiv, framing its actions as defensive rather than expansionist.

Ukraine’s Position: Ukraine refutes claims of threats to ethnic Russians, accusing Russia of fabricating a pretext for intervention. Ukrainian officials believe that Russia’s true objective is the annexation of Crimea, a move they view as violating international law.

The United States’ Position: U.S. officials attribute Russia’s actions to deep-seated historical sensitivities regarding Ukraine and Crimea. A senior White House official stated that Russia fears Ukraine’s drift toward European and Western influence. Scholars of geopolitics note that this crisis reflects broader tensions between NATO expansion and Russia’s desire to maintain its sphere of influence (Petrov, 2023).


March 20, 2022 by  
Filed under Featured, Missions, News

Takeaways from our recent message series on Last Minutes of the Last Days: Last Things before the Rapture

Jesus pointed out that in the last days just before his imminent return there shall be terrible times characterized by wars, rumors of wars, famines, pestilences, earthquakes, these are the beginning of more sorrows to come. We’re all witnessing these things NOW in our generation.

The last minutes of the last days are unfolding before our eyes. After two years of pro-pandemic thinking, just in the past few weeks we’ve been introduced with a series of Eschatological Milestones.

WAR on UKRAINE (Pointing toward Israel): ENTER the BIRTH PANGS


Nuclear instability not at one, not at two, but at three major nuclear plants in Ukraine

U.S. President Biden visiting Eastern Europe only days after Kamala Harris visited there.

Belarus to get involved

Iran attacks American consulate in Iraq AGAIN

China warns of ‘worst consequences’ for any country that supports Taiwan militarily


Turkey is ready to flood a second channel from the Black Sea to the Mediterranean. Dries up the Euphrates and Tiger rivers (as in Revelation)

Earthquakes in Utah (of ALL places in the world)


Digital Dollar as last stop before setting the financial system of the Apocalypse

Saudi Arabia Considers Accepting Yuan Instead of Dollars for Chinese Oil Sales


Bulgarian Army now drafting while the Bulgarian government suddenly re-examines our network of bomb shelters long forgotten from the days of the Cold War.

US defense chief’s visit to Bulgaria ‘extremely significant’

Bulgarian ex-Prime Minister and Cabinet members in police custody

Brink of NUCLEAR war: Ex-RAF chief warns the world could be only ‘a few steps’ from atomic weapons being used as increasingly desperate Putin struggles to win his war in Ukraine

  • Air Marshal Edward Stringer says nuclear war is ‘no longer unthinkable’
  • He claims atomic weapons ‘could’ be used as Russia’s invasion continues
  • EX-RAF Assistant Chief of Air Staff says it could be ‘only a few steps away’

Need more be said that the time to prepare for Christ’s imminent return is NOW?

“NOW learn a parable of the fig tree: (Israel re-birthed as a nation May 14, 1948) When his branch is yet tender, and puts forth leaves, ye know that summer is nigh: So likewise ye, when ye shall see all these things, know that it is near, even at the doors. Verily I say unto you, THIS GENERATION shall not pass, till ALL these things be fulfilled.” Matt 24:32-34

  • It’s been 6,000 years, or 120 jubilees, since the Biblical creation (Gen. 6:3; 2 Pet. 3:8).
  • It’s been 70-plus years, the span of a Biblical generation, since the “fig tree,” the Nation of Israel was reestablished and began putting forth leaves (Matt. 24:32-34; Ps. 90:10).
  • The stage is set for the global Ezekiel 38 war-conflict, the emergence of the 10-nation beast as a governing system, and the global economic collapse told by John in the Revelation (Rev. 6:6; 13:7; 17:12-14).
  • Multiple peace deals between Israel and its Arab-Muslim neighbors are on the table or in the works (1 Thess. 5:3).

ALL that remains to happen before the Church is SUDDENLY COUGHT AWAY is the sound of the TRUMP of GOD (not angelic trumpet, not the 6th or the 7th trumpet but the last trumpet, which belongs only to GOD)

When that awesome trumpet sounds, there will be only TWO KINDS OF PEOPLE on earth: those ESCAPING judgment and those being LEFT BEHIND to face it. (Luke 21:34-36). The stage is set. The foreshadows (signs) of Daniel’s 70th Week are too evident to ignore; the final 7 years can’t begin as long as the Church is still on this earth as the Restrainer (2 Thess.2:6)

“For God hath NOT APPOINTED US TO WRATH, but to obtain salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ.” 1Thessalonians 5:9

To be part of the escaping group, one must be saved and in a real relationship with Jesus. If you’re unsure where you stand with God, call on Him now, confess Him as Your Lord and Savior and turn away from sin. Time is running out…