National Tour

October 25, 2005 by  
Filed under News is one of our ministry websites dedicated to the study of the Bible in the Bulgarian vernacular. In the past years, it has become a web place where approximately 1,000 people come daily to discuss the text of the Bible as well as the critical, historical and social issues connected to it.

In the summer of 2005, our team envisioned, organized and executed a national tour of the website. This included traveling to over 25 churches, presenting study modules, holding round table discussions, revival and youth services, and of course numerous meetings with people who have worked with us in this great ministry project. The tour was featured by several Christian TV and radio programs and was met with great anticipation by both Christian and secular audiences. The tour accomplished several strategic purposes:

1. Meeting in person with the website’s visitors
2. Reuniting with team members to chart next year’s strategy
3. Receiving authentic feedback to help make the website a better Christian community
4. Putting real faces with the virtual reality of the website
5. Popularizing the idea of Christian ministry via the internet
