Bulgarian Socialist Leader Expelled

With over 100 votes at today’s meeting of the National Council of the BSP, they expelled the resigned leader of the party, Kornelia Ninova. She was at the head of the formation for eight years. The decision was supported by 105 votes “for”, 16 “against” and four abstained.

Along with Ninova, Georgi Svilenski, Ivan Chenchev and Krum Donchev were excluded from the left formation. There are seven reasons for the release of Ninova and her three party members. Among the main reasons for their exclusion is non-compliance with the decision from which constituency Ninova and Svilenski should run for parliament.

„ Legally, we are in absolute precedent – a chairman who is expelled from the party but is chairman by court order. Give us time to think about the situation. Our efforts must be aimed at the BSP’s appearance in the elections,” said the resigned leader Ninova. She added that they refused to vote by roll call at the plenum.

Gheorgi Svilenski said that the agenda of the National Council of the party consisted of two points – about the current situation and about the domestic political order. “For the second point, the reasons for imposing punishments on the four should have been read – to Cornelia Ninova, to me, to Ivan Chenchev and to Krum Donchev. There were no reasons for this decision and Zafirov’s answer to Donchev was: “In principle”. Donchev is excluded “in principle”. This decision was made between 65 and 70 people, and people who are not members of the National Council were also present in the hall, Svilenski said, adding that he had asked the presenter Christian Vigenin three times to check the quorum, but he had refused.

In his words, the procedure for Ninova’s exclusion is not the same as the steps for the release of other party members. “She was elected chairman of the party by 57,000 socialists”, he added.

Ninova explained that on the one hand she wants to leave the leadership post, on the other hand her fellow party members want her resignation. “This can only be done in Congress, they refused to call Congress, they refused to let me in. They will keep me here as a hostage to legitimize their iniquities. I have given a power of attorney to Georgi Svilenski and Ivan Chenchev, they will participate in the registration of the lists, she added.
