Preaching Through All Means
Since the completion of the Bulgarian Audio Bible project in 2003 and its following success, our team has focused in the development of ministry related media. Among the number of websites which we have released in the past two years, we have been striving to recover a large amount of sermons, teachings and other Christian materials from church and personal archives. In this process, over 2,000 audio and video sermons and the curriculum of two Bible schools in the Bulgarian vernacular have been published on the internet, as we are continuing to work with a special focus on the Church of God School of Ministry classes. Our ongoing work with several Bulgarian Christian televisions and production companies has allowed us to increase the success of this ministry. The results have exceeded our greatest expectations, as over 3,500 Bulgarians around the world visit our websites and use the available resources every day. It has been several months since we passed the 1 terabit (one million megabits) monthly download mark. This number alone exceeds several times the overall book, audio and video tapes, CDs, DVDs and Blu-Ray sales and distribution of virtually all Christian bookstores and organizations operating on the territory of Bulgaria.
Of course, this ministry over the internet requires a great amount of resources and knowledge and even greater dedication, as the demand for more Christian media in the Bulgarian cyberspace is growing at a fast pace. Beside all ongoing projects, our team has made the decision to open a new website in the next few weeks will combine all available Christian media available in the Bulgarian language in one easy to use resource. This website will implement a You Tube like structure, which will allow the visitor not only to view and experience the media content, but also to participate in its development and distribution. It is our sincere hope that through this means the message of salvation reaches places where we cannot personally go and ministers to people which we cannot reach through our hardest physical efforts. In order for revival to go on in Bulgaria, the Gospel must be preached through all means.