How to Start a Bulgarian Church in America from A-to-Z

Administration of Mission Three Year Plan
Rev. Dony K. Donev, D. Min.
Church of God Theological Seminary, 2003

Since 1990 Cup & Cross Ministries International has provided a dynamic Pentecostal style of leadership to the global scene of Christian ministry. With a major influence in Eastern Europe, our efforts have been focused on developing and coordinating ministry teams and supporting pastors and evangelists in the country of Bulgaria. This vision has been persistently reached through the means of Christian education, personal development, ministerial conferences, leadership seminars, media broadcasting, and a great number of other nontraditional styles of ministry. As a result, groups of churches within the Church of God and other denominations and whole regions such as the Yambol, Sofia, Sliven and Pravetz regions of Bulgaria have bought into the ministries’ vision and have followed the strategies designed to empower and enlarge their ministerial productivity.

Cup & Cross Ministries International has seized a great number of global harvest opportunities as well. It has been active in the church involvement with the European Union integration with Great Britain in 2001 and 2003, Finland in 1997, Israel in 2000 and Romania in 2001. By the use of modern technology, we have also been able to assist in ministry endeavors in Russia, the Ukraine, Macedonia, South Africa, India, the Philippines and France. Since 1994 the ministry has assisted churches across the United States and has strategically planned and developed a process which incorporates Bulgarian Evangelical Churches in North America. The first success of this endeavor was the establishment of the Bulgarian Evangelical Church of God in Chicago in 1995. Since then twelve more Bulgarian churches have been started in strategic immigration gateways across the United States and Canada. For the past four years our team have been involved in the process of starting a Bulgarian Evangelical Church in the city of Atlanta. Read complete paper (PDF)
