Mega Youth Rally in Varna

September 20, 2006 by  
Filed under Media

As apart of the ten year anniversary of the creation of, we were invited to hold another Mega Youth Rally in the city of Varna near the Black Sea. One of the goals of the National Bible Tour has been to unite youth groups regardless of any existing barriers including denominational ones. Since the opening of the tour in Stara Zagora, we have been able to witness how God is the uniting force which brings people together regardless of differences. The event in Varna was hosted by the First Assemblies of God, while virtually every other evangelical congregation in the region was represented in a 400+ attendance.

The service began at 6:30 with worship which continued for over an hour. The message entitled the King Can’t Sleep was based on the book of Esther chapter six. The sermon was followed by a tremendous altar call where more than 400 youth rededicated their lives in service to the Lord. The praise and worship continued past 10:00 pm.

There has been something distinctly different about each of the youth rallies we have held as part of the National Bible Tour. We are thankful for this uniqueness of each event which is a direct result of leadership of the Holy Spirit. For only the Spirit knows what is needed for a particular time and a particular people.
