The King Can’t Sleep Tonight

August 30, 2014 by  
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Rapture of the Church

August 25, 2014 by  
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Revelation at River Hills

August 20, 2014 by  
Filed under Events, Featured, News

Revelation Revealed

August 15, 2014 by  
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Revelation Revealed

Pentecostal and Charismatic Journals

August 10, 2014 by  
Filed under Featured, News, Publication


Online Pentecostal Academic Journals

August 5, 2014 by  
Filed under Featured, News, Research


Asian Journal of Pentecostal Studies (AJPS) – associated with the Asia Pacific Theological Seminary in the Philippines (Assemblies of God Philippines) – volumes from 1998-present – FREE ONLINE

Australasian Pentecostal Studies (APS) – 1999-present – FREE ONLINE

Canadian Journal of Pentecostal-Charismatic Christianity – 2010-present – FREE ONLINE

Cyberjournal for Pentecostal-Charismatic Research – 1997-2013 – FREE ONLINE

Encounter: Journal for Pentecostal Ministry – associated with the Assemblies of God Theological Seminary – volumes from 2004-present – FREE ONLINE

Journal of the European Pentecostal Theological Association (JEPTA) – associated with the European Pentecostal Theological Association – volumes from 1981-present – FREE ONLINE through 2009 / Members access to 2010-present

Journal for Pentecostal Theology (JPT) – volumes from 1992-present – Members access only

The Pentecostal Educator – associated with the World Alliance for Pentecostal Theological Education – volumes 2014-present – FREE ONLINE [FORTHCOMING]

PentecoStudies: Online Journal for the Interdisciplinary Study of Pentecostal and Charismatic Movements – 2004-present – subscription

Pneuma: Journal of the Society for Pentecostal Studies – volumes from 1979-present – Members access only

PneumAfrica: The Online Journal of African Pentecostal Christianity – associated with the Association for Pentecostal Theological Education in Africa – volumes from 2013-present – FREE ONLINE

Pneuma Review – volumes from 1998-present – FREE ONLINE

I have intentionally not included the more pastoral and popular publications: Paraclete (1967-1995), Enrichment Journal (1995-present), or Enrich: A Journal for Pentecostal Ministry.

[CURRENT ON JULY 19, 2014]

Arrest and Imprisonment of Ekaterina Voronaev (1933)

August 1, 2014 by  
Filed under Books, Featured, News

The (un)Forgotten: Story of the Voronaev Children
Missions & Intercultural Studies
Dony K. Donev, D. Min.

Presented at the 40th Annual Meeting of the Society for Pentecostal Studies

“On one miserable cold, dark night in March 1933, Mother had gone to bed sick. After midnight a loud knock at the door awakened us. Three Secret Police officers entered and one of them shouted, “Citizen Ekaterina Voronaeff, you are under arrest.” Mother hurriedly dressed. My little brother and sister awoke and began to cry as they saw the police ripping our clothes and mattresses …. I can still see my mother standing in the middle of that awful room with graying hair, lips trembling on her sweet pale face, and her bright blue eyes filled with tears. Heartbroken, Timothy and Hope sobbed a last loving good-bye as our dear mother was dragged away to prison.”

51Sa1IcA8OL._SY344_PJlook-inside-v2,TopRight,1,0_SH20_BO1,204,203,200_[1]Ekaterina Voronaev would spend 24 long and horrible years in prison before seeing her children again. After being arrested on April 10, 1933 she spent 15 months in the Odessa prison interrogated constantly, 18 hours straight at times, and was sentenced to life imprisonment in mid-Asia. Petition sent to the Aid to Political Prisoners led by Ekaterina Peshkova (wife of Russian author Maxim Gorky) had little effect on the situation. Her children were allowed to see her only once, before she was sent to Siberia.

As both Voronaev parents were now in prison, and their American born boys had been safely returned, Paul, Hope and Timothy remained in Communist Russia. They were all born there, but this was hardly their country. Their parents have travelled the world and returned to their motherland only to find out it had become foreign to them. Paul was born somewhere on the Eastern Asian border, Hope and Timothy in Odessa, but now that they had no city on earth to call home and no one left to look after them. These children truly belonged to Heaven and God…
