National Tour in Silistra
The town of Silistra is located in northeastern Bulgaria at the Danube River. This was the location the National Tour 2005 team held services over the weekend. We arrived Saturday morning and conducted two training modules and then had two more in the afternoon session. On Sunday morning we concluded with a service where over one hundred people where in attendance. The building where the church congregation meets is an old communist hall, which for 45 years during the communist regime was used to speak against God. The building was given over to the congregation in 1990, which became the first church in the town of Silistra after the fall of the Berlin wall. Such church planting was not without with much trials and tribulations both physically and spiritually. The testimony of God’s miraculous power is that the exact location used to speak against God became the place, which God used for many other churches to come forth. It was a true blessing to be able to minister to the people of the church in Silistra and we are grateful of the opportunity that after nearly a half a century of persecution, God’s word was preached again freely.