Recommending Dr. George D. Voorhis’ New Book

August 15, 2010 by  
Filed under Featured, News

auesAfter studying theology for 11 years on a graduate level and practicing theology in the ministry for over 20, I have finally found the textbook of Arminian faith, rightly dividing and soundly presenting the truth of the Bible – that God’s will was to give man a choice to be saved to eternity or be lost to hell.

Dr. George D. Voorhis founder of East Coast Bible College and one of my favorite professors from my early college years has presented his work of many years under the title: The 6,000 Year Christian War (4004 B.C. to 2007 A.D.): Against Unconditional Eternal Security. This book of over 400 pages takes the Calvin-Arminian argument from every angle possible and once and for all puts it to an end. The best part of the whole story is that Dr. V, as he is know among his students, beats Calvinists with their own arguments; and beaten at their own arguments, they just cannot argue them anymore.

The book presents the foundation of Calvinism, Calvin’s own writings and their developmental failure as theology. A detailed outline of scripture follows with their respective exegetical and apologetic interpretations. No scripter that has ever been quoted by Calvinist in support of Eternal Security is left unanswered. All are rightly divided and properly interpreted to show their right meaning. Four groups of scriptures are categorized in defense of the doctrine of human free will: (1) Bible statements warning of punishment in case of backsliding, (2) the scripter’s of human will going against God’s will, (3) the Bible stories of saved men and women who backslide and (4) the “if” statements of the Bible. At the end, the book presents the story of Jacob Arminian and his theology, which through the use of Wesleyan praxis became the foundation of the holiness-renewal movement and modern day Pentecostalism.

The conclusion of the book is simple and everyone can understand it. God gave men and women free will to make their own choice on the salvation which He offers freely. If you backslide before Christ returns, you fall for eternity. This is not to be interpreted as self-righteousness, but faith which produces fruit as the Bible commands. And something more: people who use eternal security to live their lives like the devil, can be secure that they will spend eternity in hell if they do not repent.

I give my highest recommendation to every Christian who is seeking wholeheartedly the will of God for his/her life. If you want to practice theology in a pluralistic society, reading this book is a must.