The Work of the Spirit in Rhode Island (1874-75)

August 30, 2015 by  
Filed under Featured, News

From B.F. Lawrence, “A History of the Present Latter Rain Outpouring of the Holy Spirit Known as the Apostolic or Pentecostal Movement,” The Weekly Evangel, 22 January 1916

From B.F. Lawrence, “A History of the Present Latter Rain Outpouring of the Holy Spirit Known as the Apostolic or Pentecostal Movement,” The Weekly Evangel, 22 January 1916.

Group Work

October 25, 2004 by  
Filed under 365, News

small20group1by Kathryn Donev

Group work is an interesting phenomenon in and of itself. It even reflects scripture in that the Bible commands us to not forsake social gatherings. We are a being that will not function properly if left alone. Thus, simply being in a group setting provides for a reconstructive and supportive experience, which is needed for healthy development.

Some common themes of group work which appear to be most instrumental in producing change is of course being in relationship with others and then there is the concept of universality. Support groups provide to each member the feeling that he or she is not alone. Members in a group setting realize that their feelings which were once thought of as unique, are the same feelings that other members are experiencing. In knowing that one is not alone, he or she is able to take place in a reconstructive cognitive experience in which he or she is able to think more clearly on a particular issues. Being in fellowship with others, allows for us to become less self-centered and become more altruistic.

In being aware of the need for social support and in understanding that leading a group can be physically and emotionally consuming, a group leader must also realize the need to find support for him or her self. It is important to not take on the burdens of others if one is not able or ready to do so.