Global Day of Prayer

May 15, 2005, Pentecost Sunday, has been named Global Day of Prayer. A dream of mine has come to reality.

Several years ago I wrote a master’s thesis entitled Pentecostal Primitivism Preserved. The heart of the paper dealt with the essence of the Pentecostal faith and experience. After carefully examining the Wesleyan Quadrilateral, the thesis proposed that the true Pentecostal experience outgrows the Wesleyan formula and needs a more suitable paradigm of expression. I proposed that the basics of such expression include prayer, power and praxis.

Today this dream of mine is coming to reality as the Pentecostal movement calls the world for a global day of prayer on Pentecost Sunday and prayer and power come together again. It is inevitable that when the church prays, the power of the Holy Spirit will be manifested. And this is our prayer today, that indeed the resurrection power of the Holy Spirit is evident where people pray.
