July 16, 2006 was the official release date of – a web-based radio promoting Christian values to Bulgarian Christians in Bulgaria and around the world. The web-based radio has been a long-term goal of our team. Many years ago, when this technology was still innovative we developed a module for progressive play of MP3 files purposing to present several Bulgarian gospel series. Since they were available for a free download from the website, we left the idea for web radio aside. Then, during the development of the Bulgarian Audio Bible in 2002-2003, we renewed our work on the project with the goal to play continuously Bible verses and chapters.

Finally, when we released the website for audio and video sermons, our team decided that we have the needed content to begin a 24-hours radio broadcast. The radio station was released and accepted with great interest. Currently, a 24-hour Bulgarian gospel play list is available online. We are currently working on four new options as follows: (1) Audio Bible modules, (2) talk shows, (3) sermons and (4) news block on the hour.
