March 1, 2023 by  
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March 1, 2023

There is a good reason we signed off our final 2022 newsletter with our slogan of 30+ years: “Revival must go on,” after our Revival Harvest Campaign was extended five times over a four-month period last year.

Revival runs deep in our family roots. During the Great Bulgarian Pentecostal Revival in the 1920s, my grandmother was miraculously healed on her death bed from tuberculosis, saved and filled with the Spirit along with our whole family five generations back.

Exactly 70 years later, I was saved in the post-Communist Revival in Bulgaria prophesied by Danish journalist Johny Noer, who openly challenged the communist authorities with the words: “Let my people go!” I was filled with the Spirit and called to the Ministry within two weeks time. Having never seen anything like this before, without any prior theological training or spiritual experience, I witnessed over 300 students getting saved in the little mountain church where I began preaching.

In 1995, I saw another revival among the Bulgarian immigrants in Chicago, where within one short summer of organizing the Bulgarian Church there, some 100+ were saved and 64 of them became members of the Narragansett Church of God where we held meetings.

I was blessed to preach multiple back-to-back revival meetings again through the summer of 1999 in South Carolina and then again in the early 2017 in Mississippi, Tennessee, Alabama, Georgia, Florida, the Carolinas and across Europe in the fall of that same year. But all this did not happen until after the 2011 Tennessee tornadoes, when we saw the cloud of His glory over a youth camp we held in the mountains of Bulgaria in a grass-roots student revival that just could not be stopped by the establishment. It was then that we distinctly heard from the Spirit to move to our current location and wait for The Revival. And even after we gave a word at the Regional Church of God exactly nine months before the massive school revival of Delbarton, West Virginia broke out there in 2016, it just didn’t feel this was it.

A little bit over ten long years have now passed in this location of daily prayers for revival and if all the fasting through years was to be added, it will probably amount to a good fifth of that whole time. If we have learned one thing through this long period of fervent waiting, it is that revival cannot be faked. Oh, you can try of course, but you ain’t fooling God with it. Neither can you fake healing – and this word in particular should not be taken lightly in the new reality of our post-covid world.

And if the Spirit is indeed doing a new thing in our day today, it will not be tongues, gifts or offices, but a return to Biblical holiness. For holiness cannot be faked either. It is transparent before both men and God. And just because people do not like the political church run by a corporate business-model any longer, it does not make them a mission field. But it does call for a harvest that no one has gathered yet! And for this reason, REVIVAL MUST GO ON… until the Holiness of God prevail!


2022: Revival Harvest Campaign 

2021: Revelation Revival at Cookson Creek

2020: Coronavirus Statement

2019: Revival Must Go On… 

2018 Revival Harvest Campaign: REBUILDING the WALLS

2017 Prophetic Revival in Bulgaria: The Search for Holiness Continues

2017 Last Days Great REVIVAL

2016 School Youth Revival Takes Over Delbarton, West Virginia

2016 110 Years ago, the Azusa Street Revival Began with a Fast

2016 Speaking in Tongues in America Prior to the Azusa Street Revival of 1906 (Diamonds in the Rough-N-Ready Series)


2015 Why Revival Came? by Dr. Charles Conn

2015 La France District Revival

2014 25 Year Revival Cycles in Bulgaria’s Protestant History

2014 Revival Harvest Campaign 2014 in Varna and Signing of the Scrolls

2013 End of Days Revival Series

2012 12.12.12. Revival at the End of the World

2012 Revival Harvest Campaign 2012: Revival Must Go On…

2011 WAR ON THE SAINTS: Revival Dawn and the Baptism of the Spirit


2011 Historic Pentecostal Revival Tour in Bulgaria Continues

2010 Revival BULGARIA

2009 Fresh Revival Fire

2009 Revival Begins in Chicago

2008 Revival Bulgaria 2 Film Released

2008 Revelation Revival

2007 Deliverance Revival

2007 Revelation Revival Continues

2007 Revival in Bulgaria Again

2007 Healing Revival

2007 Miracle Revival Crusade

2006 Mission Maranatha in Revival

2006 Healing in the Midst of Revival

2006 Revival Harvest Compaign

2005 Revival in Bulgaria Again

2005 Revival Harvest Campaign

2004 Revival Harvest Campaign Results

2004 Is There Revival in Bulgaria?

2003 Postcommunist Protestant Revival in Bulgaria

Revival Harvest Campaign 2003

2002 Revival BULGARIA


2001 Revival at La France

2000 Celebrating 10 Years in the Ministry

1999 Revivals