Services in Stara Zagora

Our week included eight church services, the last one being in the city Stara Zagora. We traveled to Pravetz where we held two services – one on Saturday and one on Sunday. Then on Sunday we had two more services in Etropole and Yablanitza, after which we traveled to the other side of Bulgaria where we held services in the city of Varna. Our week concluded with a youth rally in Stara Zagora.

While the Pravetz meetings were emotional and the Varna meetings were powerful, the meeting in Stara Zagora included both tears and Pentecostal power. Youth from all evangelical churches in town came with their youth pastors and friends to the Messiah Church to watch our presentation and hear the message which initiated our National Bible Tour 2006.

I have preached many youth rallies and revivals both in the United States and in Bulgaria, but I must confess that I have never seen so many people in tears at the altar touched by the power of God and being transformed before our very eyes. We do not know yet what is to come in the city of Stara Zagora, but one thing remains for certain – God started something great in that city on July 1, 2006. The unquestionable proof of this statement was the lives touched during the services there and the testimonies which are continuing to come in.
