Mission Bulgaria 2009: Ministering at First Assemblies of God in Sofia

July 25, 2009 by  
Filed under Featured, News, Video

From ministering in the Ghetto, we traveled to the heart of the capital to preach at the First Assemblies of God in Sofia located in the downtown area of Sofia. This is the oldest Pentecostal church in town, which was established in the 1930s as a direct result of the Pentecostal revival which has swept through Bulgaria. Today, the church is pastured by Rev. Victor Virchev, who also currently serves as the President of the Bulgarian Pentecostal Union. In recent years, the old building was remodeled to create a modern ministry center which serves as headquarters of the Bulgarian Pentecostal Union in its partnership with the Assemblies of God and has become an important religious symbol of Sofia in its downtown location. We ministered in the main service on Sunday morning and were able to present Pastor Virchev with a copy of the revised Constantinople Bible, which our ministry published in the beginning of 2009.

Mission Bulgaria 2009: Ministering at the Gipsy Ghetto of Phakulteta

July 20, 2009 by  
Filed under Featured, News, Video

The Gipsy ghetto of Phakulteta is located in the northeast side of the capital Sofia with a population of some 120,000 people, which makes it larger than the average Bulgarian town. It comprises a substantial part of the population of Sofia, which now numbers over two million people. In recent years, Phakulteta has been a place of ethnic tensions produced in the middle of extreme poverty and the war of local crime clans which rule the area.

There, we have focused our ministry efforts in the past several years through regular preaching, prayer meetings, and leadership seminars for pastors, youth rallies and music fests. As many have noticed in the recent months while we have ministered at the Life Church of God in the Sofia gipsy ghetto, the extremeness of the context in which we minister there and the deep needs of the people, often draw the attention of God with powerful anointing and supernatural miracles. However, this last service was so powerful in the Spirit that it put all present on their knees for prayer in the alter service which followed the message. We were able to broadcast live the event and we are grateful that video recorded from the service can be now watched by many showing the heavy presence of the Holy Spirit, which no words can truly describe. We are scheduled to return to Philpovtsy soon for a series of revival services, which will reunite the local churches in a regional seminar on Last Day Prophecy.

TrackBack: http://www.cogwm.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=2436&Itemid=60

Rock The River Tour 2009

June 15, 2009 by  
Filed under News, Video

Say Ye to the Righteous: “It shall be well”

March 1, 2009 by  
Filed under Media, Missions, News, Video

Click on the link to download and listen to the message https://cupandcross.com/mp3s/2009-pahokee.wav

Say Ye to the Righteous is a message preached at the 12th Annual Mission Conference in Pahokee, Florida

transcripted via: https://cupandcross.com/index.php/say-ye-to-the-righteous/

and broadcasted on: http://www.cogwm.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=1945&Itemid=60

Este sermón en español.

X 2008: Seeking the Heart of God in the Heart of Bulgaria (video)

August 15, 2008 by  
Filed under News, Video

The Story of Jesus for Children

December 1, 2007 by  
Filed under Video

The Story of Jesus for Children is one of our web ministry projects in progress. We first introduced the film as soon as it was made available in the Bulgarian vernacular in the summer of 2006. Since then, it has generated approximately 3,000 downloads per month in its DivX version. In September, 2007 we introduced its original DVD version which contained translation in Bulgarian, Turkish, Armenian, Russian and Romani (Gipsy) languages. Some 42,000 downloads of its DVD version were completed that month as our internet traffic surpassed ½ petabyte, which equals 500 TB. We are now working toward the release of the DivX version in Turkish and Romani (Gipsy) languages.

I shall Wear a Robe (MP3)

March 10, 2006 by  
Filed under Video

I shall Wear a Robe and a Crown

Click on the link to listen to the message: https://cupandcross.com/news/2004-05/I shall Wear a Robe and a Crown.mp3

Reviving Rain (MP3)

March 1, 2006 by  
Filed under Video

Click on the link to listen to the message: Reviving Rain

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