Accepting a Vision

May 5, 2004 by  
Filed under 365, News

Vision is a clear, challenging picture of the future of a ministry it can and must be. First, the vision must be a clear statement in order to be understood and acted upon. Secondly, vision is a challenging statement in order to bring a group of people to a next level. Then, the vision is a picture, a visual imagination rather than simply a sequence of words. Fourth, the vision must be related to the future and in this way to act as a prophetic guidance. Fifth, a vision can be. This means that a vision is able to exist and is able to empower others. Finally, a vision must be which means that a true vision brings urgency in itself.

Churches can exist in various status of vision among which are: multi-vision, wrong vision, no vision and single vision. A successful church operates under one, single, unified vision supernaturally given by God and based on the Great Commission which determines its pursuit of lost souls.

Your vision will inevitably determine the direction of your work. In order to serve as a ground work for what follows next in the church-planting process, the vision must provide purpose, mission and location. The purpose will determine what the future organization will do. The mission will establish the means of getting it done. The location will help establish a knowledge center where beilevers will assemble in order to obtain answers for certain needs. These can be determined by the purpose and mission of the church.

In all human efforts, a true church cannot be established without a vision from God. However, capturing vision is a very personal process which involves knowing yourself, knowing your ministry context and knowing God. A vision, then, can be obtained only through the Biblical means of prayer, fasting and solitude.

Since it is not a quick fix, a true vision emerges over a period of waiting on God. It has also been noted that the process of obtaining the vision is often longer than the realization of the vision itself. Such method clearly invests not only in the fulfillment of a project, but also in the personal growth of the individual and the community which undertakes it.

Get ready to share the vision you have accepted through:
1. Presenting the vision in a concise memorizeble form which clearly expresses its purpose and goals.
2. Make a continuous and constant presence of the vision in your methodology through preaching, teaching, discipleship, conference and other methods of communication.
3. Consider the vision as the basis of your ministry strategies.
4. Provide a more descriptive statement of the means through which the vision will be brought to realization.
The above process involves not only capturing, but also taking ownership of the vision. The great leader is a servant of the dream. The vision will never become a reality unless you can communicate it to others who can see your commitment to fulfill it. Thus, you personify the vision. Only then will the vision become a common vision and form the identity of your congregation.

(Excerpt from Analytical Overview and Church Planting Proposal for Bulgarian American Congregations Considering Cultural, Economical And Leadership Dimensions)